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AudioViz Angela Norton and Aaron Hilton. Summary of AudioViz  Allow user to visually match spectral auditory patterns within an audio stream  Decompose.

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Presentation on theme: "AudioViz Angela Norton and Aaron Hilton. Summary of AudioViz  Allow user to visually match spectral auditory patterns within an audio stream  Decompose."— Presentation transcript:

1 AudioViz Angela Norton and Aaron Hilton

2 Summary of AudioViz  Allow user to visually match spectral auditory patterns within an audio stream  Decompose sound into a bank of frequencies  Visualize events on a modified spectral analysis display  dominant and cluster frequencies, attack, sustain, decay, and slides (transitions)

3 Planned Visualization Time Range Selection Bar Spectral Display Recognizer Events Peaks Display Recognizer Graph

4 Planned Visualization Selected Range Current Time Marker Hover for more Info

5 Changes to Original Design  Rescoping of solution  Team members left  Too much complexity for resources  Clustering, instrument recognition dropped  Auditory event detection

6 Current Status  FFT Spectral display with placeholder data  Zooming and panning

7 Challenges  Creating graphical user interface  Positioning graphical elements (eg. rangebar controls)  Managing OpenGL textures (solved)  Integrating Marsyas into project  Marsyas: audio processing/analysis library  Background processing of audio data

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