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Governance in a Multi-level System: Clarifying an Ambiguous Concept A Political Science View Beate Kohler-Koch University of Mannheim.

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1 Governance in a Multi-level System: Clarifying an Ambiguous Concept A Political Science View Beate Kohler-Koch University of Mannheim

2 CONNEX Mid-term Conference, Mannheim, 3 - 5 November 2005 2 A consensus view on multi-level governance Multi-level: –dispersion of authority to separately constituted but interdependent levels of jurisdiction Governance: –not hierarchical steering by a government, rather sustaining co-ordination and compliance among a wide variety of (public and private) actors in highly differentiated negotiation systems

3 CONNEX Mid-term Conference, Mannheim, 3 - 5 November 2005 3 Not one, but two concepts on multi-level governance A governance / policy-making approach (MLG) A governance / system transformation approach

4 CONNEX Mid-term Conference, Mannheim, 3 - 5 November 2005 4 A governance / policy-making approach (MLG) A compelling description of how the EU actually operates System characteristics: –Multiplicity of arenas and actors Problem areas: –Coordination –Resources –Interaction effects

5 CONNEX Mid-term Conference, Mannheim, 3 - 5 November 2005 5 A governance / policy-making approach (MLG) Insight gained –EU, a paradigm example of post-modern governance? Caveats and deficiencies –„Big Mac“, not a sandwhich: governance with governments –How to generalize in face of complexity and variations in context variables?

6 CONNEX Mid-term Conference, Mannheim, 3 - 5 November 2005 6 A governance / system transformation approach A sui generis view on integration and governance The dual character of EU governance: shaping policy and polity Trans-national politics with national constituencies

7 CONNEX Mid-term Conference, Mannheim, 3 - 5 November 2005 7 A governance / system transformation approach Interdependence of governance and system building –„Faustian bargains“ + institutional reforms through the back-door –Policy-making without politics: technocracy + „epistemic communities“ –Institutional reform built on travelling ideas

8 CONNEX Mid-term Conference, Mannheim, 3 - 5 November 2005 8 Conclusions Efficient and democratic governance in a multi-level Europe: Do our research questions and strategies meet the challenge?

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