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Bringing Research and Teaching together: towards a vision for a new higher education Dr Angela Brew Institute for Teaching and Learning The University.

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Presentation on theme: "Bringing Research and Teaching together: towards a vision for a new higher education Dr Angela Brew Institute for Teaching and Learning The University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bringing Research and Teaching together: towards a vision for a new higher education Dr Angela Brew Institute for Teaching and Learning The University of Sydney

2 Different conceptions of teaching and different conceptions of knowledge have different consequences for bringing research and teaching together. (Brew 1999)

3 Different conceptions of: Teaching Knowledge Research Scholarship Have different consequences for how we bring teaching and research together

4 Approaches to Teaching Teacher focusedInformation Transmission Student focused Conceptual Change (Prosser & Trigwell 1999)

5 Conceptions of knowledge (following Gibbons et al 1994) Mode 1 Knowledge Objective & separate from knowers Describes a pre-existent reality (Mourad 1997) Mode 2 knowledge Constructed through communication and negotiation Created as much outside universities as within

6 Conceptions of research

7 Preparation Quality view Integrating and disseminating Creating new knowledge Conceptions of Scholarship [Research view]

8 Summary


10 Teaching Knowledge Transmission Knowledge generation Disciplinary Research culture Departmental Learning milieu Students Research Academics

11 Summary

12 Communities of Practice (Lave & Wenger 1991 ) Students and Academics Legitimate peripheral participation


14 A vision for a new higher education reconceptualisation of the nature of higher education changed relationships between teachers and students

15 Reconceptualising higher education Critical reflection and challenge Dissemination through teaching for both students and academics Integrating issues of personal relevance to students within their academic study

16 Reconceptualising relationships between teachers and students Development of academic professionalism for both students and teachers power sharing in relationships of mutual trust breaking down the distinction between teaching and learning as both teachers and students engage in learning though inquiry


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