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The simplified DLX The datapath & control story: What happens in each control state.
The Datapath The Datapath consists of several environments, buses, registers and multiplexers. At the right there is a general scheme of the entire Datapath (no drivers, only muxes). datapath.pdf
What is RTL? RTL = Register Transfer Language The RTL describes the operations done in each Control’s state in terms of “what is written to the registers”. Note: This description is just of the functionality and not of the way of implementation. Examples: IR=M[PC] A=RS1 B=RS2 PC=PC+1
The Control The Control is a state machine that consists of 20 states. The Control’s signals control the data flow. fsd_idlx.pdf
What happens during Fetch state? Din Adr Dout W Busy Memory Env. Control IR Env. IR PC MR Was the mission completed? Sample! 1) The PC register contains the address. 2) The desired functionality: IR M[PC] Fetch The Control usually stays in fetch state for more than one clock cycle 3) The memory is very slow. It announces: “I’m busy” after getting a read / write request. When busy, no new requests are allowed. As Dout stablizes, the memory announces: “I’m done”. Only then the control asks the IR Env. to sample Dout’s value and update the IR register. Reminder…
In our explanation about the different states we also describe the RTL instructions that correspond to each state of the Control. Let’s start: 1) Fetch. RTL Instruction: IR=M[PC] Action: The instruction pointed to by the PC is read from the memory and is stored to the IR register. The Fetch state might last more than one clock cycle. The DLX stays in this state as long the “busy” signal is active. The Control (Cont.) Active Control Signals: IRce, PCAOdoe, MR IR’s Clock Enable The PC Env. address out’s driver is enabled Memory Read
The Control (Cont.) 2) Decode. RTL Instructions: A=RS1 B=RS2 PC=PC+1 Actions: The contents of the RS1 and RS2 (if needed) registers are stored in the A and B registers (that are located in the GPR Env.) and the PC’s register value is incremented by 1 (to point to the next instruction). Active Control Signals: Ace, Bce, PCS1doe, 1S2doe, ALUDINTdoe, Add, PCce PC’s value’s driver is enabled and the PC is outputted to S1 1’s const value’s driver is enabled and this value is outputted to S2 The ALU’s output value’s (PC+1) driver is enabled PC’s clock enable (for storing the new PC)
GPR Env. AB C Cce IR Env. 1 0 ITYPE ALU Env. ALU Control signals Result A. Arithmetic/Logic instructions: What happens during Execute state (Cont.)? Sext (Imm.) Reminder…
3) ALU. RTL Instruction: C=A op B Action: An arithmetic operation is done on the arguments (which are the contents of the A and B registers). The result is stored in the C register in the GPR Env. Active Control Signals: AS1doe, BS2doe, OPALU, ALUDINTdoe, Cce The Control (Cont.) The name of a group of signals The A register’s value’s driver is enabled and its value is outputted to S1 The B register’s value’s driver is enabled and its value is outputted to S2
The Control (Cont.) 4) ALUI (Add). RTL Instruction: C=A + imm. Action: The sum of the addition of the value of the A register in the GPR Env. and the immediate’s value is stored in the C register in the GPR Env. Active Control Signals: AS1doe, IRS2doe, OPALU, ALUDINTdoe, Cce The IR register’s value’s driver is enabled and its value (=immediate) is outputted to S2
The Control (Cont.) 5) ShiftI. RTL Instruction: C=ShiftLeft A / ShiftRight A Action: The value of the A register is being shifted one step right or left. The direction is determined by IR[1]. Active Control Signals: AS1doe, Cce, shift (left or right). In a general shifter: the shift amount is coded in IR…
B. Test&Set instructions: Sgri: RD (RS1 > Sext(Imm) ? 1 : 0) GPR Env. AB C Cce IR Env. 1 0 ITYPE ALU Env. TEST Result Sext (Imm.) Two stages: 1) execute C (RS1 > RS2 ? 1:0) 2) writeback RD C In this way the period time is shorter. What happens during Execute state (Cont.)? Alway s 0 / 1 Reminder…
6) TestI RTL Instruction: C=A rel imm. Action: A logic operation is done on the arguments (which are the contents of the A register and the immediate value that is supplied by co in the IR Env.). The result is stored in the C register in the GPR Env. Active Control Signals: AS1doe, IRS2doe, Cce, ALUDINTdoe, test Comparison to be conducted: can be extracted from last 3 bits in the opcode. The Control (Cont.)
3) Jump instructions: A. Unconditional jump: Jump Reg (jr): PC A What happens during Execute state (Cont.)? No direct path from A to PC. Instead: GPR Env. A IR Env. 0 ALU Env. ADD PC Env. PC Cce Reminder…
8) JR. RTL Instruction: PC=A Action: In this state that deals with jumping, the PC register gets the address of the instruction to jump to. This address is stored in the A register in the GPR Env. Active Control Signals: AS1doe, 0S2doe, add, ALUDINTdoe, PCce The Control (Cont.)
C. Calling a routine: ”Jump, remember your address so it will be possible to get back to this address” jalr: R31 PC+1 PC RS1 We use two Control states in order to execute this instruction because we want to avoid a collision in the buses (to be elaborated). What happens during Execute state (Cont.)? Reminder…
State I: Copying the PC (2 clock cycles) GPR Env. C PC Env. PC Cce Clock cycle 1 (savePC): GPR Env. C R31 Clock cycle 2 (like in the Write-Back state): Write! The address=31 What happens during Execute state (Cont.)? Reminder…
State II (JALR): Calculating the jump address PC Env. PC ALU Env. IR Env. 0 GPR Env. A ADD Cce What happens during Execute state (Cont.)? Reminder…
The Control (Cont.) 9) SavePC. RTL Instruction: C=PC Action: The PC is stored in the C register in the GPR Env. Active Control Signals: PCS1doe, 0S2doe, add, ALUDINTdoe, Cce
The Control (Cont.) 17) JALR. RTL Instructions: PC=A R31=C (=old PC) Actions: In this state that deals with jumping, the PC’s current value is stored in the 31’st register in the GPR and the address of the instruction we jump to is stored in the PC and comes from the A register in the GPR. Active Control Signals:AS1doe, 0S2doe, ALUDINTdoe, add, PCce, GPR_WE, Jlink
B. Branch: “Jump only if a condition is satisfied” beqz: PC PC+1+(RS1=0 ? Sext (Imm.) : 0) bnez: PC PC+1+(RS1=0 ? 0 : Sext (Imm.)) We’ll demonstrate the beqz instruction. Two states are needed: State I - Branch: Check the condition – RS1=0 ? Sext (Imm.) : 0 GPR Env. A IR Env. 0 ALU Env. TEST Comparison result To the Control What happens during Execute state (Cont.)? Reminder…
10) Branch. RTL Instruction: Branch taken? Action: In the Beqz and Bnez instructions, when reaching this state, a check of the A register’s value is done. According to this check, a path to continue with is determined. The Control (Cont.) Active Control Signals: AS1doe, 0S2doe, test
The next state BTaken Fetch State II - BTaken: Calculating the jump – PC PC+1+(Result of state I) IR Env. ALU Env. PC Env. PC Cce PC Sext (Imm.) ADD What happens during Execute state (Cont.)? Jump No Jump Reminder…
18) BTaken. RTL Instruction: PC=PC+imm. Action: The PC gets the address of the next instruction to be executed. The address is based on the Branch state’s result. The value to be added to the PC comes from the co output of the IR Env. Active Control Signals: PCS1doe, IRS2doe, add, ALUDINTdoe, PCce The Control (Cont.)
11) WBR. RTL Instruction: RD=C (R-type) Action: The data which is stored in the C register in the GPR env. (after the arithmetic\shift operations are done) is being assigned to the instruction’s target register. Active Control Signal: GPR_WE
12) WBI. RTL Instruction: RD=C (I-type) Action: Copy the result stored in the C register in the GPR env. (after the arithmetic\logic operations are done) to the instruction’s target register. Active Control Signals: GPR_WE, ITYPE The Control (Cont.)
Reading From Memory - Load Load Word (lw): RD M(Sext(imm.) + RS1) Four states are needed for finishing the load instruction: State I: Effective Address Computation – MAR A+C0 GPR Env. A IR Env. ALU Env. MAR C0 ADD Sext(imm.) + RS1 Sext(imm.) Reminder…
The Control (Cont.) 7) AddressCmp. RTL Instruction: MAR=A+imm. Action: The memory address where a data should be written to is stored in the MAR register. The address itself is the sum of the immediate value supplied by the IR Env. and the A register in the GPR Env. Active Control Signals: AS1doe, IRS2doe, add, ALUDINTdoe, MARce.
State II: Memory Access (Load). This state lasts till the value is returned – MDR M(MAR) Reading From Memory – Load (Cont.) Adr Dout W Memory Env. MAR Read! MDR Notes: 1) Busy signal informs the Control when the operation is over (Dout is stable). 2) MDR samples Dout every clock cycle, no need to compute CE (Simplifies Control). 3) Dout must be logical even if its value is incorrect! Busy Tells the Control when readung is over Reminder…
The Control (Cont.) 13) Load. RTL Instruction: MDR=M[MAR] Action: Store M[MAR] in MDR Active Control Signals: MR, MDRce, Asel, MDRsel
State III (copy MDR to C): Writing MDR’s value to C in the GPR : C MDR Reading From Memory – Load (Cont.) MDR GPR Env. C Cce State IV: Write-Back: RD C Reminder…
16) CopyMDR2C. RTL Instruction: C=MDR Action: Copy MDR contents to C register in the GPR. The Control (Cont.) Active Control Signals: MDRS1doe, 0S2doe, add, ALUDINTdoe, Cce.
GPR Env. B Writing To Memory – Store (Cont.) MDR State II: Copying the B register’s (this is RD) value to the MDR : MDR B State III: Memory Access (Store) – M(MAR) MDR Adr W Memory Env. MAR Write! MDR Din Busy Tells the Control when writing is over Reminder…
The Control (Cont.) 15) CopyGPR2MDR. RTL Instruction: MDR=B Action: The value to be next written to the memory is stored in this state in the MDR. The value itself comes from the B register in the GPR. Active Control Signals: MDRS1doe, BS2doe
14) Store. RTL Instruction: M(MAR)=MDR Action: The instruction that is stored in the MDR is copied to the memory Env. The address in the memory Env. is taken from the MAR. Active Control Signals: MARS1doe, MW The Control (Cont.)
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