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Chemical Communication Nomenclature Edward A. Mottel Department of Chemistry Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology.

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2 Chemical Communication Nomenclature Edward A. Mottel Department of Chemistry Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology

3 6/15/2015 Chemical Communication  Chemical nomenclature Elemental symbols and names Predict reasonable charges for monatomic ions using the periodic table Polyatomic ions Naming molecular compounds and salts

4 6/15/2015 Resources Available  Chemistry I nomenclature list of ions and common substances  Periodic table  Computer programs ·IONIC1, SALT1  Reading assignment Fine, Beall & Stuehr: Chapter 2.4

5 6/15/2015 Reasonable Ion Charges  Use the nomenclature information available to determine common oxidation states for monatomic ions. monatomic: contains only one atom ion: has a positive or negative charge For a monatomic ion, the oxidation state is the same as its charge.

6 6/15/2015 H LiBe Mg Na K Ca Rb Sr CsBa Ti Cr Mn Fe Co NiCuZn Pd Pt Ag Au Cd Hg Tl Sn Pb Bi Sb As I Br Cl O F S Al Chemistry I and II Ions

7 6/15/2015 Common Oxidation States +1 +2 +1 +2 +1 +2 +1+2 +3+2 +1 +2 +1 +2 +3 -2 -2 +3 +2 +3 +2 +3 +2 +3 +1 +2 +4 What patterns exist that correlate the charge of the ion and its position in the periodic table?

8 6/15/2015 +1 ions H LiBe Mg Na K Ca Rb Sr CsBa Ti Cr Mn Fe Co NiCuZn Pd Pt Ag Au Cd Hg Tl Sn Pb Bi Sb As I Br Cl O F S Al Cations have positive oxidation states.

9 6/15/2015 +2 ions Au Ag H LiBe Mg Na K Ca Rb Sr CsBa Ti Cr Mn Fe Co NiCuZn Pd Pt Cd Hg Tl Sn Pb Bi Sb As I Br Cl O F S Al

10 6/15/2015 +3 ions H LiBe Mg Na K Ca Rb Sr CsBa TiMn Fe Co NiCuZn Pd Pt Ag Au Cd Hg Sn Pb Bi Sb As I Br Cl O F S Al Cr Tl

11 6/15/2015 -1 ions H LiBe Mg Na K Ca Rb Sr CsBa Ti Cr Mn Fe Co NiCuZn Pd Pt Ag Au Cd Hg Tl Sn Pb Bi Sb As I Br Cl O F S Al Anions have negative oxidation states.

12 6/15/2015 -2 ions H LiBe Mg Na K Ca Rb Sr CsBa Ti Cr Mn Fe Co NiCuZn Pd Pt Ag Au Cd Hg Tl Sn Pb Bi Sb As I Br Cl O F S Al

13 6/15/2015 Predictions How could you predict that indium has a stable +1 and +3 oxidation state?

14 6/15/2015 Predictions Predict the three common oxidation states of arsenic.

15 Roman Numerals  When a metal has multiple oxidation states, its charge is indicated by roman numerals in its name. Fe 2+ iron(II) ion Fe 3+ iron(III) ion

16 6/15/2015 Polyatomic Ions What is the naming pattern? - N OO nitrite ion - N OO O nitrate ion sulfite ion - S OO O - sulfate ion - SO O O - O

17 6/15/2015 Polyatomic Ions What is the naming pattern? chlorate ion - Cl OO O perchlorate ion - ClO O O O hypochlorite ion - ClO chlorite ion - Cl OO

18 6/15/2015 Polyatomic Ions What is the naming pattern? thiosulfate ion - SO O O - S sulfate ion - SO O O - O thiocyanate ion cyanate ion CO - NCS - N

19 6/15/2015 Hydrogen Carbonate Ion Why is it called bicarbonate ion? - C OO O - carbonate ion C OO O - H bicarbonate ion C OO O H H carbonic acid

20 6/15/2015 Nomenclature Give two acceptable names for each of these ions. HSO 4 – HSO 3 – HS –

21 6/15/2015 Molecular Compounds Molecular compounds are charge neutral. H2OH2ONH 3 CH 4 Many common molecular compounds have trivial names. waterammoniamethane

22 6/15/2015 Salts Salts are composed of a cation and an anion to give a neutral compound. They are named by combining the cation and an anion names. CaCl 2 NH 4 ClO 4 Al 2 O 3 calcium chloride ammonium perchlorate aluminum oxide

23 6/15/2015 IONIC1 and SALT1  Nomenclature programs that focuses on Chemistry I ion nomenclature. DOS programs that are copied to your disk, then run  Goal: Successfully complete the programs by correctly getting 10 names, formulas or charges in a row. Try to run the each program successfully twice. You may not be successful tonight, but keep trying! G:/class/cm/Chem111

24 6/15/2015 Constructing Ions  Construct and name at least 10 neutral compounds that can be formed from the following list of atoms. H O S Na Ca Cr Fe In Pb  Divide up the activity: work on cations or anions.

25 6/15/2015 Constructing Ions  Combine cations and anions to make neutral compounds. Determine the formula and name of each compound. Use each cation or anion only once in making various compounds.  Identify and name any molecular, neutral compound that can be formed.

26 6/15/2015



29 Problem Set  Twenty Compounds Problem Set

30 6/15/2015 Twenty Compounds Problem Set  Due  Homework format Include your name and box number ·Staple the problem set on top of your answers One side of page for answers is preferable Staple questions and answers together No ragged edges; make it look neat!

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