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Yearend Reporting Errors to Avoid. SCO Reporting Errors Reporting Errors Identified by the SCO Last Year  0001/0498/0574: Prior year accruals were not.

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Presentation on theme: "Yearend Reporting Errors to Avoid. SCO Reporting Errors Reporting Errors Identified by the SCO Last Year  0001/0498/0574: Prior year accruals were not."— Presentation transcript:

1 Yearend Reporting Errors to Avoid

2 SCO Reporting Errors Reporting Errors Identified by the SCO Last Year  0001/0498/0574: Prior year accruals were not within 10% of expenditures realized in current year.  0001/0498: SCO recognizes revenues only for current year and prior year. Anything older than prior year must be coded as prior year.  0001: Source code was missing from 7B reimbursement.  0001/0574/6028/6041: There should be no Due From or Due To with Revolving Fund (e.g., 3114-0998)  0001: Due to Fund 0574 for a reverted appropriation  0001: State GL account 2341 is not allowed in General Fund.

3 SCO Reporting Errors Reporting Errors Identified by the SCO Last Year (Continued)  0505: One sided transfer from GF should have been recorded as a revenue 299100  0574/6028/6041: Accrued loan interest was posted to a wrong state GL account 3310, which should be reported as 3114-0942.  0576: State GL 2500 does not require subsidiary digits (i.e., should be 2500, not 2500-xxxx)  0581/0947: State GL 2130 does not require subsidiary digits (i.e., should be 2130, not 2130-xxxx).  0942: If the dollar amount is zero, do not include it in the report.  6028: The task # was missing on an appropriation

4 FIRMS Edits FIRMS Manual Edits  Object Code 105028 (Due From Campus) = Object Code 202029 (Due To CO)  Object Code 105029 (Due From CO) = Object Code 202028 (Due To Campus)

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