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Inter-agent communication in a distributed mobile agent system Ching-Feng Li
Outline Introduction Different inter-agent communication mechanism Implementation plan and future works References
Introduction A mobile agent is able to move autonomously around the network during its execution. In various situations mobile agents need to communicate with each other. Remote inter-agent communication is thus a fundamental facility in mobile agent systems.
Challenges in design inter-agent communication mechanisms for mobile agent system Location Transparency An agent can send messages to other agents without knowing where they reside physically. Reliability No matter how frequently the target agent migrates, messages can be routed to it in a bounded number of hops. Asynchrony Asynchronous migration and asynchronous execution of mobile agents Efficiency Adaptability
Different inter-agent communication mechanisms Home-based approach Mailbox-based approach Multicast-based approaches
Home-based approach (1/2) Agent should update the new location to its home context when it migrates. Messages to the receiver agent is sent to the home context of the receiver agent. The home context of the receiver agent should forward the messages to the receiver agent. The sender should know the home context of the receiver agent by some ways. Caching Discovery on demand
Home-based approach (2/2) Sender ContextHome Context Context Receiver (2’) Push messages (1)Send messages (2”) Pull messages
Mailbox-based approach (1/2) Similar to home-based approach. Each receiver agent has a registered mailbox Difference to home-base approach The location of home context will not change even if the receiver agent migrates to other context. The location of the mailbox maybe migrate to other context or stay at the current context when the receiver agent migrates.
Mailbox-based approach (2/2) Context Sender Context MB Context Receiver (2’) Push messages (1)Send messages (2”) Pull messages
Multicast-based approaches Group communication and coordination Well-known approaches IP multicast-based ä There is a multicast tree formed by mobilet contexts where agents execute the task. Application-level multicast-based ä There is a multicast tree formed by mobile agents in the same group. The construction and maintenance of the multicast will be an important issue.
IP multicast between mobile agents Context agent multicast Context agent Context agent Context agent
Application-level multicast between mobile agents agent
Comparison of different inter-agent communication mechanisms Home-based approach Location Transparency Asynchrony Mailbox-based approach Location Transparency Asynchrony Multicast-based approaches Asynchrony
Adaptive and reliable protocol for inter-agent communication (1/4) Adaptive and reliable protocol (ARP) is applied on mailbox-based communication Agent is able to move autonomously during its execution. The advertisement claims the existence or the current location of the receiver agent may provide outdated information. Adv. claims receiver agent is at the host A, but actually at the host B. Adv. claims receiver agent is alive, but actually it is dead or offline.
Adaptive and reliable protocol for inter-agent communication (2/4) Definition 1 The migration path of a mobile agent A, denoted Path a (A), is an ordered list of hosts (h a0, h a1, …, h an ) The set of hosts on the path is denoted S a (A) = {h ak | h ak is on Path a (A)}. Definition 2 The migration path of the mailbox of a mobile agent A, denoted Path m (A), is an ordered list of hosts (h m0, h m1, …, h mn ) The set of hosts on the path is denoted S m (A) = {h mk | h mk is on Path m (A)}. S m (A) ⊆ S a (A) and h m0 =h a0 Definition 3 The function f A : S a (A) → S m (A) maps the location of a mobile agent A to that of its mailbox such that for every h ak ∈ S a (A)
Adaptive and reliable protocol for inter-agent communication (3/4) In the ARP each host on Path m (A) maintains the current address of the mailbox M A in an address table Attributes in a entry of the address table ä the ID of M A ä the current address of M A ä a valid tag ä the number of messages mNum that have been forwarded to M A ä a message block queue for M A. Defines the operations for two processes Migrating Message-forwarding
Migrating Receiver MB Receiver (1)MVMB (2)DEREGISTER(3)REPLY MB (4)REGISTER
Message-forwarding MB Sender Receiver MB (2) forward the message To M A ’s current address (2’) send back a “UPDATE” message to the sender to refresh its cache about M A ’s current location (1)send message
Adaptive and reliable protocol for inter-agent communication (4/4) In the ARP the mailbox MA of an agent A has to first deregister and then register with all the hosts on Path m (A) for each migration. The migration overhead will increase continuously without an upper bound as Path m (A) becomes longer and longer. A PATH PRUNING ALGORITHM is designed to reduce the overhead caused by long term agent migration. The cache maintained by the sender is updated whenever it sends a message to an outdated address of M A.
Patterns to design ARP for different applications Mailbox Migration Frequency No Migration (NM) Full Migration (FM) Jump Migration (JM) Mailbox-to-Agent Message Delivery Push (PS) Pull (PL) Migration-Delivery Synchronization SHM/SMA Synchronizing the Host ’ s message forwarding and the Mailbox ’ s migration Synchronizing the Mailbox ’ s message forwarding and the Agent ’ s migration Full Synchronization (FS) No Synchronization (NS) A string of the format XX-YY-ZZ expresses a protocol XX : Mailbox Migration Frequency pattern YY : Mailbox-to-Agent Message Delivery pattern ZZ : Migration-Delivery Synchronization pattern
Efficiency of communication mechanism The cost of a protocol is characterized by The number of messages sent The size of the messages The distance traveled by the messages
Implementation plan and future works Different applications, different decisions. Use mailbox-based approach for inter-agent communication. How the mailbox migrates and when the mailbox decide to migrate? Use application-level multicast approach to improve the performance of group communication and coordination. How to maintain the multicast tree more efficiently
References (1/2) C. Ragusa, A. Liotta, G. Pavlou: "A Scalable Application-level Multicast Approach based on Mobile Agents". Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Networks (ICON'03), Sydney, Australia, 28th Sept - 1st October 2003. S. W. Shah, P. Nixon, and R. I. Ferguson: "On the Use of IP Multicast to Facilitate Group Communication between Mobile Agents". IEEE/WIC/ACM International conference on Intelligent Agent Technology. 2004. pp. 487- 490. Flávio M. Assis Silva, Raimundo J. A. Macêdo. "Reliable Communication for Mobile Agents with Mobile Groups". In the Proceedings of the Workshop on Software Engineering and Mobility (co-located with IEEE/ACM ICSE 2001). Toronto, Ontario, Canada. May 13-14, 2001. Jorn Hartroth und Markus Hofmann: "Using IP multicast to improve communication in large scale mobile agent systems". In Proceedings of the 31st Hawaiian International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS'31), Kohala Coast, Hawaii, Jan. 6-9, 1998, Januar 1998.
References (2/2) Jiannong Cao, Liang Zhang, Xinyu Feng, Sajal K. Das: "Path Pruning in Mailbox-based Mobile Agent Communications". J. Inf. Sci. Eng. 20(3): 405-424 (2004) Jiannong Cao, Xinyu Feng, Jian Lu, Henry Chan, Sajal K. Das: "Reliable Message Delivery for Mobile Agents: Push or Pull". ICPADS 2002: 314-320 Jiannong Cao, Xinyu Feng, Jian Lu, Sajal K. Das: "Mailbox-"Based Scheme for Designing Mobile Agent Communication Protocols". IEEE Computer 35(9): 54-60 (2002)
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