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CS244-Introduction to Embedded Systems and Ubiquitous Computing Instructor: Eli Bozorgzadeh Computer Science Department UC Irvine Winter 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "CS244-Introduction to Embedded Systems and Ubiquitous Computing Instructor: Eli Bozorgzadeh Computer Science Department UC Irvine Winter 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 CS244-Introduction to Embedded Systems and Ubiquitous Computing Instructor: Eli Bozorgzadeh Computer Science Department UC Irvine Winter 2010

2 Winter 2010- CS 244 2 CS244 – Lecture 5 Hardware/Software Co-design

3 Winter 2010- CS 244 3 Review: Design Objectives Performance Cost Quality Thresholds Better Improving quality beyond threshold is desired Improving performance beyond threshold Is a waste Improving cost is desired

4 Winter 2010- CS 244 4 Co-design Flow System Model System SimulationInformal Specification Hardware/Software Partitioning Partitioned Model Schedule Partitioned Model & Sch. HW/SW Co-simulation Refine Algorithmic Design

5 Winter 2010- CS 244 5 Co-design Flow Partitioned Model + Sch. Communication Synthesis Software Model Hardware Model HW/SW Co-simulation CompilationSynthesis HW/SW Co-simulation Gate-level Model Binary Exec. Model Refine

6 Winter 2010- CS 244 6 Co-design Flow Gate-level Model Binary Exec. Model Emulate or Prototype Refine Fabrication

7 Winter 2010- CS 244 7 Informal Specification & System Level Model Informal Specification loosely defines high level behavior, constraints, and optimization objectives of the system  Algorithmic and implementation details absent  Performance estimates not present System level model formally captures behavior, constraints, and optimization objectives  Can be simulated to obtain early performance estimates Feedback to refine the system specification  Can serve as a golden model for validation of intermediate or final stages Algorithmic design

8 Winter 2010- CS 244 8 Hardware Software Partitioning Decompose (i.e., partition) the function F of the system into N sub-functions F 1, F 2, F 3 … F N Decompose the constraints and design objectives of the system into sub-constraints and design sub-objectives Cluster F 1, F 2, F 3, …, F n into M partitions to run on M processors F {F 1, F 2, F 3 … F n } P1P1 P2P2 P3P3 PMPM … …

9 Winter 2010- CS 244 9 Scheduling Scheduling is to obtain an execution sequence such that dependencies are obeyed Static  During design time the schedule is fixed (the common case) Dynamic  During execution time, the schedule is determined (reconfigurable computing) F1F1 F2F2 F3F3 F4F4 F5F5 F6F6 F7F7 F8F8 P1: F1  F2  F8 P2: F4  F5 P3: F3  F6 P4: F7

10 Winter 2010- CS 244 10 Scheduling A deadline D for the entire schedule An execution time for each T i for each F i ASAP (as soon as possible) ALAP (as late as possible) F1F1 F2F2 F3F3 F4F4 F5F5 F6F6 F7F7 F8F8 P1: F1  F2  F8 P2: F4  F5 P3: F3  F6 P4: F7 3 3 3 1 2 6 4 3

11 Winter 2010- CS 244 11 Functional Co-simulation Some of the M processors are single-purpose (e.g., those with a single function mapped on to them), others are general purpose Functions mapped onto the general-purpose processors are implemented in software and simulated on virtual machines with performance models Functions mapped onto the single-purpose processors are simulated at the behavioral level with performance models Communication is done via abstract channels Feedback is used to refine the partitioning and scheduling tasks

12 Winter 2010- CS 244 12 Communication Synthesis & Bus- accurate Co-simulation Abstract channels A 1, A 2 … A n are mapped onto a set of communication channels C 1, C 2 … C m  Similar to functional partitioning  Similar to hardware/software scheduling Channels correspond to physical artifacts of the architecture Hardware and software models are annotated with detailed communication constructs A hardware model and software model is obtained and co- simulated Communication synthesis (or possibly higher levels of design) are refined

13 Winter 2010- CS 244 13 Compilation & Synthesis & Cycle- accurate Co-simulation Compiler used to generate binary executables for general-purpose processors Synthesis used to generate gate-level models of single-purpose processors Synthesis used to generate gate-level models of general-purpose processors Cycle accurate co-simulation of the entire system  Note: mixed level co-simulation is common

14 Winter 2010- CS 244 14 Emulate/Prototype and Fabrication Use hardware (e.g, FPGAs) to emulate a system as fast as possible (relative to real-time) Fabrication  Place & route  Mask design  Chip testing Manufacturing fault models Test vector generation  Packaging

15 Winter 2010- CS 244 15 Partitioning (Clustering) Given:  F = { F 1, F 2, F 3 … F N }  P = { P 1, P 2, P 3 … P M } Find a lowest cost partition (cluster), as computed by an objective function Exhaustive approach O(M N ) Heuristics  Constructive partitioning (based on closeness function) Random (good for seeding iterative approaches) Cluster Growth Hierarchical clustering  Iterative partitioning Start with a partition and improve Gradient search Controlled random search Modified Kernighan/Lin and FM algorithm  Partitions a set of nodes (functions) into two bins (processors)  Minimize edges between bins (communication cost, wires, etc.)  Cost function for moving a node from one partition to another ILP Genetic evolution Simulated annealing

16 Winter 2010- CS 244 16 Hierarchical Clustering – Example

17 Clustering w/ several criteria

18 Winter 2010- CS 244 18 Partitioning (Clustering) Given:  F = { F 1, F 2, F 3 … F N }  P = { P 1, P 2, P 3 … P M } Find a lowest cost partition (cluster), as computed by an objective function Exhaustive approach O(M N ) Heuristics  Constructive partitioning (based on closeness function) Random (good for seeding iterative approaches) Cluster Growth Hierarchical clustering  Iterative partitioning Start with a partition and improve Gradient search Controlled random search Modified Kernighan/Lin algorithm  Partitions a set of nodes (functions) into two bins (processors)  Minimize edges between bins (communication cost, wires, etc.)  Cost function for moving a node from one partition to another ILP Genetic evolution Simulated annealing

19 Iterative Partitioning Algorithms The computation time in an iterative algorithm is spent evaluating large numbers of partitions Iterative algorithms differ from one another primarily in the ways in which they modify the partition and in which they accept or reject bad modifications

20 Kernighan-Lin (Min-Cut) Algorithms Two-way partitioning example  Start with 2 equal subgraphs  Exchange k pairs in each iteration  Continue until no further improvement Gain function  f(internal – external) cost

21 Winter 2010- CS 244 21 Alternate Partitioning Techniques Start with all functionality in software and move portions into hardware which are time- critical and can not be allocated to software (software-oriented partitioning) Start with all functionality in hardware and move portions into software implementation (hardware-oriented partitioning)

22 Winter 2010- CS 244 22 More Partitioning Issues Partitioning into hardware and software affects overall system cost and performance Hardware implementation  Provides higher performance via hardware speeds and parallel execution of operations  Incurs additional design expense Software implementation  Lower performance  Incurs high cost of developing and maintaining (complex) software

23 Winter 2010- CS 244 23 Conclusion Satisfying performance, cost, and quality metrics of a system entails hardware and software codesign Partitioning is at the heart of codesign  Functional  Communication  Scheduling Partitioning techniques  Constructive  Iterative Heuristics often used to bound the running time

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