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Noise Canceling in 1-D Data: Presentation #13 Seri Rahayu Abd Rauf Fatima Boujarwah Juan Chen Liyana Mohd Sharipp Arti Thumar M2 April 20 th, 2005 Short.

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1 Noise Canceling in 1-D Data: Presentation #13 Seri Rahayu Abd Rauf Fatima Boujarwah Juan Chen Liyana Mohd Sharipp Arti Thumar M2 April 20 th, 2005 Short Final Presentation Overall Project Objective: Implementing Noise Cancellation Algorithm in Hardware Project Manager: Bobby Colyer

2 Status Design proposal (Done) Architecture proposal (Done) Size Estimates and Floorplan (Done) Gate Level Design - Schematics (Done) –Layout (Done) To be done: –Spice simulation (In Progress)

3 FPAdder Updates −Both simulations work −No more weird funky outputs

4 FPAdder1: ExtractedRC Simulations Results

5 FPAdder2: ExtractedRC Simulations Results

6 Final Presentation Outline

7 Noise Canceling in 1-D Data Seri Rahayu Abd Rauf Fatima Boujarwah Juan Chen Liyana Mohd Sharipp Arti Thumar M2 Project Manager: Bobby Colyer

8 Project Description −What does the chip do? −It is part of the a research done by a CMU Robotics faculty −How does it fit in the big picture −Why did we find this interesting

9 Marketing Potential −Medical/ robotic applications −Rehabilitation/ human-computer interfaces −Vehicle maneuvering −Hearing aid −Computer devices applications −** can be implemented in other applications

10 Behavioral/ Algorithmic Description −How the top level works −Communications between toplevel modules −Datapath (Block Diagram) −Input/Output

11 Design Process −Research done in CMU (want to implement the software into hardware −Main target : to have optimum power saving feature −Design tradeoffs between different implementation of major blocks −Decision based on design goals (worked in parallel) −C code / Behavioral Verilog / Structrural Verilog −Schematics / Layout

12 Floorplan Evolution −All the steps that we went through

13 Verification Process −Codes −Schematics −Layout −Timing

14 Issues Encountered −Floating point numbers (too small) −Issues for major modules −Adders −Multipliers −DFFs −Timing issues −Signal strength −Ways to solve the problems

15 Chip Specification − Physical properties –Size/ Dimension –Transistor count –Area/ density –Pin-outs –Throughput –Frequency − Pin specs –Inputs/outputs/constants –Descriptions − Part specs –Major blocks properties

16 Layout −Layout masks –Poly –Metal 1 –Metal 2 –Metal 3 –Metal 4 −Full chip layout −Final floorplan with final chip

17 Conclusion −Summary of projects −Improvements in future −Importance of optimization/ good floor planning/ team communication

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