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Robotic Football Group E1 CDR Team Top Gun April 22 nd, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Robotic Football Group E1 CDR Team Top Gun April 22 nd, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Robotic Football Group E1 CDR Team Top Gun April 22 nd, 2008

2 Introduction Purpose: – Create an intercollegiate football competition. – Prototype a robot that might be a player. Market: – Engineering Students. – Engineering Professors. – Prospective University Students.

3 Design Requirements - Competition Contest Length – 20 min. Game / 5 min. Quarters Field Dimensions – 8 ft. x 15 ft. Players on the Field – 4 Robots per Team Length of a Single Play – 15 sec. Size of Object of Play – 2 in^3

4 Design Requirements - Players Robot Size – 1 ft^3. Robot Weight – 7.5 lbs. Power Source – 9V Robot Controls – Suitable for ages 12 and up.

5 Our Concept Competition Rules – Autonomous Game Play – 4 downs to mid-field, 4 more to score – Velcro covered ball – Offense: Running Plays Passing Plays – Defense: Prohibit Reception Tackle Player with Ball Cause Fumble

6 Our Concept - Quarterback Key Features: – Throwing Arm Directly driven by motor Throw up to 3 ft. – Rotating Base Turn over 180 degrees

7 Our Concept - Receiver Key Features: – Drive Wheel Speed Control – Wheel Odometry Accurate within a half rotation

8 Trade Studies Throwing Arm

9 Trade Studies Receiver Pad Size

10 Trade Studies Wheel Odometry.

11 Part Selection


13 Electronics Quarterback:

14 Electronics Receiver:

15 Prototype - Quarterback

16 Prototype - Receiver

17 Performance Video

18 Performance Requirements 5 5 7.5 54

19 Performance Requirements 8.5 8

20 Performance Requirements 10

21 Future Feasibility of Concept Can throw and catch in a straight line – GOAL: be able to run turning routes. Can throw up to 4 feet – GOAL: able to throw 5-8 feet. Current quarterback is immobile – GOAL: mobile quarterback. Current robots are functional – GOAL: humanoid robots.

22 Future Feasibility of Concept Robots don’t communicate – GOAL: communication between robots to increase accuracy. All open-loop control – GOAL: sensors to aid in catching and obstacle avoidance. No defensive robots – GOAL: defensive robots with vision to find offense. Buttons on each robot to call and start play – GOAL: coach remotely calls and starts plays.

23 Lessons Learned Teamwork Group Communication Troubleshooting Keeping Records Quality Parts Electronics

24 Conclusions THANK YOU!

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