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Getting Our Heads out of the Clouds Damian Gordon Deirdre Lawless School of Computing Dublin Institute of Technology.

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Presentation on theme: "Getting Our Heads out of the Clouds Damian Gordon Deirdre Lawless School of Computing Dublin Institute of Technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Getting Our Heads out of the Clouds Damian Gordon Deirdre Lawless School of Computing Dublin Institute of Technology

2 What is a Tag Cloud?

3 Tag Cloud A tag cloud is a visual depiction of the word content of a document, the importance of a tag is shown with font size. A tag cloud is a visual depiction of the word content of a document, the importance of a tag is shown with font size.

4 Tag Cloud


6 Tag Cloud TEXT

7 Tag Cloud TEXT

8 Tag Cloud TEXT

9 A Bit of Context

10 MSc in Computing (Knowledge Management)

11 Knowledge Management Process PeopleTechnology

12 Knowledge Management Process PeopleTechnology

13 eLearning Universal Design Web 2.0

14 There are some reasonably well explored technologies under the “Web 2.0” umbrella that are used in education… There are some reasonably well explored technologies under the “Web 2.0” umbrella that are used in education…

15 Web 2.0

16 But are we missing out on opportunities with other technologies?? But are we missing out on opportunities with other technologies??

17 Web 2.0 – Other Apps


19 OK, Let’s get on with it…

20 Suggestion Despite your most incredible efforts during lectures, despite your penetrating insights, your profound reflections and your fundamental appreciation of a topic… Despite your most incredible efforts during lectures, despite your penetrating insights, your profound reflections and your fundamental appreciation of a topic… …for some students the first time they look at your PowerPoint slides will be the night before their exam… …for some students the first time they look at your PowerPoint slides will be the night before their exam… …so we better make sure that our lecture notes send the ‘right’ messages… …so we better make sure that our lecture notes send the ‘right’ messages… …because sometimes it’s hard to keep an eye on the marco- when writing the micro- …because sometimes it’s hard to keep an eye on the marco- when writing the micro-

21 Dataset MSc in Computing (Knowledge Management) Research Methods and Proposal Writing

22 Lecture 1: Introduction to Module




26 Lecture 2: Overview of Research




30 Lecture 3: Literature Review




34 Lecture 4: Research Methods




38 Lecture 5: Statistics



41 Lecture 6: Qualitative Methods



44 Lecture 7: Surveys & Interviews



47 Lecture 8: Thesis Structure



50 Lecture 9: Citations



53 Lecture 10: Project Proposal



56 Combining Lectures



59 Without “RESEARCH”

60 So what?

61 Compare Lecture Notes to Learning Outcomes

62 A. Identify relevant and feasible areas of research in knowledge management for the purpose of individual investigation B. Select, develop and apply appropriate literature search strategies in relation to a chosen approved topic using relevant literature resources and ICT for purposes of literature review C. Collect and critically evaluate research material from the literature in order to identify the current state of knowledge and key issues in a research topic D. Present a critical and logical interpretation of the issues in the form of a written review of the literature relating to a chosen topic E. Demonstrate an awareness of the ethical issues that may impinge on research in general including data collection and utilization F. Employ appropriate data analysis techniques for specific sets of data G. Critically evaluate research approaches and methods in the design and planning of a research programme H. Make an informed choice of appropriate research methods for specific research questions I. Formulate a simple research programme for a given research topic J. Select a topic from the course and/or their own experience which will provide suitable scope for research in an MSc dissertation project K. Prepare a detailed realistic research proposal supported by a preliminary review of the relevant literature L. Demonstrate good technical writing skills M. Critically analyse their own approaches to research.

63 Learning Outcomes

64 Comparing

65 Comparing

66 Comparing Without “RESEARCH”

67 Comparing

68 Comparing

69 Comparing

70 Anything else?

71 Compare Lecture Notes to Learning Outcomes to Assessments

72 Assessments


74 Hang on, this all seems a bit TEACHER-CENTRIC







81 Students can… Reflect on how their assignment submissions compare to the assignment specification Reflect on how their assignment submissions compare to the assignment specification Redraft their submissions if appropriate Redraft their submissions if appropriate Consider which learning outcomes of the module are covered in the assignment and which are not Consider which learning outcomes of the module are covered in the assignment and which are not

82 Are there issues?? O.K., but…

83 Yup, loads

84 synonyms acronyms polysemy single-concept principle neologisms monosemy abbreviations quasi-synonyms, or near-synonyms pseudo-synonyms, or false synonyms antonyms phraseologism hyponyms hypernyms collocation Cross- references tautonyms Here are a few…

85 But, hey… …let’s not get all Wittgenstein about it …let’s not get all Wittgenstein about it

86 There may be some benefits to this stuff

87 Students feel that… Nice way to open a lecture, with the previous tag cloud, to ease into a discussion Nice way to open a lecture, with the previous tag cloud, to ease into a discussion

88 Students feel that… Nice way to revise topic at the end of the year for students and lecturer Nice way to revise topic at the end of the year for students and lecturer

89 Students feel that… Speaking to digital natives in their own language (not a direct quote) Speaking to digital natives in their own language (not a direct quote)

90 Students feel that… As they are KM students; As they are KM students; Knowledge Management Metric Knowledge Management Metric Alignment Alignment Traceability Traceability Simplicity Simplicity

91 …and there’s more

92 3D Aligned Curriculum Horizontal Alignment Vertical Alignment Constructive Alignment (Source: O’Leary et al., 2006) 3D Alignment Space

93 …and…

94 What about ?

95 And… VARK Dual Coding

96 Stuff for another day… Information Theory (Shannon, 1948) Information Theory (Shannon, 1948) Dewey’s Linguistic Flag (1905) Dewey’s Linguistic Flag (1905) Folksonomy (Vander Wal, 2004) Folksonomy (Vander Wal, 2004) Bibliometrics (Nalimov & Mulchenko, 1969) Bibliometrics (Nalimov & Mulchenko, 1969) Reflective Practice ( Schön, 1983 ) Reflective Practice ( Schön, 1983 )

97 Recommended Software

98 Convert PPT to TXT ConvertPowerPoint ConvertPowerPoint

99 Wordle

100 e: w: CHECK OUT: PowerPoint/Convert-PowerPoint.htm Damian.Gordon@comp.dit.ie PowerPoint/Convert-PowerPoint.htm http://www.wordle.netDamian.Gordon@comp.dit.ie PowerPoint/Convert-PowerPoint.htm

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