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Vowel Distinction at High Frequencies Hermann Ingi Ragnarsson.

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Presentation on theme: "Vowel Distinction at High Frequencies Hermann Ingi Ragnarsson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vowel Distinction at High Frequencies Hermann Ingi Ragnarsson

2 The Purpose To find out if vowels move closer to each other on a vowel space chart when they are sung at higher frequencies.

3 The Method I recorded the singing of the Icelandic vowels a, e, í, o, ú at 5 different frequencies. I used a piano for reference. Playing five different keys. After each key was pressed the singer would sing the vowels.

4 The Piano Keys that Were Used Middle-C, E, G, C(one octave higher) and E (one octave higher)

5 Middle C - Spectrogram

6 Middle C - Formants

7 E - Spectrogram

8 E - Formants

9 G - Spectrogram

10 G - Formants

11 C (higher) - Spectrogram

12 C (higher) - Formants

13 E (higher) - Spectrogram

14 E (Higher) - Formants

15 Vowel Space Charts

16 Middle C

17 E

18 G

19 C (Higher)

20 E (Higher)

21 Conclusion Despite showing instances of unpredictable ‘behavior’ the vowels generally move closer to each other on the vowel space chart with increasing frequencies.

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