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Limits on different neutrinoless modes Nasim Fatemi-Ghomi.

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Presentation on theme: "Limits on different neutrinoless modes Nasim Fatemi-Ghomi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Limits on different neutrinoless modes Nasim Fatemi-Ghomi

2 First:Update on half-life of 2nbb The result I presented in Manchester meeting was before shifting the foil (although I mistakenly thought it was after shifting the foil!) So now my half-life is 9.36 x 10 18 (compare to 9.61 x10 18 ) before shift. Fortounatly still phase I and phase II still have a good agreement (9.42 and 9.34) But I am a bit worry about tof cut because it gives slightly different value of half-life each time I run the code… so this 9.36 can change up to 9.39. Is that anyway to avoid this?

3 Limit on 0nbb and 0nbbrc To set limit on those two I re-measured half-life (normalization factor) for Esum 2.5 at 90% CL 0nbb Eff=19% N<3.33 T 1/2= 1.45 x 10 22 0nbrc Eff=11% N<3.29 T 1/2 = 1.27 x10 22

4 For different majoron modes half-life majaron modes Esum<2.0 MeV 9.37 +0.27 - 0.25 X10 18 1 Esum<1.5 9.31 +0.37 - 0.32 X10 18 2,3 Esum>2.1 MeV 8.84 +0.79 - 0.67 X10 18 7

5 Results Eff N Half-life M1 14% 2.64 x 10 21 M2 12% 8.75 x 10 20 M3 10% 4.59 x10 20 M7 4.9% 4.85 X10 19

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