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Maintaining Metadata IMT 589 February 14, 2004. IMT589- Applied and Structural Metadata2 What are the Hurdles? Build it and leave it Metadata is a long-term.

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Presentation on theme: "Maintaining Metadata IMT 589 February 14, 2004. IMT589- Applied and Structural Metadata2 What are the Hurdles? Build it and leave it Metadata is a long-term."— Presentation transcript:

1 Maintaining Metadata IMT 589 February 14, 2004

2 IMT589- Applied and Structural Metadata2 What are the Hurdles? Build it and leave it Metadata is a long-term proposition Needs dedicated resources to be successful Turf wars Need to be clear about responsibilities Differentiate ownership from management Change Plan for it- it happens Use metadata wisely- may want to keep separately from your content for long life

3 February 14, 2004IMT589- Applied and Structural Metadata3 Success Factors Dedicated staff Experts in managing metadata Able to translate business requirements into elements and terms Business owner and user involvement But not at the detail level Identify owners of key metadata Manage it for them, but don’t take it over Make it clear to others who the owners are Produce products, not promises Make your efforts concrete to provide value

4 February 14, 2004IMT589- Applied and Structural Metadata4 Assumptions (Paula Land) Standardized metadata should become a routine aspect of all information creation All information access should be the result of browserlike metadata searches Industry standards should have a positive impact on developed metadata solutions Sharing and exchanging metadata between and among organizations should be standards based The need for common metadata stores should decrease exponentially as common metadata exchange standards and associated meta-models are deployed and accepted

5 February 14, 2004IMT589- Applied and Structural Metadata5 Takeaways (Todd Noble) Metadata solutions are best done starting small and expanding as needed Processes need to be in place to keep the metadata current It takes time and effort to keep the metadata current There are still risks that it can get away from you (vigilance required) Expanding the meta-solution uses the same process as the initial solution, which starts with defining the metadata beneficiaries, and the meta requirements of each

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