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Cancer in Hong Kong: Measures that could be Take to Reduce the Death Rate. Welcome to my Presenation Name: John Chan Studying: BSc in radiograph Background.

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Presentation on theme: "Cancer in Hong Kong: Measures that could be Take to Reduce the Death Rate. Welcome to my Presenation Name: John Chan Studying: BSc in radiograph Background."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cancer in Hong Kong: Measures that could be Take to Reduce the Death Rate. Welcome to my Presenation Name: John Chan Studying: BSc in radiograph Background Topic Overview

2 Hong Kong: Most Common Cancers and Causes of Cancer. 10 Most Common Cancers, 2002, Both Sexes RankSiteNew casesRelative frequency Crude incidence rate 1Lung394118.0%58.1 2Colon21279.7%31.3 3Breast20769.5%30.6 10 Major Causes of Cancers Deaths, 2002, Both Sexes RankSiteNew casesRelative frequency Crude incidence rate 1Lung338229.7%49.8 2Liver138112.1%20.4 3Colon10319.0%15.2 Source: Hong Kong Cancer Registry, Hospital Authority. (2005). Cancer Statistics. Retrieved November 1 2005, from

3 Control of Advertising of Cigarete Products Hong Kong data –1982 initial limits on tobacco use –In 1990 tobacco advertising on broadcast media was prohibited –and later billboard bans were instituted –Most recently, the Smoking (Public Health) Ordinance (Cap. 371) regulations included bans of print media advertisements in 1997, effective December 1999 –The current restrictions exempt point of sale advertising. –None the less, tobacco companies continue to promote brand awareness principally via sports sponsorship and branded clothing and music. Source: Fielding, R., Chee, Y.Y., Choi, K.M., Chu, T.K., Kato, K., Lam, S.K., Sin, K.L., Tang, K.T., Wong, H.M. & Wong, K.M. (2004). Declines in tobacco brand recognition and ever-smoking rates among young children following restrictions on tobacco advertisements in Hong Kong. Journal of Public Health. 26(1), 24-30.

4 Concllusion Let me conclude by summarising the main points of my presentation. Cancer causes a quarter of all deaths in Hong Kong, and lung cancer, which is chiefly caused by smoking, causes one third of all deaths. To counter this, 3 measures have been proposed.To counter this, 3 measures have been proposed. Of these, further restrictions on the promotion of tobacco brands, and greater limits on where people can smoke are recommended. Regarding the third measure, increased taxation of cigarettes, I BELIEVE THE PRESENT LEVELS SHOULD BE MAINTAINED, BUT NOT INCREASED!!!!!!!! ;- (

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