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Office 2007: An Overview CTC Train Canada
Outlook 2007 & the New Microsoft Office 2007 Created & Presented by Scott Hastings Office 2007: An Overview Outlook 2007 & the New Microsoft Office 2007 Created & Presented by Scott Hastings CTC Train Canada
Created & Presented by Scott Hastings
Office 2007: An Overview Created & Presented by Scott Hastings Office 2007 Overview This presentation covers many of the new features in Microsoft Office 2007 with a particular focus on Microsoft Outlook 2007. This Presentation was designed as a live 1 hour presentation by Scott Hastings for the Society of Notaries Public of British Columbia on September 21, 2007 and also includes Notes for each Slide so the Presentation itself can be made available as an online reference for the Notaries Public Website. Scott Hastings is a Senior Contract Instructor at the Vancouver branch of CTC Train Canada and has been training in the computer software industry for 10 years. In addition to Software Instruction Scott produces a wide variety of media for a wide range of clients. From Designing the Training Manuals for Rogers Video to Shooting Music Videos for Baritone Singer Cliff Ridley to the Gulf Islands Film and Television School where Scott recently produced and facilitated the Schools YouTube Channel Launch and once Headed the Computer Animation Department at the start of his career in 1997. Created for Train Canada Vancouver and The Society of Notaries Public of British Columbia © 2007 Scott Hastings
The New Interface The Ribbon The Office Button Live Previews
Mini Toolbar Quick Access Toolbar Status Bar User Assistance The New Interface This is a summary of many of the new interface features of Office 2007. This presentation uses Outlook 2007 for most of the examples and screen images. The following topics are covered in this presentation: NEW INTERFACE HELP & ASSISTANCE The Ribbon User Assistance The Office Button Online User Assistance Live Previews Mini Toolbar OUTLOOK OVERVIEW Quick Access Toolbar Outlook 2007 at a Glance Status Bar OFFICE SUITE OVERVIEW New Office 2007 Product features
The Ribbon Can be Hidden Dialogue Box Launchers Grouped Tabs
Contextual Tabs The Ribbon is Microsoft’s solution to the thousands of commands now available in the Office Programs. It’s a combination of the old Menu’s (like File, View and Help) and the old Toolbars (Standard and Formatting toolbars hold the Shortcut Buttons). Microsoft has successfully integrated the 2 systems into 1 logical interface. For years I’ve joked about how Microsoft has always given us 5 ways to do everything. I’ve personally discovered that in Excel 2003 there were 7 ways to copy data. Autofill Handle, Edit Menu, Right Click Menu, Right Click and Drag, CTRL Drag, the Toolbar and of course the standard CTRL + C shortcut. There were too many places hiding things from us in With the new ribbon in 2007, what you need appears when you need it and the features you use more have bigger buttons then less frequent ones. For the last decade I’ve been witnessing the tools getting in the way of the work, not tools getting work out of the way. Users have been not finding what they need and are forced to do convoluted things to access common or repetitive tasks. These problems have been eliminated by the ribbon. This new system really does get the work out of the way. I personally found my workflow increase as I got familiar with the new Office. The Ribbon can be hidden to allow for more screen real estate by double clicking any of it’s Tabs. The Dialogue Box Launchers allow you full control over text and objects. A one stop location to change multiple attributes. For example in the Font Dialogue box you can alter all sorts of text attributes. The Tabs and Buttons are Logically Grouped for efficiency. For the past few years I’ve been advocating a technique I call “Find the Bigger Buttons”. If we aim for bigger buttons we have a greater chance of hitting them. It seems Microsoft had the same line of thought in the design of Office The more frequently used buttons are bigger for easy clicking and the button on each Ribbon Tab have been logically grouped together. Contextual Tabs. Some tabs will only appear when you need them. For instance the picture toolbar conveniently appears anytime you double click a picture and goes away if you click away from the images.
The Office Button The Office Button Replaces the File Menu
Open, Save, Close & Print Program Options Defaults Program settings User Preferences The Office Button This is the new File Menu location. A standard location for Saving, Save as…, Open, Close, Print, Print Preview, and other file and document related activities. It also has a few new features like the compatibility checker which tells you how well the document will save as an older format and what will be lost or converted. The Office Button also contains the information regarding each program’s Options. You can change your overall preferences in the Options area, including the Auto Correct and Spelling Options as well as the Customization features like the new ability to create your own Keyboard Shortcuts. The Options for Office 2003 are located under the Tools Menu.
Mini Toolbar A Ghost toolbar appears when text is selected
For quick formatting adjustments The Mini Toolbar The Mini Toolbar appears when selecting text or items and provides quick access to common formatting tools. By not having to move the mouse to the very top of the screen to the Ribbon, we can save time when making common formatting changes. It may be milliseconds per click, but those milliseconds do add up. Access the Mini Toolbar by selecting text and moving the mouse slightly above the selection. As the cursor moves above the text the toolbar will become less transparent. The toolbar does not need to be fully opaque to function. This feature, like the Live Previews, can also be turned off. The Office Button > Options > Popular Tab > (It’s the 1st Option) The Mini Toolbar does not utilize the Live Preview feature. Font Font Size Fill Color Format Painter Bold & Italic Alignments Font Color Bullets Indents Outlines The Mini Toolbar
Quick Access Toolbar Easily Customizable toolbar Always accessible
Can be located above or below The Ribbon Quick Access Toolbar The Quick Access Toolbar provides quick access to your favorite tools. You can quickly add or remove buttons to the toolbar that aren’t as readily available as you may want them too in the current interface. The Quick Access Toolbar is customizable. You can add a button for any feature available within the program there are even a few features that are only available by adding them the toolbar. You can add as many commands to it as needed and it is always accessible regardless of the Ribbon Tab you are on. 35 buttons will fit on the Quick Access Toolbar when it’s located above the Ribbon and 10 more if located below, give or take. Even if all the Buttons are not visually available one can access hidden buttons through a drop down menu on the right of the toolbar.
User Assistance New Results-oriented interface Enhanced ScreenTips
Easy and Intuitive Enhanced ScreenTips Full, Short, and Off Key Tips with Alt Customizable Keyboard Shortcuts User Assistance There are many features to help your transition into the new Office Suite. Some features are built right in to the programs and can be set up through the Programs Options under the Office Button. The new Fluent User Interface is the Office’s visual redesign. It is more intuitive and logical then previous Office software. Commands have been grouped logically for easier access to what you need more often. Frequently used tasks also have larger buttons in the Ribbon making them more efficient. The new results-oriented interface does take a little time to transition to for Office 2003 users. Once acquainted users will find they are moving quickly and fluidly through their work. No more looking for missing toolbars or features and Microsoft has taken great pride in minimizing the amount of clicking needed. Almost all the features in the programs can be access in 3 clicks or less either through the new interface, or by adding them to the Quick Access Toolbar. As before, Screen Tips pop up when you place the cursor over a button and offer a short description about that tool. How they appear can be customized through the Office Button. Screen Tips can be turned off, set to show just the name of the tool, or have it show a brief description, often including graphics, of the tool’s function. A great way to reacquaint oneself or learn the products for the first time. By pressing the ALT KEY one can access the Ribbons, Quick Access Toolbar Buttons, and the Ribbon Tabs using the keyboard. Corresponding letters appear in ‘badges’ above each Tab or command when ALT is pressed. Subsequent key presses will open menus or activate commands. Although these new ALT commands have changed from 2003, the Office Suite still accepts the old ALT command paths users may have memorized from Office For instance [ALT + I + P + F = Insert > Picture > From File] or [ALT + T + O = Tools > Options] Almost every command available in Office can be programmed as a Keyboard Shortcut. Traditional and universal shortcuts still exist and are already added to the software. Select All CTRL + A Cut CTRL + X Save CTRL + S Copy CTRL + C Undo CTRL + Z Paste CTRL + V Add your own custom Keyboard Shortcuts and Quick Access Buttons: The Office Button > Customize > Keyboard Shortcuts
Online User Assistance
Office Online, Searchable Help, Tutorials Graphics & Template Galleries Interactive 2003 to 2007 Reference Guides Compatibility Pack for Office 2003 Office 2003 Users can Open 2007 files Online User Assistance Office Online Webpage: Learn all about the new to help bring you up to speed. There are plenty of documents, movies, tutorials and templates on Microsoft's Website. Office Homepage Quick Reference Card for Office 2007: A collection of all the links needed to assist users in upgrading to Office 2007 neatly collected for you by Microsoft. File, Graphics & Template Galleries: Microsoft has masses of searchable Clip Art, Photos, Movies, and Sound available for download at no charge. They also provide downloadable Templates for most Office Products to get you started on the document content, rather than the design. Clip Art Gallery Template Gallery Interactive Reference Guides: Interactive 2003 to 2007 reference guides are available for download or can be used live online. These are interactive representations of the Office 2003 software and show you where you can find your old favorite commands in the new Ribbon interface. Allowing those who were comfortable with Office 2003 an easier time adjusting to the new Fluent User Interface. You won’t have to spend all day trying to find thing, simply open the Reference Guide and find it. Interface Guides Compatibility Pack for Office 2003: The Compatibility Pack for Office 2003 allows Office 2003 users to open, edit, and save documents, workbooks, and presentations in the file formats new to Microsoft Office Word, Excel, and PowerPoint This way those who choose not to upgrade can still read, edit and work with those using Office 2007 without preventing those who have upgraded from being able to use the newer features available to them in 2007. A File Converter Plug in for Office 2003
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