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Reusable!? Or why DDI 3.0 contains a recycling bin.

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Presentation on theme: "Reusable!? Or why DDI 3.0 contains a recycling bin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reusable!? Or why DDI 3.0 contains a recycling bin

2 Why a reusable? Keeps commonly used elements and attributes in a single place so that whatever module you use, you can include all the extra pieces you need with a single scheme reference Allows for easy expansion of controlled terms with the update of a single scheme

3 Content types General Attribute sets String types Controlled language lists Common elements used throughout model Label Identification Version Module level element groups

4 Global Attributes Global attributes are similar to the set of attributes in 2.1 [ ID, xml:lang, source] Because 3.0 has a more robust structure for dealing with the source of the content, DDI 3.0 focuses on ID xml:lang Identification adds version number, version responsibility, date, and reason

5 String Types International String Structured String International Structured String Is a translation Can be translated Allows structured xhtml content Is both international and structured

6 Common Elements Date Single Range Cycle Reference Either a URN or ID, agency, and version number Version type Late or early bound Contributor type Role Affiliation Funding Information Agency, role, grant # Embargo Information Reason, agency and enforcing agency Administrative date types Life cycle events E-mail address structures

7 Label International string type Provide a date Provide a geographic location NOT JUST A COUNTRY Any geographic location described in the geographic coverage Designate type of label Designate maximum length

8 Identification Allows for full identification of an element including: ID Identifying agency Version Version number Version date Version responsibility Affiliation Reason for the version

9 Citation Think of your basic citation that you’d use in a bibliography PLUS location information if applicable: Title, subtitle, alternate title Creator Publisher Contributor Publication date Copyright

10 Universe [Coverage] Temporal Coverage Single Date, Date Range, and Type Geographic Coverage Dublin Core [text] Bounding Box [extent of coverage] Geographic content details and relationships Topical Coverage Dublin Core subject coverage

11 Notes Expanded detail Label Content Ownership Date Can be attached to any element that has an ID Single note with multiple references

12 Other Material Cover a multitude of 2.1 materials Source documents Section 5 “other materials” Physical maps Geographic files (shape files) The purpose of this section is reference and so contains only the basic bibliographic citation and location information if available Can be linked to any element with an ID

13 Controlled Vocabularies Administrative date types Time Zone Data Type Country Type with country type code used ISO county code 2 digit 3 digit numeric

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