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recovering empty categories
Penn Treebank The Penn Treebank Project annotates naturally occurring text for linguistic structure. It produces skeletal parses showing rough syntactic and semantic information: a bank of linguistic trees. It annotates text with POS tags. Bracketing (strictly POS Vs. syntax and predicates): (Mary) (visited a very nice boy) (1) (A very nice boy) (visited Mary) (2) (1) (S (NP Mary) (VP (V visited) (NP (ART a) (ADJP (ADV very) (ADJ nice)) (N boy))))
syntactic tags ADJP - Adjective phrase. Example: “outrageously expensive”. ADVP - Adverb phrase. Examples: “rather timidly”, “very well indeed”. NP - Noun phrase. PNP - Proper noun phrase. PP - Prepositional phrase. S - Simple declarative clause SBAR - Clause introduced by a subordinating conjunction. SBARQ - Direct question introduced by a wh-word or wh-phrase.
syntactic tags SINV - Inverted declarative sentence, one in which the subject follows the verb. SQ - That part of an SBARQ that excludes the wh-word or wh-phrase. VP - Verb phrase. Phrasal category headed a verb. WHADVP - Wh-adverb phrase. Example: “how” or “where”. WHNP - Wh-noun phrase. Examples: “who”, “whose daughter”, “which book”. WHPP - Wh-prepositional phrase. Example: “on what”. QP - Quantifier phrase used within NP. X - Constituent of unknown or uncertain type.
examples adverb and preposition: (S (NP He) was (VP (ADVP very hurriedly) throwing (NP clothes) (PP into NP (a suitcase))).) apposition: (NP (NP Mr. Smith), (ADJP (NP 65 years) old), (NP chairman (PP of (NP the board)))) comparative: (S (NP He) (VP is (ADJP as tall (SBAR as (S (NP John) (VP is))))).) (S (SBAR( X the sooner) (S our vans hit the road)), (S (X the easier) (S we will fulfill that obligation)).)
function tags Subject and Predicate NP’s: (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP consider (S (NP-SBJ Kris) (NP-PRD a fool)))) Benefactive: (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP baked (NP a cake) (PP-BNF for (NP Doug)))) ADV (adverbial noun: “a little bit”), VOC (vocative), DTV (dative), DIR (direction with PP like from-to), LOC (locative with PP), MNR (manner), TMP (temporal), CLR (closely related: predication adjuncts or phrasal verbs), HLN (headline or dateline), TTL (title), etc.
gapping gap coindexing: (S (S (NP-SBJ-1 Mary) (VP likes) (NP-2 Bach)) and (S (NP-SBJ=1 Susan), (NP=2 Beethoven))) predicate-argument structure LIKES(Mary,Bach) & LIKES(Susan,Beethoven) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP (VP eat (NP-1 breakfast) (PP-TMP-2 in (NP the morning))) and (VP (NP=1 lunch) (PP-TMP=2 in (NP the afternoon)))))
empty categories Empty categories or null elements are used for non-local dependencies, discontinuous constituents, and missing elements. They are coindexed with their antecedents in the same sentence. In addition, if a node has a particular grammatical function (such as subject) or semantic role (such as location), it has a function tag indicating that role; empty categories may also have function tags. NP *arbitrary or controlled PRO, trace of NP movement *T*trace of A movement (WHNP) 0null complementizer (i.e. that) *U*unit
indexing & *T* examples Indices used to express coreference, binding (wh- movement), close association (it extraposition) (S (NP-SBJ Willie) (VP knew (SBAR (WHNP-1 who) (S (NP-SBJ *T*-1) (VP threw (NP the ball)))))) (SBARQ (WHNP-1 what) (SQ are (NP-SBJ you) (VP thinking (PP-CLR about (NP *T*-1)))) ?)
NP * object of passive verb: (S (NP-SBJ-1 John) (VP was (VP hit (NP *-1) (PP by (NP a ball))))) reduced relative clause: (NP (NP an agreement) (VP signed (NP *) (PP by (NP everyone)))) subjects of participial clauses and gerunds: (S NP-SBJ-1 I) (VP stopped (S (NP-SBJ *-1) (VP eating (NP chocolate))))) (S (NP *) (VP Having (VP carefully considered (NP his options)))) adverbial: (S (NP-SBJ-1 She) (VP left, (S-ADV (NP- SBJ-2 *-1) (VP offended (NP *-2) (PP by (NP their remarks))))))
0 and *U* that: (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP believe (SBAR 0 (S (NP-SBJ he) (VP will (VP stay)))))) WHNP 0: (NP (NP a movie) (SBAR (WHNP-1 0) (S (NP- SBJ *) (VP to (VP see (NP *T*-1)))))) WHADVP 0: (S (NP-SBJ That) (VP is (NP-PRD (NP a good way (SBAR (WHADVP-1 0) (S (NP-SBJ *) (VP to (VP keep (ADJP-PRD warm) (ADVP-MNR *T*-1)))))))) units: (NP US$ 5 *U*) (NP (QP between 12% to 13%) *U*)
recovery of empty categories [Campbell 2004] recovery refers to: detection: locate empty categories in the parse tree resolution: coindexation with their antecedents, assign them function tags. NOT learning- or corpus-based, but syntax rule-based.
algorithm for recovery Walk the tree from top. At each node X try to insert every empty category c. If the syntactic context of c (rule- based) is met by X, decide for c. Assign function tags to X. If X = NP *, try to find antecedent for X. rule to insert NP *: if X is passive VP & X has no complement S if postmodifying PP Y ins NP * before postmodifiers of Y else ins NP * before postmodifiers of X else if X is a non-finite S and X has no subject ins NP-SBJ * after all premodifiers of X
parameters rules make no use of lexical information. only some function words (aux. or inf. to) but no content. for WHADVP: check quality of the head of the NP relative clause and add function tag to *T* (why: PRP, how: MNR, when: TMP, etc) (NP (NP the country) (SBAR (WHADVP-1 where) (S (NP-SBJ I) (VP live (ADVP-LOC *T*-1))))) “time to go” ? the method depends on the system’s ability to detect passives, infinitives, modifiers, functional info such as subject etc.
more rules an extra rule inserts NP * as subject of imperative: (S (NP-VOC Chris), (NP-SBJ *) (VP go (ADVP-DIR home)) !) to find antecedents of NP *: If non-subject NP *, assign local subject (“John was hit (NP *) by a ball”). If NP * subject of a non-finite S, search the tree for another NP subject (“I stopped (NP-SBJ *) eating chocolate”).
evaluation perfect input: PTB w/o empty categories. correct recovery: label + string position. Prec: % correct empty categories / empty categories detected Rec: % correct empty categories / empty categories in corpus F 1 : 2*PR/(P+R) perfect input w/o function tags.
evaluation Charniak’s parser output as input. PCFG parser based on the PTB for training/testing. correct recovery: label + string position. low results: errors introduced by the parser and no function tags on parser output.
learning & lexical-based? we need lexical info in some cases: VP (S (VP to…)…) empty category as subject to S: NP * or NP *T* ? “I’d like (NP-SBJ *) to have.” “Everyone seems (NP-SBJ *) to dislike him.” “John designed telescopes (NP-SBJ *T*) to sit on Kitt Park.” “We bought a broom (NP-SBJ *) to sweep the floor with (NP *T*) ” the last 2 verbs + to express purpose (PRP). combined learning + rule-based for function or subject tags in NP * and their antecedents (resolution).
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