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Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks Lab5 2007/05/30.

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1 Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks Lab5 2007/05/30

2 2 Objective Install sample code and study the procedure of sample code and be familiar with controlling the sensor module. Use sensor module of FT6251 (as end device) to collect data of your surroundings and report to FT6250 (as coordinator) through network. You can download all resource form TA’s web site.

3 3 HeatTester

4 4 Lab 5 Periodically report sensing data

5 5 Lab 5 Integrate networking and sensing –Let end devices could report sensing data to coordinator periodically. –Set MAX and MIN warning conditions. –Send out a warning message to coordinator timely and take alert action. Ex: Temperature warning - LED 0 blinks Humidity warning- LED 1 blinks –Coordinator show the received information on either HyperTerminal or your own UI through UART. Due day –6/15 Friday

6 6 Bonus Your own user interface –Change MAX and MIN warning conditions dynamically using your own UI without re- programming your devices. A small surveleillance system –Use multiple end devices and show the status of each end devices in your own UI. –Can set different constraints to each end devices.

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