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Mass-varying neutrino oscillations Danny Marfatia University of Kansas with V. Barger and K. Whisnant (hep-ph/0509163)

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Presentation on theme: "Mass-varying neutrino oscillations Danny Marfatia University of Kansas with V. Barger and K. Whisnant (hep-ph/0509163)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mass-varying neutrino oscillations Danny Marfatia University of Kansas with V. Barger and K. Whisnant (hep-ph/0509163)

2 Why mass-varying neutrinos? R. Fardon, A. Nelson, N. Weiner quintessence without extremely light scalars (10 -33 eV) Consequenc es new matter effects in neutrino oscillations… neutrino masses vary with their number density neutrino masses vary with matter density if the scalar couples to matter

3 Parameterize an element of the mass-squared matrix as Assume as density dependence for the M ij

4 MaVaNs can explain all post-MiniBooNE data 3 positive signals for neutrino path in Earth’s crust: KamLAND, K2K, LSND Need 3 independent mass-squared differences 3-MaVaN model is insufficient

5 Framework 3+1 MaVaN model Assumptions: No vacuum mixing between active and sterile neutrinos Sterile neutrino massless in vacuum

6 Mixing matrix that connects flavor and mass eigenstates in vacuum

7 Sterile mixing angle  diagonalizes M 2 Mixing matrix between flavor and mass eigenstates in matter

8 Spectrum relevant to KamLAND, K2K, LSND

9 Constraints from other experiments? At the atmospheric scale: Weaker Palo Verde bound applies At the LSND scale:

10 LSND oscillation amplitude Look for solutions with sin 2  « 1 2) KamLAND and solar oscillation probabilities are approximately the same as in the 3-neutrino case


12 CDHSW bound  Gosgen/Krasnoyarsk bound Need only consider the CDHSW bound


14 Constraints from atmospheric data Atmospheric neutrinos do not pass only through the Earth’s crust  M 2 and V vary with path

15 If  is small, sterile mixing will not upset atmospheric neutrino fits.


17 What if MiniBooNE reports a null result? New allowed region comfortably explained

18 Still need to show that the model gives the correct  m 2 for K2K and atmospheric neutrinos Largest oscillation signal occurs for core-crossing upward events



21 Model is insensitive to k and r Model will fit atmospheric data well

22 Not enough!

23 Solar neutrinos? density in sun » density in earth

24 Consistency with Bugey and CHOOZ?

25 Signatures 3+1 MaVaN model explains all oscillation data including LSND and a null-MiniBooNE result - Underground reactor experiments (Angra, Braidwood, Daya Bay, KASKA) should see a signal The above-ground Double-CHOOZ should not see a signal


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