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CAIDA Bandwidth Estimation Meeting San Diego June 2002 R. Hughes-Jones Manchester 1 EU DataGrid - Network Monitoring Richard Hughes-Jones, University of.

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Presentation on theme: "CAIDA Bandwidth Estimation Meeting San Diego June 2002 R. Hughes-Jones Manchester 1 EU DataGrid - Network Monitoring Richard Hughes-Jones, University of."— Presentation transcript:

1 CAIDA Bandwidth Estimation Meeting San Diego June 2002 R. Hughes-Jones Manchester 1 EU DataGrid - Network Monitoring Richard Hughes-Jones, University of Manchester

2 CAIDA Bandwidth Estimation Meeting San Diego June 2002 R. Hughes-Jones Manchester 2 DataGrid Network Monitoring u Several tools in use – plugged into a coherent structure:  PingER, RIPE one way times, iperf, UDPmon, rTPL, GridFTP, and NWS prediction engine u continuous tests for last few months to selected sites:  DL Man RL UCL CERN Lyon Bologna SARA NBI SLAC … uThe aims of monitoring for the Grid:  to inform Grid applications, via the middleware, of the current status of the network – input for resource broker and scheduling  to identify fault conditions in the operation of the Grid  to understand the instantaneous, day-to-day, and month-by-month behaviour of the network – provide advice on configuration etc. uNetwork information published in LDAP schema – new self-defining uCost Function in development – collaboration with WP1 & WP2 uWill be used by UK GridPP and e-science sites and non HEP WPs uLinks to GGF and the US work PPDG, IvDGL, GriPhyn

3 CAIDA Bandwidth Estimation Meeting San Diego June 2002 R. Hughes-Jones Manchester 3 Local Network Monitoring Store & Analysis of Data (Access) Access to current and historic data and metrics via the Web, i.e. WP7 NM Pages, access to metric forecasts Backend LDAP script to fetch metrics Monitor process to push metrics local LDAP Server Grid Application access via LDAP Schema to - monitoring metrics; - location of monitoring data. PingER (RIPE TTB) iperf UDPmon rTPL NWS etc LDAP Schema Grid Apps GridFTP Network Monitoring Architecture Robin Tasker

4 CAIDA Bandwidth Estimation Meeting San Diego June 2002 R. Hughes-Jones Manchester 4 Network Monitoring Components PingNetmonUDPmoniPerfRipe Cron script plot Table LDAP raw control Cron script control Cron script plot Table LDAP rawplot Table LDAP raw WEB DisplayAnalysisGrid BrokerPredictions Web I/f Scheduler Tool Clients LDAP raw LDAP raw

5 CAIDA Bandwidth Estimation Meeting San Diego June 2002 R. Hughes-Jones Manchester 5 How Grid Accesses / Uses the Data PingER IperfER UDPMon MDS Site cache Country cache Datagrid cache backend Paul Mealor UCL

6 CAIDA Bandwidth Estimation Meeting San Diego June 2002 R. Hughes-Jones Manchester 6 Network Monitoring – Summary Map

7 CAIDA Bandwidth Estimation Meeting San Diego June 2002 R. Hughes-Jones Manchester 7 Network Monitoring - MapCentre

8 CAIDA Bandwidth Estimation Meeting San Diego June 2002 R. Hughes-Jones Manchester 8 Network Monitoring: Ping CERN to RAL PPNCG: RAL to CERN

9 CAIDA Bandwidth Estimation Meeting San Diego June 2002 R. Hughes-Jones Manchester 9 Network Monitoring: Iperf (TCP) NIKHEF to RAL UCL to CERN

10 CAIDA Bandwidth Estimation Meeting San Diego June 2002 R. Hughes-Jones Manchester 10 RiPE 1 way SARA  RAL ms RiPE 1 way RAL  SARA ms UDPmon Loss Throughput Mbit/s MAN – SARA ~750Mbit/s UDPmon & Ripe MAN-SARA from 25 May 02

11 CAIDA Bandwidth Estimation Meeting San Diego June 2002 R. Hughes-Jones Manchester 11 RIPE 1-way & TCP throughput UK-SARA RIPE 1-way time ms Sara  RAL 20 Oct 01 RIPE 1-way time ms RAL  Sara TCP Iperf + prediction Mbit/s UCL  Sara

12 CAIDA Bandwidth Estimation Meeting San Diego June 2002 R. Hughes-Jones Manchester 12 UDPmon Loss Throughput ~140 Mbit/s Man  Lyon Ping Man  Lyon 40 ms rtt Iperf TCP Throughput ~ 47 Mbit/s Man  Lyon 1048576 byte buffer iperf Pinger & UDPmon UK-Lyon From 25 May 02 – 04 Jun 02

13 CAIDA Bandwidth Estimation Meeting San Diego June 2002 R. Hughes-Jones Manchester 13 Ping & UDP throughput MAN-CERN From 20 Oct 01 PingER rtt (ms) dl – cern 1000 byte packet Forecast UDPmon throughput Mbit/s man – cern 300 * 1400 byte frames

14 CAIDA Bandwidth Estimation Meeting San Diego June 2002 R. Hughes-Jones Manchester 14 iperf TCP & UDPmon throughput MAN-SARA From 20 Oct 01 Iperf TCP throughput Mbit/s ucl – sara 262144 byte buffer Forecast in Green UDPmon throughput Mbit/s man – sara 300 * 1400 byte frames

15 CAIDA Bandwidth Estimation Meeting San Diego June 2002 R. Hughes-Jones Manchester 15 iperf & Pinger UK-Bologna From 20 Oct 01 Iperf throughput ucl – Bologna 262144 byte buffer Forecast in green PingER rtt (ms) dl – Bologna 1000 byte packet Forecast

16 CAIDA Bandwidth Estimation Meeting San Diego June 2002 R. Hughes-Jones Manchester 16 Geant Enabled Routing Stable Iperf Throughput Mbit/s UCL – SARA 262144 byte buffer UDPmon Loss Throughput Mbit/s MAN – SARA iperf & UDPmon throughput UCL-SARA From 1 Nov 01 – Geant Operational

17 CAIDA Bandwidth Estimation Meeting San Diego June 2002 R. Hughes-Jones Manchester 17 More Information Some URLs  DataGrid WP7 Networking:  DataGrid MapCentre  Motherboard and NIC Tests:  PPNCG Home page with Stop Press:  PPNCG Page for monitoring Grid, HEP & Astronomy Sites  IEPM PingER home site:  IEPM-BW site:

18 CAIDA Bandwidth Estimation Meeting San Diego June 2002 R. Hughes-Jones Manchester 18 E-science core project MB - NG u Project to investigate and pilot:  end-to-end traffic engineering and management over multiple administrative domains – MPLS in core diffserv at the edges.  Managed bandwidth and Quality-of-Service provision. (Robin T)  High performance high bandwidth data transfers. (Richard HJ)  Demonstrate end-to-end network services to CERN using Dante EU-DataGrid and to the US DataTAG. u Partners:CISCO, CLRC, Manchester, UCL, UKERNA plus Lancaster and Southampton (IPv6) u Status:  Project is running with people in post at Manchester and UCL.  Project Tasks have been defined and Detailed planning in progress  Kit list for the routers given to Cisco  Test PC ordered  UKERNA organising core network and access links – SJ4 10Gbit upgrade  Strong Links with GGF

19 CAIDA Bandwidth Estimation Meeting San Diego June 2002 R. Hughes-Jones Manchester 19 MB – NG SuperJANET4 Development Network (22 Mar 02) Gigabit Ethernet 2.5 Gbit POS Access 2.5 Gbit POS core MPLS Admin. Domains Dark Fiber (SSE) POS WorldCom SuperJANET4 Production Network Leeds SJ4 Dev C-PoP Warrington 12416 SJ4 Dev C-PoP London 12416 UCL OSM-4GE- WAN-GBIC OSM- 1OC48- POS-SS UCL OSM-4GE- WAN-GBIC MCC OSM-4GE- WAN-GBIC OSM- 1OC48- POS-SS MAN OSM-4GE- WAN-GBIC RAL OSM-4GE- WAN-GBIC OSM- 1OC48- POS-SS RAL OSM-4GE- WAN-GBIC OC48/POS- SR-SC SJ4 Dev ULCC 12016 OC48/POS- SR-SC WorldCom SJ4 Dev C-PoP Reading 12416 OC48/POS- LR-SC WorldCom ULCC MB - NG

20 CAIDA Bandwidth Estimation Meeting San Diego June 2002 R. Hughes-Jones Manchester 20 The EU DataTAG project u EU Transatlantic Girid project. u Status: Well under way – People in post, Link expected Jul 02 u Partners: CERN/PPARC/INFN/UvA. IN2P3 sub-contractor u US Partners: Caletch, ESnet, Abilene, PPDG, iVDGL … u The main foci are:  Grid Network Research including: Provisioning (CERN) Investigations of high performance data transport (PPARC) End-to-end inter-domain QoS + BW / network resource reservation Bulk data transfer and monitoring (UvA)  Interoperability between Grids in Europe and the US PPDG, GriPhyN, DTF, iVDGL (USA) PPDG, GriPhyN, DTF, iVDGL (USA)

21 CAIDA Bandwidth Estimation Meeting San Diego June 2002 R. Hughes-Jones Manchester 21 DataTAG Possible Configuration multi-platform multi-vendor Abilene ESNET UK SuperJANET4 IT GARR- B IT GARR- B GEANT NL SURFne t NL SURFne t 2.5 Gbit PoS lambda SLAC Cisco Juniper Alcatel Cisco Juniper Alcatel Giga Switch Juniper Light Switch Giga Switch Cisco 6509 Juniper Light Switch CERN (Geneva) Starlight (Chicago) Fermi

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