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.. Gabriella Sciolla Massachusetts Institute of Technology On behalf of the BaBar Collaboration APS/DPF Meeting Philadelphia, April 5 - 8, 2003 Cracking the Unitarity Triangle: B physics at BaBar
April 5, 2003B physics at BaBar G. Sciolla – M.I.T. All sides are ~ O(1) measure independently: 2 sides: B mixing, V ub, V cb,… 3 angles: CPV in B decays The Beauty of the Unitarity Triangle This allows us to: test CP sector of SM quantitatively CPV as a probe for New Physics
April 5, 2003B physics at BaBar G. Sciolla – M.I.T. Outline Introduction The experimental apparatus: PEP-II and BaBar CP violation in the B system: theory and analysis technique The angles: sin2 : the golden mode, the penguin modes, D *+ D *- The angle : B 0 B 0 The angle : progress in B + D 0 CP K + The sides: Inclusive measurement of V ub Prospects for V td from b d Summary and conclusion
April 5, 2003B physics at BaBar G. Sciolla – M.I.T. The PEP-II accelerator Asymmetric B factory 9.0 GeV e - beam 3.1 GeV e + beam Peak luminosity Design: 3 x 10 33 cm -2 s -1 Achieved: 5 x 10 33 cm -2 s -1 Integrated Luminosity Delivered: 118 fb -1 Recorded: 113 fb -1 As of April 3, 2003: Results based on 89 M BB pairs
April 5, 2003B physics at BaBar G. Sciolla – M.I.T. The B A B AR Detector ) DIRC (PID) 1.5 T solenoid CsI(Tl) EMC Drift Chamber Instrumented Flux Return Silicon Vertex Tracker e + (3.1GeV) e - (9GeV) Tracking: p T )/p T = 0.13% p T 0.45% DIRC: K- separation: > 3.5 for p<3.5 GeV/c EMC: E /E = 2.3% E -1/4 1.9%
April 5, 2003B physics at BaBar G. Sciolla – M.I.T. CP violation in B 0 decays mixing decay Scenario 1 Only one diagram contributes: A CP (t) = - Im sin( mt) CPV in interference between mixing and decays Im =sin2 sin2 etc. Scenario 2 More than one diagram contributes both sin and cos terms will survive - S f : depends on Im sensitive to UT angles - C f : depends on | |, direct CP (f)(f)
April 5, 2003B physics at BaBar G. Sciolla – M.I.T. How to measure CPV at BaBar. Ingredient #1: Exclusive reconstruction Ingredient #3: Flavor tagging (coherent state) Ingredient #2: t determination e-e- (4S) B0B0 B0B0 e-e- ++ -- B reco B tag e+e+ z~ c t ++ --
April 5, 2003B physics at BaBar G. Sciolla – M.I.T. The measurement of
April 5, 2003B physics at BaBar G. Sciolla – M.I.T. B 0 charmonium K 0 The “golden channels”: Theoretically well understood Experimentally clean Relatively large BF (~10 -4 ) A CP (t) = sin2 sin mt CP sample: ModeCPN event s J/ K s, (2s)K s, c K s, c K s 1506 J/ K L +1988 J/ K *0 (K s 0 ) mixed147 Full CP sample2641
April 5, 2003B physics at BaBar G. Sciolla – M.I.T. B flavor tagging Tagging parameters measured from data using B 0 flavor eigenstates in time dependent B 0 mixing analysis. Category tag (%) w (%) eff (%) Lepton 9.1 0.23.3 0.67.9 0.3 Kaon1 16.7 0.29.9 0.710.7 0.4 Kaon2 19.8 0.220.9 0.86.7 0.4 Inclusive 20.0 0.331.6 0.92.7 0.3 ALL 65.6 0.528.1 0.7 B0B0 D *- D0D0 l +l + (soft) K + B0B0 D *- (hard) W+W+
April 5, 2003B physics at BaBar G. Sciolla – M.I.T. sin2 CP fit CP=+1CP=-1 sin(2 ) = 0.741 ± 0.067 stat ± 0.033 syst Unbinned maximum likelihood fit to t distribution
April 5, 2003B physics at BaBar G. Sciolla – M.I.T. Testing the “usual assumptions” Assumptions made in the sin2 measurement: Same lifetime for B H and B L No CP/T/CPT violation in the mixing CP/T CPT SM z=0 SM Very good approximation in SM But can we test them?
April 5, 2003B physics at BaBar G. Sciolla – M.I.T. Fit for the “usual assumptions” Fit B CP and B 0 flavor eigenstates floating / , q/p, z and CP : 90% C.L. The “usual assumptions” work! Direct limit on Test of CPT invariance Indirect CP in mixing
April 5, 2003B physics at BaBar G. Sciolla – M.I.T. Unitarity Triangle constraints sin2 vs indirect UT constraints: Excellent agreement This means: New Physics contribution is small OR New Physics is not small but does not appear in this particular decay because of accidental cancellations. sin2 from BaBar vs. indirect constraints Observed CP asymmetry consistent with CKM mechanism being the dominant source of CPV at low energies Can we test this hypothesis?
April 5, 2003B physics at BaBar G. Sciolla – M.I.T. More measurements of sin2 Why do we need them? measure sin2 in many modes characterized by: completely different Feynman diagrams theoretically clean and well understood and compare results. Significant differences will be indication of New Physics. Modes under study: B charmonium K 0 B 0 K S B 0 ’K S B 0 D*D* B 0 D*D
April 5, 2003B physics at BaBar G. Sciolla – M.I.T. B 0 K S : the theory Pure penguin modes: b sss |A/A|=1 within 4% Another clean measurement of sin2 ! A CP ( K S )~A CP (J/ K S ) If difference > few% Clear signal of New PhysicsNew Physics A CP (t)= - sin2 sin m t sssdsssd KSKS sssdsssd Grossman,Worah PLB 395, 241 (1997) Grossman, Isidori, Worah PRD 58, 057505 (1998)
April 5, 2003B physics at BaBar G. Sciolla – M.I.T. sin2 in B 0 K S : the results Results: Fit with both S and C terms: Assuming no direct CP (C=0): Hints of New Physics? Compare S Ks with sin2 (J/ K S )=0.73±0.05 2 effect. S Ks = 0.18 ± 0.51 ± 0.07 C Ks = 0.80 ± 0.38 ± 0.12 S Ks = 0.26 ± 0.51 64 signal events Background B 0 tag --- C+S __ S only
April 5, 2003B physics at BaBar G. Sciolla – M.I.T. sin2 in B 0 ’K S Another penguin dominated mode Tree is Cabibbo and color suppressed Compared to B K S Larger Branching Fraction: BF BaBar = (5.54 0.52) x 10 -5 More challenging final state: ’ and ~70 candidates ’KS’KS sssdsssd b d s W–W– u u d ’KS’KS
April 5, 2003B physics at BaBar G. Sciolla – M.I.T. CP fit of B 0 ’K S Results of CP fit: Hints of New Physics? Compare S ’Ks with sin2 (J/ K S )=0.73±0.05 2 effect S ’Ks = 0.02 0.34 0.03 C ’Ks = 0.10 0.22 0.03 BaBar Background B 0 tag
April 5, 2003B physics at BaBar G. Sciolla – M.I.T. B 0 D *+ D *- Tree measures sin2 from b ccd transitions Penguin expected to be small in SM (<10%) But could be enhanced by New Physics Transversity analysis used to measure CP odd component: R =0.07 0.06 (stat) 0.03 (syst) Mainly CP even!
April 5, 2003B physics at BaBar G. Sciolla – M.I.T. B 0 D *+ D *- : the CP fit CP fit: Compare with sin2 (J/ K S )=0.73 0.05 Im( ) =-0.310.430.13 = 0.980.250.09 N signal = 126 12 Indication for large penguin contribution
April 5, 2003B physics at BaBar G. Sciolla – M.I.T. sin2 summary Statistical fluctuation or first signs New Physics?
April 5, 2003B physics at BaBar G. Sciolla – M.I.T. The measurement of
April 5, 2003B physics at BaBar G. Sciolla – M.I.T. from Significant contribution from both diagrams: P/T ~ 1/3 from Br(B K )/Br(B ) S sin2 eff related to angle through isospin C direct CP violation T = TreeP = Penguin
April 5, 2003B physics at BaBar G. Sciolla – M.I.T. B 0 : analysis technique K- separation is a must Br(B 0 K + - ) ~ 4 x Br(B 0 + - ) * * PID gives >3.5 up to 3.5 GeV Continuum background rejected by Fisher discriminant Low branching fraction BR(B 0 + - ) ~ 5 x 10 -6 PID and Fisher included in maximum likelihood fit MC D 0 data Bkg MC m ES data sideband
April 5, 2003B physics at BaBar G. Sciolla – M.I.T. B 0 : the CP fit No asymmetry seen in yet… N =157 20
April 5, 2003B physics at BaBar G. Sciolla – M.I.T. B 0 the validation Extensive cross-checks: Possible two-body vertexing systematics CP asymmetry in the background Fit method Likelihood function Some examples: Measure mixing in B 0 K + – m d = (0.52 0.05) ps -1 OK! Measure B in B 0 + – B = (1.56 0.07) ps OK! B = (1.56 0.07) ps m B = (0.52 0.05) ps -1
April 5, 2003B physics at BaBar G. Sciolla – M.I.T. B 0 and B 0 Similar to B 0 … Measures both mixing-induced CP( ) and direct CP …just more challenging! Not a CP eigenstate 4 configurations: B 0 , B 0 3 final state combinatorics Analysis strategy Pseudo two-body analysis avoid interference regions of Dalitz plot Continuum background suppressed by NN Simultaneous fit for and
April 5, 2003B physics at BaBar G. Sciolla – M.I.T. B 0 and B 0 Combined Maximum Likelihood fit measures: BF(B 0 )= (22.6 1.8 2.2) 10 -6 BF(B 0 )= (7.3 1.3 1.3) 10 -6 and 6 other parameters related to CP: Indication for small penguins N( = 428 34N( ) = 120 20
April 5, 2003B physics at BaBar G. Sciolla – M.I.T. B 0 ) the CP fit Time integrated direct CP: Time dependent CP: Asymmetry between rates: -- B backg. -- all backg. First step towards a measurement of in B decays. Full Dalitz analysis in progress.
April 5, 2003B physics at BaBar G. Sciolla – M.I.T. Prospects for Clean measurement will eventually come from B S D + K - In the mean time B factories can constrain using: D 0 CP K Theoretically clean (Gronau & Wyler, Dunietz 1991) Interference between b u (cs) and b c (us) Small accessible Branching Fractions ~ 10 -7 B 0 D (*)+ Theoretically clean measurement of 2 Interference between b u (cd) and b c (ud) B K Interference between penguin and tree diagrams Take ratios of Br’s to eliminate dependence on strong phases Model dependent - relies on assumptions of factorizaton, SU(3)
April 5, 2003B physics at BaBar G. Sciolla – M.I.T. Isospin analysis Measurements: Progress in B D 0 CP K
April 5, 2003B physics at BaBar G. Sciolla – M.I.T. The measurement of the sides * * cbcd tdtb VV VV B 0
April 5, 2003B physics at BaBar G. Sciolla – M.I.T. Why another measurement of V ub ? sin2 is now very well known (sin2 ) ~5% (BaBar+Belle) Measurement of the “decay side” ~ |V ub /V cb | is not as well known (V cb ) ~ 5% (V ub ) ~16-20% Better measurement of V ub needed for a more stringent test of CP side of Standard Model Indirect constraints vs sin2 world average
April 5, 2003B physics at BaBar G. Sciolla – M.I.T. A new measurement of V ub The idea: One B exclusively reconstructed (4K/fb -1 ) Inclusively measure Br(b ul ) on recoiling B Many kinematical variables: p* lepton, Q 2, M X Reduce systematics measuring: B(X u l )/B(Xl ) Better purity and smaller model dependence! V ub p l * >1 GeV/c
April 5, 2003B physics at BaBar G. Sciolla – M.I.T. The result S/B ~ 1.7! V ub
April 5, 2003B physics at BaBar G. Sciolla – M.I.T. V ub inclusive: summary V ub This measurement: total error 13%
April 5, 2003B physics at BaBar G. Sciolla – M.I.T. B 0 0 B + + B 0 B and B ( ) + high energy Continuum suppressed by NN PID rejects B K* EW penguin dominated by top quark: BF(b d ) ~ |V td | 2 constraints on UT Mode90% CL (10 -6 )SM Expectation (10 6 ) <1.20.49 ± 0.21 <2.10.85 ± 0.40 <1.0~ 0.5 d Ali and Parkhomenko (hep-th 0105302) V td
April 5, 2003B physics at BaBar G. Sciolla – M.I.T. Summary BaBar is attacking the UT from all sides and angles: …and much more in parallel sessions! sin2 is well established golden mode used as calibration new modes: B 0 K S, ’K S, D * D *,… is coming… CPV in B 0 and B 0 V td from EW penguins B complements mixing New V ub measurement The power of statistics! is tough! B D CP K -
April 5, 2003B physics at BaBar G. Sciolla – M.I.T. Conclusion Although, some interesting shifts observed in sin2 from penguin modes and D*D*: Hints of New Physics??? Statistics will tell… Despite the fierce attack, the Standard Model is still holding remarkably well… And much more data is coming: Run-3 in progress (>24 fb -1 so far) >500 fb -1 by 2006 >1 at -1 by 2009 if physics case remains compelling
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