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Team members: Sarah Vasiliki Saeed. Real-time Transport Protocol Provides transmission of Real Time data Streaming Multimedia Applications.

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Presentation on theme: "Team members: Sarah Vasiliki Saeed. Real-time Transport Protocol Provides transmission of Real Time data Streaming Multimedia Applications."— Presentation transcript:

1 Team members: Sarah Vasiliki Saeed

2 Real-time Transport Protocol Provides transmission of Real Time data Streaming Multimedia Applications

3 User Datagram Protocol (UDP) Real Time Control Protocol (RTCP) Unicast/Multicast

4 Faster Avoid Starvation Monitoring services Independent of network protocol Multicasting

5 (V) Version; 2 bits(P) Padding; 1 bit. (X) Extension; 1 bit.(CC) CSRC Count; 4 bits. (M) Marker; 1 bit.(PT) Payload Type; 7 bits. Sequence Number; 16 bits.Time Stamp; 32 bits. SSRC; 32 bits.CSRC List; Real Time Protocol, (RTP) The Protocol for Real Time Multimedia Services, Hellosoft, Page 3.

6 Video and audio payloads are sent separately Uses sequence number to synchronise audio and video once received IP Header UDP Header RTP Header RTP Video Payload IP Header UDP Header RTP Header RTP Audio Payload

7 PCMA audioMPEG2 videoApplication RTP Transport UDP IP Network EthernetFrame RelayData Link Which layer does RTP reside in?

8 Non-preservation of marker. Congestion Control Algorithms.

9 RTP, what it is and what it is used for. What Real-time Transport Protocol is used for and its format. How RTP works and where it resides in the OSI model. The limitations of using RTP.

10 1. HELLOSOFT, 2003. Real Time Protocol (RTP) – The Protocol for Real-time Multimedia Services. Available at: Accessed on 24 th November 2003 2. QUICKTIME, 2003. Real Time Transport Protocol. Available at: ml Accessed on 24 th November 2003 ml 3. TANENBAUM, A. S., 2003. Computer Networks. 4 th ed. New Jersey: Person Education, Inc.

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