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Philosophy and Cognitive Science Philosophy has an unusual status in Cognitive Science; it’s always included as one of the component disciplines, but it’s.

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Presentation on theme: "Philosophy and Cognitive Science Philosophy has an unusual status in Cognitive Science; it’s always included as one of the component disciplines, but it’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 Philosophy and Cognitive Science Philosophy has an unusual status in Cognitive Science; it’s always included as one of the component disciplines, but it’s role is not always clear. Philosophers are not typically involved in experimental work or the modeling of data.

2 Other Possibilities -Science writing, explaining results from cognitive science in layperson’s terms -More importantly, showing how results in cognitive science might bear on traditional philosophical questions (about the mind, the self, nativism, empiricism...)

3 Theoretical contributions to cognitive science: (a) formulating conceptual frameworks— new theories, concepts, etc.--that motivate empirical work (b) examining and proposing explanations of the basic concepts that empirical researchers sometimes appeal to (for example, of representation or causation).

4 Situated Cognition One view of cognition that many in the situated camp oppose: --Input --tons of problem-solving processing --then output Think of programs that play chess or tic, tac, toe or that solve the tower of Hanoi problem


6 Another style of cognition Consider a highly interactive process, such as driving or playing a real-time video game. There is an ongoing interdependence. The driver continuously changes the car through the wheel; the car continuously acts on the driver, changing what the driver does.


8 In between -use of pencil and paper or calculator to solve math problems -use of computer to write papers -past interaction to shape current abilities

9 Situated Cognition: A disjointed field -Embedded cognition: human cognitive processing depends heavily on the use of external resources -Extended cognition: human cognitive processes (or the human cognitive system) literally include portions of the external environment

10 Embodied cognition: Fine-grained properties of the physical body play an especially important role in cognitive processing. Often emphasizes the role of sensory and motor processes in cognition.

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