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Emerging Financial Markets Prof. Zhiwu Chen Lecture 1: The Big Picture.

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2 Emerging Financial Markets Prof. Zhiwu Chen Lecture 1: The Big Picture

3 The Rise & Fall of Historical Powers u u 3000 BC, Kingdom of Egypt

4 Then u u 2500 BC, The Greek Civilization u u 2000 BC, Shang Dynasty in China u u 500 BC, The Roman Empire

5 Then u u Middle Ages: China, Aztec in Mexico and the Incas of Peru u u 1500 AD, Spanish Adventurers u u 1700-1900 AD, British Empire u u 1900 AD - ?, The United States of America

6 Financial Markets also emerge, submerge and re-emerge u Argentina’s stock market: –Founded in 1872 –Submerged in 1965 –Re-emerged in 1975 u Peru: 1941-52, 57-77, 88-

7 3 The IFC Definition: Income less than $9,000 21% GDP, 85% Population, 76% Area, And 11% Market Capitalization in the World (1995) Higher growth rates & high avg returns in many countries Time Taken to Double Per capita Output (10 years but unstable) What is an Emerging Market?

8 The Emerging Markets

9 Annual Real GDP Growth1987-1996

10 Average Annual Returns for the Twelve Years Ended December 1998 Source: International Finance Corporation. Returns include capital gains and dividends.


12 Why Do Countries Differ?

13 The Puzzles of Economic Growth u u Why growth differs across countries? u u Why growth does not always translate into stock returns? u u Why capital flow is so small?





18 Why Good Opportunities in Emerging Markets?

19 4 Privatization and Incentives u u Have shown a high correlation between economic freedom and growth. u u Privatization of SOEs leads to great improvement in efficiency and profits. u u Low Tax Rates provide more incentives for entrepreneurs. u u Free trade and market opening allows multinationals to leverage their strength, outsourcing production, and expand their markets.

20 Effective Corporate Tax Rates Data Source: Goldman Sachs

21 5 An Educated And Low Cost Labor Pool u u High Literacy Rates Make Training Less Costly. u u Young and Energetic u u Cost Of Labor Is Low u u Technology Leap-frog Allows for Dramatic Improvement in Efficiency.



24 Domestic Savings And Foreign Capital Flow (FDI) u u People are thrifty (high saving rates) in many markets. But high domestic savings cannot fully cushion the flow of foreign capital. u u The composition of capital flows is healthy (more private than public flows) but there is a problem of duration mismatch. 6




28 6

29 Economic Impact On Developed Countries u u Raising demand of baby boomers in EM vs. falling demand in many western countries u u Rising demand for western technology u u Badly needed infrastructure projects create huge demand for capital and expertise. 7

30 Comparison of Population Growth Data Source: United Nations Over the last five years, Japan’s population grew only at a miniscule 0.2% a year. In comparison, the population of other Asian grew at much higher rates, with some growing at over 2% a year.

31 Annual GDP Growth Projection 2000-2025 Data Source: “Asia’s Bright Future” (Steven Radlelet and Jeffrey Sachs ), United Nations, and Financial Times

32 Of course, what can go wrong? u u Past Success has little persistence (Brazil & Asian Tigers). u u Excessive public and private borrowing increase the risk of financial crisis. u u Currency instability resulted from week financial system. u u Overbuilding of production capacity leads to low returns. (Real estate speculation)   Strong special interest groups can block badly needed reform. 8


34 Nobody says it is easy to invest in EMs! Can you handle it?

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