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ERASMUS Intensive Programme (IP) 2008 in Sucha Struga, Poland Business with a Cause Young Europeans Developing Sustainopreneurship.

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Presentation on theme: "ERASMUS Intensive Programme (IP) 2008 in Sucha Struga, Poland Business with a Cause Young Europeans Developing Sustainopreneurship."— Presentation transcript:

1 ERASMUS Intensive Programme (IP) 2008 in Sucha Struga, Poland Business with a Cause Young Europeans Developing Sustainopreneurship

2 University of Professional Education West Flanders Kortrijk, Belgium Drenthe University of Professional Education Emmen, Netherlands IADE – Institute of Visual Arts, Design and Marketing Lisbon, Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences Helsinki, Finland Academy of Finance Warsaw, Poland IP 2008 Sucha Struga, Poland Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences Dornbirn, Austria Participants: 60 students from 6 different nations (Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences sends 10 students to Sucha Struga) Duration: 2 weeks 06 / 04 / 2008 – 18 / 04 / 2008

3 Sustainability Today’s societies have to deal with various sustainability problems such as poverty, climate change, health, consumption/production or illiteracy. Innovative entrepreneurs should not only focus on economical goals but also take responsibility for society and environment. Entrepreneurship Sustainopreneurship…

4 At the end of the project students will have worked out a detailed business plan (marketing / communication / finance). The result will be a virtual company. Topics: __Tourism + Services __Health + Food __Manufacturing + Trade __Construction + Development __Communication + Technology Diversity of Europe:6 hours Business Plan Development: 4 hours Business with a Cause4 hours Marketing Communication:2 hours Strategies2 hours Finances:2 hours Creativity:4 hours Contents…

5 work in international teams new contacts, new networks financial support by the EU 4 ECTS credits new impressions experience in entrepreneurship 2 weeks in Poland What’s in it for you?

6 Who can participate? Wolfgang Kremser IP Head 10 Students… … from diverse educational backgrounds and disciplines … with open-mindedness, creativity, motivation and social skills … with the ability to communicate in English. (balance between female and male students)

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