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Service Oriented Architecture and (Multi-)Agent Systems Technology.January 11 th - 15 th 2010. Crisis Management in ALIVE Thomas Quillinan D-CIS Lab, Thales Research and Technology, Delft. (Formally IIDS Group, VU Amsterdam)
2 Service Oriented Architecture & (Multi)-Agent Systtens Technology January 2010. Introduction Managing Crisis Modeling existing crisis management structure in the Netherlands. Using model to simulate disasters. Integrate ALIVE technologies to improve response. ALIVE EU FUNDED PROJECT
3 Service Oriented Architecture & (Multi)-Agent Systtens Technology January 2010. Co-ordination Inter-agency Cooperation Different services mean different priorities. Political Structure. Disaster profile changes. ALIVE EU FUNDED PROJECT
4 Service Oriented Architecture & (Multi)-Agent Systtens Technology January 2010. From Minor Crisis... Few Personnel involved. Minor accident to local incident. Managing limited set of resources. ALIVE EU FUNDED PROJECT
5 Service Oriented Architecture & (Multi)-Agent Systtens Technology January 2010....with local management... Coordination between different services handled on site. Communication between local crisis management team and services on the ground. ALIVE EU FUNDED PROJECT
6 Service Oriented Architecture & (Multi)-Agent Systtens Technology January major disaster... Thales ALIVE Scenario Flooding of a major city (Rotterdam). Managing the “Cold” and “Warm” periods. ALIVE EU FUNDED PROJECT
7 Service Oriented Architecture & (Multi)-Agent Systtens Technology January 2010....with major coordination. Authorities: Local Government Safety Regions LOCC / NCC Ministry of Internal Affairs GRIP Levels Levels: 0 to 4 Ministry Regional NCC Local Mayors LOCC ALIVE EU FUNDED PROJECT
8 Service Oriented Architecture & (Multi)-Agent Systtens Technology January 2010. Municipality LOCC StructureNCC LOCC Police Fire Medical District Defence Policy Operational Services ALIVE EU FUNDED PROJECT
9 Service Oriented Architecture & (Multi)-Agent Systtens Technology January 2010. Grip 1 - Street (Minor) ALIVE EU FUNDED PROJECT
10 Service Oriented Architecture & (Multi)-Agent Systtens Technology January 2010. Grip 2 - Area ALIVE EU FUNDED PROJECT
11 Service Oriented Architecture & (Multi)-Agent Systtens Technology January 2010. Grip 3-Region ALIVE EU FUNDED PROJECT
12 Service Oriented Architecture & (Multi)-Agent Systtens Technology January 2010. Grip 4 - National ALIVE EU FUNDED PROJECT
13 Service Oriented Architecture & (Multi)-Agent Systtens Technology January 2010. Scenario Overview North Sea Storm Dikes in Zuid Holland Province breached Rotterdam City and Europoort flooded Initially GRIP 2 - Single Safety region Upgraded to GRIP 3 - Multiple regions. Target: Save Niet Zelfredzamen ALIVE EU FUNDED PROJECT
14 Service Oriented Architecture & (Multi)-Agent Systtens Technology January 2010. Niet Zelfredzamen Patients in Hospitals Patients in Mental Health Facilities Prisoners Elderly (OAPs) in Homes... ALIVE EU FUNDED PROJECT
15 Service Oriented Architecture & (Multi)-Agent Systtens Technology January 2010. Risk to Netherlands ALIVE EU FUNDED PROJECT
16 Service Oriented Architecture & (Multi)-Agent Systtens Technology January 2010. Scenario: Rotterdam ALIVE EU FUNDED PROJECT
17 Service Oriented Architecture & (Multi)-Agent Systtens Technology January 2010. Risk Area (approx) ALIVE EU FUNDED PROJECT
18 Service Oriented Architecture & (Multi)-Agent Systtens Technology January 2010. Safety Regions ALIVE EU FUNDED PROJECT
19 Service Oriented Architecture & (Multi)-Agent Systtens Technology January 2010. Risk Area (actual) ALIVE EU FUNDED PROJECT
20 Service Oriented Architecture & (Multi)-Agent Systtens Technology January 2010. Evacuation Managing transportation of at-risk people. Coordination of services Capacity Speed Time to arrival Suitability ALIVE EU FUNDED PROJECT
21 Service Oriented Architecture & (Multi)-Agent Systtens Technology January 2010. Simulations of crises expensive and time consuming Distributed / Automated simulations seems to provide an ideal solution Challenges: How to make the simulations realistic? What to simulate? How to feed results back into process? Crisis Management Scenarios have organisation, co-ordination and services that can be independently assessed and modelled. Use Case Motivation ALIVE EU FUNDED PROJECT
22 Service Oriented Architecture & (Multi)-Agent Systtens Technology January 2010. Simulation Toolkit: Allow different scenarios to be rapidly modelled and the results displayed for ease of evaluation Services represent the actions that are performed by crisis management personnel Coordination between these tasks result in changes to the enactment of the entire scenario. Organisational constraints determine the coordination that can take place. Outline of Use Case ALIVE EU FUNDED PROJECT
23 Service Oriented Architecture & (Multi)-Agent Systtens Technology January 2010. Flooding of two adjacent regions Evacuation of these regions required This entails evacuation of Nietzelfredzamen Hospitals Elderly Prisoners Scenario ALIVE EU FUNDED PROJECT
24 Service Oriented Architecture & (Multi)-Agent Systtens Technology January 2010. Demo: Results of a Simulation run ALIVE EU FUNDED PROJECT
25 Service Oriented Architecture & (Multi)-Agent Systtens Technology January 2010. Basic Interactions: Interaction Structures… ALIVE EU FUNDED PROJECT
26 Service Oriented Architecture & (Multi)-Agent Systtens Technology January 2010. Evacuation of a Hospital requires planning for both Critical and non-critical patients. Help must be sought if Norms (e.g. time required to evacuated greater than a limit) will be violated. Organisational Structure guides how resources are used to fulfil action plans …Leads to Action Plans ALIVE EU FUNDED PROJECT
27 Service Oriented Architecture & (Multi)-Agent Systtens Technology January 2010. Organisation – Coordination Level Model Transformation ALIVE EU FUNDED PROJECT Organisation LevelCoordination Level OL::SceneCL::CompositeAction OL::LandmarkPatternCL::CompositeAction OL::LandmarkCL::CompositeAction OL::Objective (with subObjectives) OL::Objective CL::CompositeAction CL::AtomicAction OL::PartialStateDescriptionCL::AtomicActionResult OL::PlayerCL::Participant OL::...CL::... Transformation Definition Model2Model (QVTO) result:: actions model
28 Service Oriented Architecture & (Multi)-Agent Systtens Technology January 2010. Actions ALIVE EU FUNDED PROJECT
29 Service Oriented Architecture & (Multi)-Agent Systtens Technology January 2010. Actions (Evacuate Hospital Scene) ALIVE EU FUNDED PROJECT
30 Service Oriented Architecture & (Multi)-Agent Systtens Technology January 2010. Specifies the organisational context of the domain Interaction Structure specifies the desired/required interactions within the organisation Social Structure specifies the important parties that play a part in the organisation (Basic) Ontology support Creating roles/objectives/etc. adds their name as concept to a generated ontology Roles/objectives/… can be named by selecting a concept from an existing ontology OperettA ALIVE EU FUNDED PROJECT
31 Service Oriented Architecture & (Multi)-Agent Systtens Technology January 2010. OperettA.check adds model validation to the organisational model editor Validates organisational model based on defined constraints to ensure model correctness Checks vary from checking whether all roles have a name… To checking whether landmark patterns are connected and acyclic Organisational Model Validation ALIVE EU FUNDED PROJECT
32 Service Oriented Architecture & (Multi)-Agent Systtens Technology January 2010. AgentScape Coordination Actions are automatically created as Agents running on top of AgentScape AgentScape: Multi-agent Middleware system Provides scalable agent infrastructure services and applications in a secure manner Platform to support Agents: Create/delete agents Migrate Agents between locations Locating Agents/Services Developed by IIDS Group in TUDelft (formally in VUA) Thales supporting Open Source development with TUDelft, The Book Depository, University of Bath, University of Warwick, University of Cardiff, …and you?
33 Service Oriented Architecture & (Multi)-Agent Systtens Technology January 2010. Agent platforms … Frameworks for scalable, interactive, secure, robust, interoperable distributed autonomous systems/agents supporting service agreement negotiation and service agreement enforcement
34 Service Oriented Architecture & (Multi)-Agent Systtens Technology January 2010. AgentScape Framework Designed to support large scale distributed mobile agent applications. A distributed agent operating system kernel (AOS) Middleware services: agent management lease management (ie resource mgt based on WSAS) location management (location service) web service access gateway External services look-up services configuration services
35 Service Oriented Architecture & (Multi)-Agent Systtens Technology January 2010. Services in AgentScape Internal Services services extending AOS kernel functionality example: resource management subsystem External Services services extending application level functionality example: Agent Factory, WS configuration, directory services
36 Service Oriented Architecture & (Multi)-Agent Systtens Technology January 2010. AgentScape Conceptual Model
37 Service Oriented Architecture & (Multi)-Agent Systtens Technology January 2010. AgentScape Platform for mobile agents AgentScape middleware agent server1 WS gateway service server ws1 AgentScape Interface AOS Interface XML-RPC SunRPC agent servier2 agent ws2 ds
38 Service Oriented Architecture & (Multi)-Agent Systtens Technology January 2010. Conclusions Crisis Management Simulations need a MAS based approach. Autonomous interactive systems Message based interaction ALIVE tools provide the means to easily generate new simulations without “reprogramming” Model the organisation level once (for Crisis Management) Coordination level adapts to changes in the situation Services utilised towards solving the “problem” (reaching the goals) AgentScape used to provide runtime environment for the agents and the services.
39 Service Oriented Architecture & (Multi)-Agent Systtens Technology January 2010. Calico Jack Demo
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