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Teaching Ethics Through Case-Based Methods Doug Post, Ph.D. Associate Professor Department of Family Medicine The Ohio State University.

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Presentation on theme: "Teaching Ethics Through Case-Based Methods Doug Post, Ph.D. Associate Professor Department of Family Medicine The Ohio State University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teaching Ethics Through Case-Based Methods Doug Post, Ph.D. Associate Professor Department of Family Medicine The Ohio State University

2 Patient Centered Medicine Course O.S.U. College of Medicine  Behavioral Medicine  Human Development  Professionalism  Ethics  Diversity  Violence  Palliative Medicine  Meaning in Medicine  Addiction  Integrative Medicine  Sexuality

3 Teaching Medical Ethics “Medical students and residents most commonly learn how to approach ethical dilemmas by observing faculty and through hallway discussions about what they could have done differently after a difficult case.” - Smith, Fryer-Edwards, Diekema, Braddock, 2004

4 Case-Writing  First, decide on a topic  Review and research the topic  Write a draft of a case from the viewpoint of a person caught in the thick of the case problem  Look for opportunities to introduce terms or concepts that are important to your course - Herreid, 2000

5 Case-Based Teaching Methods  Trial  Case Discussion  Hearing  Debate  Problem-Based Learning  Team Learning  Jigsaw Technique

6 Bioethics Topics  Physician-Assisted Suicide  Confidentiality  End-of-Life Issues  Futility  Autonomy  Managed Care  Medical Student Issues  Mistakes  Physician-Patient Relationship  Parental Decision-Making  Professionalism  Research Ethics  Resource Allocation  Truth-Telling

7 Case #1  Choose a Topic  Physician Assisted Suicide  Review & Research the Topic   Write a draft of a case from the viewpoint of a person caught in the thick of the case problem.  Quill TE. Death and dignity. A case of personalized decision making. NEJM 1991; 324: 691-94.


9 Trial

10 Case #2  Choose a Topic  Principles of Medical Ethics  Review & Research the Topic  Jonsen AR, Siegler M, Winslade WJ. Clinical Ethics: A Practical Approach to Ethical Decisions in Clinical Medicine, 4 th ed. 1998; New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc.   Write a draft of a case from the viewpoint of a person caught in the thick of the case problem


12 Groups within Groups  Break class into 4 smaller groups and assign each group an ethical principle  Two tasks for sub-group discussion: 1) Apply ethical principle to the case and determine the physician’s actions based on that principle; 2) Discuss how they anticipate Sharon and her parents would react to the decision of their group  Spokesperson from each group presents findings  Group Discussion

13 Case #3  Choose a Topic  Patient-Physician Relationship  Review & Research the Topic  Ethics manual. Fourth edition. American College of Physicians. Ann Intern Med. 1998; 128(7):576-94. Comment in: Ann Intern Med. 1998;128(7):569-71.   Write a draft of a case from the viewpoint of a person caught in the thick of the case problem  Catholic Physician case

14 Debate  Vote: 1) The physician should continue to practice medicine in the same way; 2) The physician should change the way he practices medicine  Break the class into 2 groups, based on their vote  Give time for groups to develop their position: arguments & rebuttals; each group appoints 3 individuals to argue their case  Each side presents 5 minutes; 3-minute rebuttals by different spokespersons; 3-minute summaries by different spokespersons  Process discussion in the context of medical ethics

15 Case #4  Choose a Topic  Research Ethics  Review & Research the Topic   Write a draft of a case from the viewpoint of a person caught in the thick of the case problem  Christopher Reeves


17 Senate Hearing  Outcome of hearing: Senators will vote on what direction they will take in writing a position paper on stem cell research  One of three votes: 1) Increase federal funding; 2) Maintain the president’s position; 3) Decrease federal funding  Four sub-groups with specific biases: 1) Stem Cell Researchers; 2) Ethicists from the National Bioethics Advisory Commission; 3) Right to Life Committee Members; and 4) Senators  Viewpoints argued to the Senators; Each group submits two questions to the Senators, who will ask these to the other two groups; groups aware of the Senators’ biases  Conduct a hearing  Senate votes, majority wins

18  Choose a Topic  End of Life  Review & Research the Topic  Terri Schiavo  Write a draft of a case from the viewpoint of a person caught in the thick of the case problem Case #5

19 Terri Schiavo

20 Viewpoint of a person caught in the thick of the case problem

21 Teaching Method

22 Questions/Comments??

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