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MCAS-Alt: Alternate Assessment in Massachusetts Technical Challenges and Approaches to Validity Daniel J. Wiener, Administrator of Inclusive Assessment.

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Presentation on theme: "MCAS-Alt: Alternate Assessment in Massachusetts Technical Challenges and Approaches to Validity Daniel J. Wiener, Administrator of Inclusive Assessment."— Presentation transcript:

1 MCAS-Alt: Alternate Assessment in Massachusetts Technical Challenges and Approaches to Validity Daniel J. Wiener, Administrator of Inclusive Assessment University of Maryland – Alternate Assessment Conference October 11-12, 2007

2 University of Maryland – Alternate Assessment Conference October 11-12, 2007 2 Participation: Thinking Differently About Who Needs an Alternate Assessment  MCAS-Alt is intended for Students with significant cognitive disabilities AND Students who focus on attaining grade-level achievement standards, but who cannot fully demonstrate knowledge and skills on the test, even with accommodations  State has aligned instruction from lowest level of complexity to grade-level expectations  Implications for scoring and reporting results –Alternate achievement standards –Grade level achievement standards

3 University of Maryland – Alternate Assessment Conference October 11-12, 2007 3 Reporting Results  Meaningful performance levels reported for MCAS-Alt, while acknowledging performance is below grade-level expectations  A student can attain real proficiency through the alternate assessment based on grade-level achievement standards AdvancedProficient Needs Improvement Warning (Failing at Grade 10) Adv.Prof. Needs Imp. ProgressingEmergingAwareness Performance Levels MCAS Test: MCAS-Alt:

4 MCAS-Alt: A “structured portfolio”  Work samples/video/photo evidence (performance), and data charts (progress) are compiled in an annual portfolio  Evidence shows complexity of tasks, and student’s accuracy and independence in performing tasks aligned with required subjects/strands/standards Data chart % Accuracy % Independence 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 12/1/0612/2/0612/3/0612/4/0612/5/06 4

5 University of Maryland – Alternate Assessment Conference October 11-12, 2007 5 Sometimes, It Seems Like This….

6 University of Maryland – Alternate Assessment Conference October 11-12, 2007 6 …It Could Be More Like This… Learning Standards Entry Points


8 University of Maryland – Alternate Assessment Conference October 11-12, 2007 8 Used to calculate the Performance Level:  Completeness of portfolio  Level of Complexity (difficulty of standards)  Demo of Skills and Concepts (accuracy)  Independence (cues/prompts/assistance) Plus,  Self-Evaluation (monitor, self-correct, reflect)  Generalization (varied instructional approaches) Scoring Criteria

9 University of Maryland – Alternate Assessment Conference October 11-12, 2007 9 MCAS-Alt Scoring Rubric: Demonstration of Skills and Concepts How accurate were the student’s responses? M1234 The portfolio strand contains insufficient information to determine a score. Student’s performance is primarily inaccurate in this strand. (0-25% accurate) Student’s performance is limited and inconsistent with regard to accuracy in this strand. (26-50% accurate) Student’s performance is mostly accurate in this strand. (51-75% accurate) Student’s performance is accurate and of consistently high quality in this strand. (76-100% accurate)

10 University of Maryland – Alternate Assessment Conference October 11-12, 2007 10 MCAS-Alt Scoring Rubric: Independence To what degree were prompts used; How independent were the student’s responses? M1234 The portfolio strand contains insufficient information to determine a score. Student requires extensive verbal, visual, and physical assistance to demonstrate skills and concepts in this strand. (0-25% independent) Student requires frequent verbal, visual, and physical assistance to demonstrate skills and concepts in this strand. (26-50% independent) Student requires some verbal, visual, and physical assistance to demonstrate skills and concepts in this strand. (51-75% independent) Student requires minimal verbal, visual, and physical assistance to demonstrate skills and concepts in this strand. (76-100% independent)

11 11 Setting Performance Levels  Use score combinations to describe characteristics of student’s performance: Reasoned Judgment Example: LC=3, Acc=4, Ind=3 shows student’s performance is primarily accurate and independent, although below expectations for grade level. Example: LC=3, DSC=2, Ind=2 shows student’s performance is limited/inconsistent and student requires frequent prompting/assistance. University of Maryland – Alternate Assessment Conference October 11-12, 2007

12 Score Combination Tables  Level of Complexity=3 2007 CCSSO Large Scale Assessment Conference Making a Case for MCAS-Alt Validity12 University of Maryland – Alternate Assessment Conference October 11-12, 2007  Level of Complexity=2 Demo of Skills: Independence: 1 2 3 4 (0-25%) 1 Aw (26-50%) 2 Aw Em (51-75%) 3 Aw Em Pg (76-100%) 4 Aw Em Pg Demo of Skills:

13 Score Combination Tables (continued)  Level of Complexity=5 13 University of Maryland – Alternate Assessment Conference October 11-12, 2007  Level of Complexity=4 Demo of Skills: Independence: Demo of Skills:

14 University of Maryland – Alternate Assessment Conference October 11-12, 2007 14 Technical Validity and Reliability: Some Tricky Areas for MCAS-Alt  “Test item inter-relationship”  But, tasks are selected and/or designed by teachers, and  There is little standardization across portfolios  “Assessment reflects full range of content standards”  But non-regulatory guidance says these students won’t necessarily access all the standards, and  Portfolios cannot cover all the standards, only those that were taught  Validate that targeted skills shown in the evidence are based on grade-level content standards  Is an external alignment study necessary?  “Reliability of scores” when responses are so diverse  One purpose of MCAS-Alt: Instructional improvement  How to document that this occurred?

15 University of Maryland – Alternate Assessment Conference October 11-12, 2007 15 “Did the MCAS-Alt Meet Its Intended Purposes?”  Tell our story:  Did the assessment do what we said it would do?  If not, how did we fix it? This criterion allowed us to document…  Whether the student was provided access to curriculum  Whether new, challenging skills were taught  How well student learned new skills, concepts, content  Whether teaching and learning improved as a result of MCAS-Alt

16 University of Maryland – Alternate Assessment Conference October 11-12, 2007 16 Document What Happened: Validating the Development Process  We tried to get the right people at the table  We carefully documented all decisions:  Determine purpose(s) of the alternate assessment  What we want to measure (scoring rubric)  Describing the student’s performance (descriptors)  Calculating a score (scoring rules)  Translating scores into performance levels (standard setting)  Where one PL ends and another begins (cut scores)  Aligning content and validating the alignment  Continuous improvements to the system

17 University of Maryland – Alternate Assessment Conference October 11-12, 2007 17 Who Contributed to the Validation Process?  Curriculum Framework writers served on panels to develop the Resource Guide to the Frameworks for Students with Disabilities  Content specialists defined the “essence” of standards and “entry points” at various levels of complexity  Special educators pushed them to go lower  Diverse stakeholders shared their perspectives  Technical advisors helped set performance standards, using reasoned judgment of each “score combination”  Contractors told us what others had tried, and what might work  Scorers linked the portfolio evidence to the required standard using the Resource Guide, with 94% IRC

18 University of Maryland – Alternate Assessment Conference October 11-12, 2007 18 MA Department of Education (781-338-3625) Dan Wiener – MCAS-Alt Website: Resources

19 MCAS-Alt: The Evolution of a Validity Argument Charles A. DePascale National Center for the Improvement of Educational Assessment University of Maryland – Alternate Assessment Conference October 11-12, 2007

20 University of Maryland – Alternate Assessment Conference October 11-12, 2007 20 The Evolution of a Validity Argument  Defining the purposes of the assessment  Identifying the multiple uses of the assessment and the populations of students  Specifying the inferences that would be supported by the assessment  Determining that one “set of rules” and procedures would not be sufficient

21 University of Maryland – Alternate Assessment Conference October 11-12, 2007 21 The Evolution of a Validity Argument  Designing the system  Building checks and balances into the system  Documentation: –Understanding the extent to which documentation is the system –Understanding the importance of documentation of the system

22 University of Maryland – Alternate Assessment Conference October 11-12, 2007 22 The Evolution of a Validity Argument  Flexibility and Standardization (Gong & Marion, 2006)  Making decisions about where to be flexible and where it is necessary to standardize.  Making adjustments to enhance validity  Adopting an continual improvement approach  Determining when and how to make changes to improve the system.

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