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Workshop 1 Outer Space Use / Knowledge / Power Power generation (1) Helium-3 –Nuclear fusion –Great reserves on Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Moon Hydrogene.

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2 Workshop 1 Outer Space Use / Knowledge / Power

3 Power generation (1) Helium-3 –Nuclear fusion –Great reserves on Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Moon Hydrogene –Synthesis of water (no nuclear waste!) –Nuclear fusion (rare isotopes D and T)

4 Power generation (2) Solar power –Solar cells in space black hole –Radiation while contact with matter →solution of problems with fossile fuels

5 Military Use

6 Rubbish in space old rockets (parts) satellites Burn up while falling through atmosphere

7 Galileo Project 30 Satellites until 2010, only civil use (telecommunication, logistics, navigation), 27 Nation (EU) 3,3 billions € (building), 220 million €/year Independence of US-Systems

8 Inventions and discoveries Fuel cell Velcro fastener Weather forecast TV Hole in the ozon layers Micro chips Calculator (Apollo mission)

9 India (and developing countries) 1.13 billion people Unemployment 7.2 % Illiterate people 33% People below the poverty line 25% Living with less than 1$/day 44% 2.2 Billion $ invested in Space research

10 Pro and Contra (1) European opinion about the undeveloped states starting space exploration: + Information about climate and geographical stuff International space and research programs Global balance of space use - Loss of power (identity / pride of nationality) Money would be better used if it’s spent on education and rural regions

11 Pro and Contra (2) Should India (or in general developing countries) invest large sums of money into space exploration? + Information about climate and harvest Equality (why shouldn’t we?) Safety (military and civil problems, protection against Pakistan) Global balance of space use Independence (self-confidence) –Energy resources –Knowledge –satellites - money probably better used for educational/civil purposes (  many Indians can’t read or write) –infrastructure –education –against poverty  food

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