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Truck suspensions.

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1 Truck suspensions

2 Conventional passive suspension
zs zu zr suspension spring suspension damper tyre stiffness Kt sprung mass (body) Ms unsprung mass (wheel, axle) Mu

3 Active suspension

4 Fully-active suspensions
Ms zs zu zr mC Mu Kt high bandwidth actuator control signal sensor data (a) Ms zs zu zr mC Mu Kt High BW actuator sensor data Ks (b) Static load supported by passive spring Actuator provides total suspension force

5 Slow-active suspension
Ms zs zu zr mC Mu Kt Lower BW actuator sensor data spring damper

6 Slow-active suspension

7 Semi-active suspension - dissipative forces only
Ms mC Mu Kt actuator sensor data Ks zr Fd Vs Vu dissipative actuator


9 Hardware-in-the-Loop simulation
Ms Mu Kt Ks Zr M68HC11 ADC DIO DAC Zu Zs Xvc accelerometer relative velocity sensor spool position command SIMULINK model

10 Vs Fd Qv = Ap|Vrel| Pst P1 = Pst + DP V1 P1 PV P2= Pst P2 Vr Pst V2 Q2
Ar Pst V1 P1 = Pst + DP P1 PV Extension: Vrel < 0 P2= Pst Ap+Ar P2 Vr Pst V2 Q2 Pst Vu Vrel = Vu - Vs Fd

11 Fd Vs Qv = Ar|Vrel| Pst V1 P1 = Pst + DP P1 PV Q1 Vr V2 P2 P2=P1 Pst
Contraction: Vrel > 0 Q1 Ap+Ar Vr V2 P2 P2=P1 Pst Pst Vu Vrel = Vu - Vs P1 = P2 = Pst + DP Fd

12 Proportional control valve
B flow Qv pressure P1 - DP pressure P1 Xv spool displacement T orifice flows solenoid LVDT

13 Mechanical design Determine the leading dimensions of the damper
rod length, diameter and wall thickness; inner tube bore and wall thickness; outer tube bore Remember the important specification that the bump and rebound force-velocity characteristics are to be symmetrical.

14 Damper design Convert the pressureflow envelope of figure 7 to a damping forcerelative velocity envelope for your design. Make plots on this chart of the damper force Fd versus relative velocity Vrel for values of Xv = 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 1.0. Make a separate plot of Fd versus Xv for different values of Vrel.

15 Spool position controller
Force controller Force controller Spool position controller Damper dynamics Force transducer Xvc Xv Fd Fdsa MSD force command Damper force + - Vrel

16 Feedforward + Feedback
Linear feedback controller Spool and damper dynamics Force transducer Xvfb Xvc Fd Fdsa + - Vrel Nonlinear feedforward controller Xvff

17 Force controller design
Given the linearised plant model, design a PI or PID controller for a chosen nominal operating condition, and check its robustness against changes in operating point. A suggested nominal operating condition is Fd0 = 2500 N, Vrel0 = 0.15 m/s. Recall the specification that the desired bandwidth for the force controller is 20 Hz.

18 rltool

19 Alternative controller design
Use the Ziegler-Nichols ‘ultimate sensitivity’ method to design a PI or PID controller. That is, initially set the integral and derivative gains to zero, and increase the proportional gain until the system oscillates on the point of instability. Then measure the ‘ultimate gain’ Ku and the ‘ultimate period’ Pu, and apply the tuning rules to obtain a first-cut set of values for the controller gains.

20 fctrl.mdl

21 MSD controller design Design a real-time program for the M68HC11 microcontroller to perform the semi-active damper control task. The MSD control law is defined in equations (4) and (5). Suitable initial parameter values are Cm = 45 kN/(m/s) and  = 0.2. (4) (5)

22 Implementation Then implement your program in a hardware-in-the-loop simulation, using the SIMULINK model HiL_sys provided. The roadway roughness input can be selected to be deterministic (e.g., sinusoidal corrugations) or random (corresponding to a road profile that could be encountered on a main road at 70 km/h). Time histories of simulation variables will be written into the MATLAB workspace, so that the performance of the controller can be assessed.

23 Design tools provided SIMULINK model, SIM_sys
This is identical with HiL_sys, except that a subsystem block M68HC11 is included as a representation of the microcontroller. You can modify this block to create your own SIMULINK representation of your controller code, to test its operation before attempting the HiL simulation. Ziegler-Nichols tuning tool fctrl invoke with fctrl_start

24 SIM_sys.mdl

25 Schedule

26 PID controllers PID = Proportional + Integral + Derivative
Also known as "three-term controller" About 90% of all control loops are closed with some form of PID controller In this group of lectures we will find out: why PID controllers are used so often ways of "tuning" a PID controller how to deal with actuator saturation

27 Functions of control system
+ W load disturbance Gp(s) Plant U control Y output Gc(s) Controller + - R reference input, or set-point E sensed error + N sensor noise Track reference input, or maintain set point, despite: load disturbances (usually low frequency) sensor noise (usually high frequency) Achieve specified bandwidth, and transient response characteristics

28 Performance of control system
Gc(s) Controller + N sensor noise W load disturbance Gp(s) Plant U control Y output - R reference input, or set-point E sensed error Sensor noise reproduced just like reference input use low noise sensors! seek to make To reject disturbances, make

29 PID controller functions
Kp + P I D e(t) u(t) Kp + P I D E(s) U(s) Output feedback from Proportional action Eliminate steady-state offset from Integral action Anticipation from Derivative action compare output with set-point apply constant control even when error is zero react to rapid rate of change before error grows too big

30 Transfer function of PID controller
derivative time constant integral time constant, or 'reset time' If no derivative action, we have PI controller: proportional gain integral gain

31 Effects on open-loop transfer function
Example: s-plane pole at origin increases Type No. o j o Plant poles zeros pull root locus branches to left: stabilising Closed-loop poles for Kp = 11.5

32 Effects on open-loop transfer function
Frequency response problem! amplifies high freq. noise amplitude boost at low frequencies to reduce steady-state error 0dB log w +90º -90º LogMag Phase phase lead to increase phase margin, bandwidth

33 Application of PID control
PID regulators provide reasonable control of most industrial processes, provided performance demands not too high PI control generally adequate when plant/process dynamics are essentially 1st-order plant operators often switch D-action off: "dificult to tune" PID control generally OK if dominant plant dynamics are 2nd-order More elaborate control strategies needed if process has long time delays, or lightly-damped vibrational modes

34 Simulink PID models

35 Simulink PID models

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