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191725334149576573 2101826344250586674 3111927354351596775 4122028364452606876 5132129374553616977 6142230384654627078 7152331394755637179 8162432404856647280.

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Presentation on theme: "191725334149576573 2101826344250586674 3111927354351596775 4122028364452606876 5132129374553616977 6142230384654627078 7152331394755637179 8162432404856647280."— Presentation transcript:

1 191725334149576573 2101826344250586674 3111927354351596775 4122028364452606876 5132129374553616977 6142230384654627078 7152331394755637179 8162432404856647280 Created by Grant Torpin

2 QUESTION 1 The basic economic problem is when our _____________ and _____________ exceed our limited resources Answer - wants / needs

3 QUESTION 2 This type of economy is when the resources are owned by the people…not the government Answer - Capitalism

4 QUESTION 3 Produces are the ones who offer goods and services to this group of people. Answer - Consumers

5 QUESTION 4 The amount of goods and services a consumer is willing and able to buy is known as ___________. Answer - Demand

6 QUESTION 5 What is the following chart representing? Answer - A demand Curve

7 QUESTION 6 Give me an example of a supply curve. Answer -

8 QUESTION 7 Two basic things that a business can offer are services (things consumed as they are produced) and _________ (physical things your can touch and feel) Answer - Goods

9 QUESTION 8 The price that a consumer pays is known as the market price. How do you determine it? Answer - It is the point where a supply curve intersects with a demand curve

10 QUESTION 9 The basic economic problem is that our wants and _________ exceed our limited resources. Answer - Needs

11 QUESTION 10 What is the value of the next best alternative that you did not choose? Answer - Opportunity Cost

12 QUESTION 11 Who are the individuals that determine what will be for sale in an economy? Answer - Producers

13 QUESTION 12 What is the result of the basic economic problem? Answer - Scarcity

14 QUESTION 13 Activities that are consumed at the same time that they are produced are what? Answer - Services

15 QUESTION 14 The amount of goods or services available to consumers are ___________ and it is set by _____________ Answer - Supply Producers

16 QUESTION 15 Things that are not necessary to live with and that add pleasure and comfort to your life is what? Answer - wants

17 QUESTION 16 What is a decrease in the general price of things? Answer - Deflation

18 QUESTION 17 a phase in the business cycle marked by long periods of high unemployment, weak sales, and business failure Answer - Depression

19 QUESTION 18 What is the total dollar value of all final goods and service produced in a country during one year Answer - GDP

20 QUESTION 19 What is an increase in the general level of prices? Answer - Inflation

21 QUESTION 20 This is a number that compares prices in one year with some earlier base year Answer - Price Index

22 QUESTION 21 What is the production output in relation to a certain input? Ex – one machine produces 10 items per hour Answer - Productivity

23 QUESTION 22 What is the peak of the business cycle? Answer - Prosperity

24 QUESTION 23 The phase of the business cycle where demand begins to decrease, business lowers production, unemployment rises Answer - Recession

25 QUESTION 24 This is the phase of the business cycle where unemployment decreases, demand and GDP rises Answer - Recovery

26 QUESTION 25 The portion of the labor force currently not working is know as what? Answer - Unemployment Rate

27 QUESTION 26 The difference between the amount of money that comes into a country and the amount that goes out what? Answer - Balance of Payment

28 QUESTION 27 What is the difference between a country's total export and total imports? Answer - Balance of Trade

29 QUESTION 28 This trade restriction stops imports and exports completely. Answer - Embargo

30 QUESTION 29 Exports are produced in one country and then _________________ Answer - sold to others/ traded to others

31 QUESTION 30 Goods and services that are bought from other countries are ____________ Answer - Imports

32 QUESTION 31 What are two or more businesses operating together for a limited time for a specific project? Answer - Joint Venture

33 QUESTION 32 What is a trade barrier that only allows a certain amount of imports or exports? Answer - Quota

34 QUESTION 33 When the government sets a certain tax on imports and exports to discourage trade they are setting a ________________. Answer - Tariff

35 QUESTION 34 Trade barriers are ______________ to free trade. Answer - Restrictions

36 QUESTION 35 Setting anti-trust laws will prevent ________________ and encourage ________________ Answer - Monopolies / Competition

37 QUESTION 36 Following these will help determine how a business and their employees will behave. Answer - Business Ethics

38 QUESTION 37 What is a legally binding agreement between two people? Answer - A Contract

39 QUESTION 38 A copyright will protect someone's creative work for their entire life plus _______ years. Answer - 70 years

40 QUESTION 39 Describe competition when a monopoly is present. Answer - There is none

41 QUESTION 40 The exclusive right of an inventor to make, sell, and use a product or process is what? Answer - Patent

42 QUESTION 41 What is a distinctive name, symbol, word, picture that a company uses to identify products or services? Answer - Trademark

43 QUESTION 42 This document defines the business Answer - Articles of Incorporation

44 QUESTION 43 When a business that sells stocks and is ran by a board is what? Answer - A Corporation

45 QUESTION 44 A business that pays a fee to get permission to operate and sell products or services in a specific way is a __________. Answer - Franchise

46 QUESTION 45 An exact statement of results that a business wants to achieve is a ___________ Answer - Goal

47 QUESTION 46 This type of business sells goods and services of producers to businesses and individuals Answer - Intermediaries

48 QUESTION 47 A short written statement that explains the purpose of the business and what it wants to achieve Answer - Mission Statement

49 QUESTION 48 A diagram that lays out the structure of a business including who is in charge of who. Answer - Organization Chart

50 QUESTION 49 When a business is owned by more than one person it is a ___________ Answer - Partnership

51 QUESTION 50 When a partnership is formed this written agreement is developed between the owners. Answer - partnership agreement

52 QUESTION 51 A business with only one owner is a ____________ Answer - Proprietorship

53 QUESTION 52 Guidelines are used to make consistent decisions. Answer - Policies

54 QUESTION 53 What are steps to be followed to perform a particular work activity? Answer - Procedures

55 QUESTION 54 A business that carries out activities that are consumed by its customers Answer - Service Business

56 QUESTION 55 This document is often used to secure a loan from a bank. Answer - Business Plan

57 QUESTION 56 Starting, organizing, managing, and assuming the responsibility for a business is all a part of what? Answer - Entrepreneurship

58 QUESTION 57 What is an invention that is a brand new idea? Answer - Innovation

59 QUESTION 58 An option for entrepreneurs to add or change an existing product Answer - Improvement

60 QUESTION 59 What type of financing is used for expenses that will be a resource for businesses for many years Answer - Long-Term Financing

61 QUESTION 60 When a business uses money for current operating expenses they use this type of financing Answer - Short-Term Financing

62 QUESTION 61 What does the SBA stand for and do? Answer - Small Business Association ….helps small businesses

63 QUESTION 62 When a venture capitalist think a new business or idea will be successful they provide money and become investors. What is this money known as? Answer - venture capital

64 QUESTION 63 A leader that is appointed and defined in the organizational structure uses this Answer - Formal Influence

65 QUESTION 64 The way people get along with each other is _________________ Answer - Human Relations

66 QUESTION 65 A manager's effort to direct and lead people to accomplish the planned work of the organization Answer - Implementing

67 QUESTION 66 When you affect the action of others you ______________ them Answer - Influence

68 QUESTION 67 A leader that is appointed by his peers uses this type of influence Answer - Informal Influence

69 QUESTION 68 The ability to motivate individuals and groups to accomplish important goals Answer - Leadership

70 QUESTION 69 the process of accomplishing the goals of an organization through the effective use of people and other resources Answer - Management

71 QUESTION 70 This determines how a manager will deal with employees. Answer - Management Style or policy

72 QUESTION 71 The function of identifying and arranging the work and resources needed to achieve the goals of a business Answer - Organizing

73 QUESTION 72 Analyzing information, setting goals, and determining what needs to be done is what? Answer - Planning

74 QUESTION 73 Obtaining, preparing, and compensating the employees of a business falls under what duty of a manager? Answer - Staffing

75 QUESTION 74 Money coming into a business is what? Answer - Revenue

76 QUESTION 75 When more money is coming into the business than leaving the business, the business will have a _________ Answer - Profit

77 QUESTION 76 What term describes a situation where more money is leaving the businesses (expenses) than there is coming in (revenue)? Answer - Loss

78 QUESTION 77 A plan of how you will deal with the financial needs of a business, individual, or family is what? Answer - A budget

79 QUESTION 78 Things of value that a business owns are what? Answer - Assets

80 QUESTION 79 The amount of money a business owes to others is known as what? Answer - Liabilities

81 QUESTION 80 The owners financial ties to a business is what? Answer - Owner’s Equity

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