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Funding Opportunities at NSF Dr. Judy M. Vance Program Director Engineering Design 2008 NSF CAREER Proposal Writing WorkshopMarch 27, 2008 Dr. Joycelyn Harrison Program Director Materials Processing and Manufacturing
NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Outline NSF Overview Introduction to Funding at NSF Types of Funding After the Award: Supplements Other Funding Opportunities
NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION NSF – Where Discoveries Begin Established in 1950 by the “NSF Act” to promote and advance scientific progress in the United States by sponsoring scientific research and by supporting selected activities in science and engineering An independent agency of the Federal Government Only agency authorized to provide funding for research across all science and engineering disciplines (except medical sciences) Funds projects that advance discovery, learning, and innovation
NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION National Science Foundation Directorates Directorates Biological Sciences Computer and Information Science and Engineering Education and Human Resources Engineering Geosciences Mathematical and Physical Sciences Offices Offices Office of Cyberinfrastructure Office of International Science and Engineering Office of Polar Programs Other Other Integrative Activities Arctic Research Commission
NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Emerging Frontiers in Research and Innovation (EFRI) Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental, And Transport Systems (CBET) Civil, Mechanical, and Manufacturing Innovation (CMMI) Electrical, Communications and Cyber Systems (ECCS) Engineering Education and Centers (EEC) Industrial Innovation and Partnerships (IIP) Office of the Assistant Director Deputy Assistant Director (OAD) Office of the Assistant Director Deputy Assistant Director (OAD) Senior Advisor Nanotechnology Senior Advisor Nanotechnology Directorate for Engineering
Engineering Infrastructure Systems Engineering Infrastructure Systems Innovation Sciences and Decision Engineering Innovation Sciences and Decision Engineering CMMI Division Director Adnan Akay CMMI Division Director Adnan Akay Information Technology and Infrastructure Systems Dennis Wenger (acting) Information Technology and Infrastructure Systems Dennis Wenger (acting) GeoEnvironmental Engr and GeoHazards Mitigation Richard Fragaszy GeoEnvironmental Engr and GeoHazards Mitigation Richard Fragaszy Manufacturing Machines and Equipment George Hazelrigg Manufacturing Machines and Equipment George Hazelrigg Structural Systems and Hazard Mitigation of Structures M. P. Singh Structural Systems and Hazard Mitigation of Structures M. P. Singh Infrastructure Management and Hazard Responses Dennis Wenger Infrastructure Management and Hazard Responses Dennis Wenger Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation Research Joy Pauschke Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation Research Joy Pauschke Control Systems Suhada Jayasuriya Control Systems Suhada Jayasuriya Dynamical Systems Eduardo Misawa Dynamical Systems Eduardo Misawa Engineering Design Judy Vance Engineering Design Judy Vance Manufacturing Enterprise Systems Cerry Klein Manufacturing Enterprise Systems Cerry Klein Operations Research Stephen Nash Operations Research Stephen Nash Service Enterprise Engineering Cerry Klein Service Enterprise Engineering Cerry Klein Sensor Innovation and Systems Shih Chi Liu Sensor Innovation and Systems Shih Chi Liu Geomechanics and Geotechnical Systems Richard Fragaszy Geomechanics and Geotechnical Systems Richard Fragaszy Infrastructure Materials and Structural Mechanics Larry Bank Infrastructure Materials and Structural Mechanics Larry Bank Materials Processing and Manufacturing Joycelyn Harrison Materials Processing and Manufacturing Joycelyn Harrison Mechanics and Structures of Materials Ken Chong Mechanics and Structures of Materials Ken Chong Nano/Bio Mechanics Demitris Kouris Nano/Bio Mechanics Demitris Kouris Materials Transformation and Mechanics Materials Transformation and Mechanics NanoManufacturing Shaochen Chen NanoManufacturing Shaochen Chen Material Design and Surface Engineering Clark Cooper Material Design and Surface Engineering Clark Cooper Deputy Director George Hazelrigg Deputy Director George Hazelrigg Engineering Advisor Ken Chong Engineering Advisor Ken Chong
NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Transformative Research Research Research driven by ideas that have the potential to radically change our understanding of an important existing scientific or engineering concept or leading to the creation of a new paradigm or field of science or engineering. Such research also is characterized by its challenge to current understanding or its pathway to new frontiers. NSB Report, March 2007
NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Funding at NSF grants and cooperative agreements NSF provides funding via grants and cooperative agreements to more than 2,000 colleges, universities, K-12 school systems, businesses, informal science organizations and other research organizations throughout the U.S. 45,000 proposals NSF receives and processes over 45,000 proposals per year Approximately 11,000/yr are funded 10,000 proposals Engineering Directorate (ENG) receives around 10,000 proposals per year
NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Funding Opportunities Individual research projects Instrumentation Large-scale facilities Fellowships, traineeships, research assistantships, post-doctoral funding Centers Research (e.g. ERC, I/UCRC) Science and engineering education Small Business Innovation International Collaboration Workshops, Conferences
NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Proposal and Awards Policies and Procedures Guide (PAPP) NSF 07-140 Covers all general regulations and procedures for submission of proposals and duties during awards Format, requirements, budget concerns Basic guidelines for all types of proposals Replaced GPG and GPM New regulations
NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Types of Funding Two major categories of funding Two major categories of funding Unsolicited Proposals Solicited Proposals Two types of proposals Two types of proposals Individual institution Multi-institution Subcontract (one proposal) Collaborative Research (multiple proposals) Most grants are awarded in ENG (and NSF) through means of unsolicited proposal programs
NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Types of Funding Unsolicited Proposal “Windows” Unsolicited Proposal “Windows” CMMI Division Jan 15 to Feb 15 Sept 1 to Oct 1 CBET Division Feb 1 to Mar 1 Aug 15 to Sept 15 Solicitations Solicitations Each has its own submission due date ECCS Division Jan 7 to Feb 7 Sept 7 to Oct 7
NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Unsolicited Proposals Core funding instrument Submitted to a particular program Generally awarded to one PI or a small group of researchers Collaborative Proposals Tackle a larger problem via leveraging abilities and equipment of various researchers Two or more proposals submitted together, still separate awards but made together for one idea Up to $300,000 total for up to 3 year duration
NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Engineering Design Program PD 05-1464 holistic view of design holistic view of design total system, life-cycle context recognizes the need for advanced understanding of the identification and definition of preferences, analysis of alternatives, effective accommodation of uncertainty in decision-making, and the relationship between data and knowledge in a digitally-supported process "design for” "design for” capabilities science and engineering are brought to bear on the specific task of developing tools appropriate to a particular domain of application in design space human wants and experiences interface between computational capacity and human wants and experiences automation and visualization The role of information technologies, automation and visualization, learning technologies and systems will be an increasingly important aspect of effective design practice.
NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Solicited Proposals Submitted in response to specific research initiatives and special thrust areas Submitted in response to specific research initiatives and special thrust areas Defined by NSF in response to needs and desires of the communities programs serve and the health of science/engineering as a whole Each solicitation has its own requirements, regulations, and submission dates specific to it Initiatives have varied goals Initiatives have varied goals Address timely specific problems Develop the careers of researchers and enhance education of students Provide a means of enhancing the research capabilities of institutions etc.
NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program NSF 05-579 (under revision) NSF-wide activity early career-development Recognizes and supports early career-development activities integrate research and education Awardees selected on the basis of creative, career- development plans that integrate research and education Five year research and education plan, minimum budget of $400,000 Full Proposal Deadline Date: Late July each year
NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Emerging Frontiers in Research and Innovation (EFRI) NSF 07-579 Funding for interdisciplinary initiatives at the frontier of engineering research and education Funding for interdisciplinary initiatives at the frontier of engineering research and education PI and at least two co-PIs, all from different disciplines Transformative opportunities that lead to Transformative opportunities that lead to New research areas for NSF, ENG and other agencies New industries or capabilities for our country Significant progress on a recognized national need
NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Cognitive Optimization and Prediction - from Neural Systems to Neurotechnology (COPN) Resilient and Sustainable Infrastructure (RESIN) Resilient and Sustainable Infrastructure (RESIN) Up to 4 years in duration and up to $500,000 a year pending the availability of funds. Key Dates Letter of Intent Deadline Date: September 25, 2007 Preliminary Proposal Deadline Date: October 26, 2007 Full Proposal Deadline Date: April 30, 2008 Emerging Frontiers in Research and Innovation (EFRI) NSF 07-579
NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Multi-disciplinary research Multi-disciplinary research seeking contributions to more than one area of science or engineering, by innovation in, or innovative use of computational thinking …Concepts …Methods …Models …Algorithms …Tools Cyber-Enabled Discovery and Innovation (CDI) NSF 07-603
NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Cyber-Enabled Discovery and Innovation (CDI) NSF 07-603 Five-year initiative Five-year initiative $26 – $50 M in FY 2008 Increase by an additional $50 M each year Increase by an additional $50 M each year Key Dates Key Dates Letter of Intent: Oct. 30, 2007–Nov. 30, 2007 Preliminary Proposals: Dec. 7, 2007 – Jan. 8, 2008 Full Proposals: Mar. 28, 2008 – Apr. 29, 2008
NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Grant Opportunities for Academic Liaison with Industry (GOALI) NSF 07-522 universities and industry Funding to stimulate interactions and staff exchange between universities and industry Fundamental research generally is performed in academe in parallel with more applied research in industry creative modes of collaborative interactions with industry through: Encourage the development of creative modes of collaborative interactions with industry through: Industry-University Collaborative Projects Faculty and Students in Industry Faculty-in-Industry Post Doctoral Industrial Fellowships Graduate Student Industrial Fellowships Undergraduate Industrial Fellowships Industry Engineers and Scientists in Academe Industry Presence on Campus Industry-Based Graduate Assistantship Proposals are submitted according to the deadlines for Unsolicited Proposals Proposals are submitted according to the deadlines for Unsolicited Proposals
NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION The MRI program assists in the acquisition or development of major research instrumentation The MRI program assists in the acquisition or development of major research instrumentation Supports purchase, upgrade, or development, of major state-of-the- art instrumentation for research, research training, and integrated research/education activities at organizations Improve access to and increase use of modern research and research training instrumentation Enable academic departments or cross-departmental units to create well-equipped learning environments that integrate research with education Foster the development of the next generation of instrumentation for research and research training Promote partnerships between academic researchers and private sector instrument developers Proposals may be for Proposals may be for a single instrument a large system of instruments multiple instruments that share a common or specific research focus Fourth Thursday in January, annually Deadline: Fourth Thursday in January, annually Major Research Instrumentation (MRI) NSF 08-503
NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship (IGERT) NSF 08-540 To meet the challenges of educating future Ph.D. scientists and engineers To meet the challenges of educating future Ph.D. scientists and engineers Emphasizes multidisciplinary education Emphasizes multidisciplinary education Proposals must describe integrative, research-based, graduate education and training activities in emerging areas of science and engineering Encourage breadth of skills, strengths, and understanding for interdisciplinary work while still permitting well grounded training in a major field Provides $2 million over 5 years Provides $2 million over 5 years Deadlines Deadlines Preliminary proposals: April 24, 2008 (IGERT Traineeship) Full proposals: April 24, 2008 (IGERT Resource Center) Full proposals: October 20, 2008 (IGERT Traineeship)
NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Broadening Participation Research Initiation Grants in Engineering (BRIGE) NSF 07-589 To increase the diversity to initiate research programs early in their careers, including those from under- represented groups, engineers at minority serving institutions, and persons with disabilities. To increase the diversity of researchers who apply for and receive ENG funding to initiate research programs early in their careers, including those from under- represented groups, engineers at minority serving institutions, and persons with disabilities. New investigator Within first 3 years of tenure track (or equivalent) appointment U.S. citizen or permanent resident 24 months duration, maximum $175,000 24 months duration, maximum $175,000 Deadline Deadline February 8, 2008
NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Other Solicited/Special Funding Opportunities
NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Small Grants for Exploratory Research (SGER) See PAPP for information Small-scale, exploratory, high-risk research in the fields of science, engineering, and education normally supported by the NSF Small-scale, exploratory, high-risk research in the fields of science, engineering, and education normally supported by the NSF preliminary work on untested and novel ideas ventures into emerging and potentially transformative research ideas; application of new expertise or new approaches to "established" research topics efforts of similar character likely to catalyze rapid and innovative advances Fundamental science and engineering projects whose results may enable mitigation, preparation, response, and recovery from catastrophic events Fundamental science and engineering projects whose results may enable mitigation, preparation, response, and recovery from catastrophic events
NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Small Grants for Exploratory Research (SGER) See PAPP for information SGER awards cannot exceed $200,000 for a period of two years SGER awards cannot exceed $200,000 for a period of two years 6 month maximum extension Most are for smaller amounts and/or for shorter durations Most are for smaller amounts and/or for shorter durations Contact cognizant Program Officer to discuss funding Contact cognizant Program Officer to discuss funding
NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Workshop Proposals Often used to advise NSF Program Directors on appropriate emphasis areas for programs Often used to advise NSF Program Directors on appropriate emphasis areas for programs Funds are usually allocated for Funds are usually allocated for Participant travel and lodging PI travel to plan the workshop Workshop organization, advertising, supplies Deadlines Deadlines Are accepted throughout the fiscal year at the discretion of the cognizant PD Contact PD for more information
NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION After the Award: Supplements
NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Announcement: NSF 07-569 To attract and retain undergraduates in mathematics, science and engineering through research experiences Two types Two types REU Sites REU Supplements One REU supplement per grant per year Potential second REU supplement for a student from an underrepresented group Deadlines Deadlines REU Sites: August 18, 2008 REU Supplements: varies with program
NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) Announcement: NSF 07-557 To build long-term collaborative partnerships between K-12 science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) teachers, community college faculty, and the NSF university research community by involving the teachers in engineering research Two types Two types RET Sites RET Supplements Deadlines Deadlines RET Sites: November 17, 2008 RET Supplements: varies by program
NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION How do I find out about new solicitations? Search the NSF website Subscribe to MyNSF
NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Where to go for information Locate people/programs Current solicitations Directorate priorities Abstracts of current awards Proposal and Awards Policies and Procedures Guide
NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Dr. Judy M. VanceDr. Joycelyn Harrison 703-292-7060703-292-7088
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