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Overview of Student Management System Components Richard Byrom Oracle Consultant, Speaker and Author

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Presentation on theme: "Overview of Student Management System Components Richard Byrom Oracle Consultant, Speaker and Author"— Presentation transcript:

1 Overview of Student Management System Components Richard Byrom Oracle Consultant, Speaker and Author

2 Agenda Trends and Challenges in Higher Education Student Management System Components Overview The detail of Student Management System Processes Oracle Student System Analysis Conclusion Questions and Answers

3 Global Trends in Higher Education Globalisation of education Increase in demand for university access Reduction in Government financial support and greater emphasis on user-pays Philosophy of Life-Long Learning - need for professional upgrading/career refocusing Restructuring/re-invention of institutions

4 The Global Challenge To provide tertiary institutions with a student information system that will meet their requirements now and in the future To provide modern, dynamic global institutions with a SIS that will embrace change easily and rapidly

5 Management & Governance Processes Financial Management & Control HR Management & Development Quality Assurance & Enhancement PlanningEstates & FacilitiesLearning Support & ICT Infrastructure Processes Student Acquisition Student Management & Support Teaching, Learning & Assessment Research, Development & Enterprise Core ProcessesCore Outputs High Level Process Model

6 Learner Relationship Management Library VLE OSS Web portal Finance Portable Learner Profile (CRM) personal detailsaccess authorities administrative transactions HR academic record record of achievement Time tabling Business Intelligence?

7 CRM - iStore Marketing Sales Service Oracle Student System (OSS) Web Portal Access CRM: Marketing Sales Service Student System Student & Staff Self Service Web Portal Access Integration: VLE Finance HR Timetabling Library Business Intelligence Tools Components of Learner Relationship Management

8 Customer Relationship Management Manage admission recruitment (prospect to applicant) Interaction history will allow tracking contacts with perspective students Develop, segment, and maintain communication streams

9 Customer Relationship Management Useful for undergraduate and graduate admissions, external growth, fund-raising, alumni relationships, research and economic development Develop and approve campaign budgets and workflow Allow the people doing the work to track the progress and effectiveness of campaigns Metrics

10 Best of Breed vs. Integrated Suite Best of Breed - Pros “best of breed” eggs in many baskets less supplier lock-in Best of Breed - Cons Xhigh maintenance Xdata duplication & replication Xintegration work (ongoing)

11 Best of Breed vs. Integrated Suite Integrated Suite - Cons XSupplier lock-in/distrust XMay suit organisation but not department XBest of breed/integration trade off XDoesn’t do everything Integrated Suite - Pros Integrated architecture (TCA) Single supplier/partner Shared data Less interface work Lower overhead Standard, assists user adoption

12 Student System Components UniversityAdministration Faculty Students GradePosting RecordsAccess Admissions StudentProgress Payment Enrollment StudentApplication ClassSchedule Registrar Records Finance External Focus Self- Service

13 Oracle Student System Functionally rich Inherently flexible User configurable Designed to meet changing Higher Education environment

14 Oracle Student System – Key Components Program Structure and Planning Person Reference Admissions Enrollments Student Finance Financial Aid Academic Records

15 Oracle Student System – the big picture

16 Program Structure and Planning The Program Structure and Planning subsystem is used to manage the details related to an institution's programs, units, unit sets, unit sections, and faculty. Program Structure and Planning includes the following: Program Structure and Planning Overview Creating Unit Sections Setting Up Faculty Information

17 Program Structure and Planning In Program Structure and Planning subsystem, a program consists of one or more units. Each unit can consists of multiple unit sections. When a unit is defined in terms of attributes, such as academic calendar, location, attendance type, and attendance mode, it becomes a unit section.

18 Person Reference The Person subsystem is used to manage the details related to persons entered in Oracle Student System. Person and organisation entities within Oracle Student System use the Trading Community Architecture to enhance the interaction between Oracle Student System and the other e-business suite modules. Entering Person Details Querying Persons Managing Duplicate Person Details Placing Holds Tracking Import Process

19 Personal Details Process

20 Tracking Process

21 Admissions The Admissions subsystem is used to manages an institution's admission processes from recruiting, through inquiry till admission and includes tracking of requirements. Maintaining Recruiting Details Managing Inquiries Entering Applications Maintaining Academic History Importing Admission Information Processing Applications Admitting Students Closing Admissions Generating Admission Statistics

22 Applications Entry Process

23 Enrollments The Enrollments subsystem is used to manage student enrollment, re-enrollment, and enrollment changes. Enrollments includes the following sections: Pre-Enrollment Timeslots Enrollment Waitlists Post Enrollment Transferring Students Between Programs, Units, and Unit Sets Setting Up Research Candidacy Details

24 Enrollments Process Flow

25 Financial Aid The Financial Aid subsystem is used to manage student administration and financial management of higher education. Financial Aid Management includes the following sections: Financial Aid Applications Verifying Financial Aid Applications Need Analysis Administering Student Awards Administering Student Sponsorships Administering Pell Grants Administering Loans Student Employment Disbursements

26 Functional Flow Chart of Financial Aid Management

27 Student Finance The Student Finance module is used to manage all the financial transactions and accounting processes that determine student charges and credits for a specific study period in an educational institution. Student Finance includes the following sections: Student Finance Processing Deposits Calculating Charges and Credits Billing Working with Holds Dealing with Refunds Interfacing with General Ledger

28 Student Finance Process

29 Academic Records The Academic Records subsystem is used to manage and monitor a student's progress through the student's academic program and maintains a record of the student's academic work at the institution or granted through advanced standing. Academic Records includes the following sections: Evaluating Applications for Advanced Standing Assessing a Unit Attempt Applying Progression Rules and Outcomes Applying Program Completion Rules Managing Graduation Degree Audit Producing Documents

30 Graduation Process

31 Conclusion Best of Breed vs. Integrated Product Suite Approach will need to be taken. Student Management systems provide effective mechanisms for higher education institutions to manage students and faculty and their interaction with each other and external systems

32 A Q &

33 Speaker Information Name : Richard Byrom e-mail Web Site: http://www.richardbyrom.com Documentation Downloads of R11i E-Business Suite tion/content.html

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