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Insights from Arnold Communications Case l Really interesting advertising Using: clear rational messages consistent.

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Presentation on theme: "Insights from Arnold Communications Case l Really interesting advertising Using: clear rational messages consistent."— Presentation transcript:

1 Insights from Arnold Communications Case l Really interesting advertising Using: clear rational messages consistent & motivating voice/feeling appropriate strategy for the client high level of creativity great tag line consistency over time


3 Arnold (cont.) l Agency world changing rapidly mergers and acquisitions, both horizontal and vertical l Compensation shifting l Consumer research important, but qualitative might not be enough l Competition for clients intensifying

4 Arnold (cont.) l Is “brand essence” sizzle or is there meat to it? l Should they create the campaign before the pitch? l Does internal competition on creative make sense? l Can the best creative come under intense time pressure? l Can they continue to overlook the value of “what you see is what you get” in pitches?

5 Finding an Agency Checklists of tasks to perform in finding an agency Tips for “pitching” (i.e., tricks to be wary of)

6 Task Checklists l Create a Profile of Your Ideal Agency 1.Is knowledge of (and experience with other clients in) your industry an important consideration to you? If yes, should the agency have had such experience during the past year? 2.Should the agency be regarded as specialists in a particular area or discipline? 3.How important is it that the agency has won awards for its work? 4.How important a consideration is the age/experience level of people assigned to work on your account? 5.How important is the agency’s size in terms of billings, number and location of offices, number of employees, or number of other clients?

7 Checklists (cont.) l Request Qualifications Who are your current and past clients? How long have they been/were they your clients? What is your specific experience in our industry? Who would work on our account and what are their credentials? What has been your agency’s turnover rate in personnel over the past five years? How are your fees determined? What is your normal learning curve or “ramp-up” period and when might we begin seeing the results of your efforts on our behalf? References we can contact to create a profile on your agency?

8 Checklists (cont.) l Requests for Proposals Narrow your list to a manageable number, ideally, no more than 10 agencies, and ask for written proposals. Your Request for Proposal should: Note specific problems, questions or concerns you wish the agency to address; Describe any constraints under which the agency must work; Provide specific information about budget parameters, other commitments and agency relationships; and Be specific about deadlines for both agency selection and the term of the agency client relationship.

9 Tips for “Pitching” Focus on the needs of the client, not on what you have done for other clients. Go easy on the “boilerplate.” Tailor! Have a unifying and memorable theme. Don’t create unrealistic expectations. Test out ideas before delivery. Understand the groundrules for presentations. Time limits, attendees, point systems. Watch out for interpersonal turn-offs. Have “do-ers” participate actively. Don’t be too slick. Demonstrate ability to listen and be eager.

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