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The uses of e-learning in the Faculty of Fine Art and Drama, Oslo University College Kirsten klæbo NERA Conference 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "The uses of e-learning in the Faculty of Fine Art and Drama, Oslo University College Kirsten klæbo NERA Conference 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 The uses of e-learning in the Faculty of Fine Art and Drama, Oslo University College Kirsten klæbo NERA Conference 2005

2 Using ICT as a pedagogical tool Senior lectureship program The project –Who have participated –Organisation –The goals –Method Outcome –LMS and technical functions - ICT as a tool in education –LMS as a learning environment - uses of ICT in education –LMS and expanded possibilities in learning - learning activities New technology new possibilities Student and teacher cooperation and dialog in a Nordic e-learning perspective?

3 Organisation of the introduction of LMS

4 Introdusing a tailormade system

5 Action Research Method Practise & Expanded practise LMS Clasroom Practise Reflection, analysis, discussion Questions New Practise Planning new practise Action knowledge New reflection, analyses, discussions New action knowledge Questions

6 LMS as a pedagogical tool How could we use e-learning connected to aesthetical pedagogical work in higher education. LMS and technical functions: What are the possibilities in using e-learning as a pedagogical tool in connection to practical aesthetical work? LMS as a learning environment: How can the teacher and the students benefit from using e- learning as a pedagogical tool? How can we use e-learning system to expand learning potentials?

7 Outcome of the research Administration –Registration –Pedagogical system structure –Semester; Planning, Kalender Communication –Messages, e-post, Messageboard, News –Discussion Fora, Prossesoriented writing (Fronter Document) –Chat, SMS warning Publication –Subjekt-related materials from teacher –Assignment material from students, Portefolio map –Organizing, reusing learning material –Test tool Evaluation –Making the evaluation questions –Organizing, reusing evaluation material –Rapports

8 LMS uses

9 Program circle

10 New technology New posibilities New administration tasks Curriculum material organising – Reusing Verbal communication and curriculum dialog Student – student assessments dialog Increased Teacher and student program knowledge More need for portable PC’s Nettwork cables, available connections What shall we do when we meet?

11 Nordic cooperation Student and teacher cooperation and dialog in an Nordic e-learning perspective? –Nordic dialog in Student assignments –Teacher curriculum exchange –Curriculum Assessments –Cooperation and dialog in assignments A new plattform for international cooperation in Higher Education

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