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Cosmic e-Lab Collaboration Bob Peterson Fermi National Accelerator Lab.

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Presentation on theme: "Cosmic e-Lab Collaboration Bob Peterson Fermi National Accelerator Lab."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cosmic e-Lab Collaboration Bob Peterson Fermi National Accelerator Lab

2 Teaching and Learning with Cosmic Rays QuarkNet overview QuarkNet Cosmic Ray Detector assemble CRMD hardware & take data Cosmic e-Lab exploration upload & analyze data

3 Teaching and Learning with Cosmic Rays Active QuarkNet Centers

4 Cosmic Rays –Sources –Composition, energy spectrum –Detection –Current experiments The QuarkNet Classroom Detector –Hardware overview –Classroom use –Experiments, measurements Data Analysis –Upload, analyze data & save data products –Share results –Enter logbook notes Teaching and Learning with Cosmic Rays

5 Teaching and Learning with Cosmic Rays Paradigm: a good way to learn science? --> participate in data-based science  ask cosmic ray questions  marshal a research plan  engage hardware and technology  analyze realistic, not simulated data  share results with collaboration

6 Teaching and Learning with Cosmic Rays May 2008 419 teachers accounts 835 student research groups over 65,000 analyses run 314 detectors in high schools 15275 data files 192 posters

7 Teaching and Learning with Cosmic Rays QuarkNet creates a collaboration of users Teachers Students Teachers Mentor Scientists Detector Schools Non-Detector Schools World-wide network: Students Students

8 Sources of Cosmic Rays –Supernova remnants –Active galaxies (?) –Quasars (?) –Gamma Ray Bursters (?) Teaching and Learning with Cosmic Rays

9 Cosmic rays at earth –primaries (protons, nuclei) –secondaries (pions) –decay products (muons, photons, electrons) 1-2  per second Teaching and Learning with Cosmic Rays

10 Teaching and Learning with Cosmic Rays RunRun: CR shower video if fast connection

11 Teaching and Learning with Cosmic Rays Wealth of open science questions Students participate in active, big science QuarkNet --> not prescriptive, not recipes Provide resources and analysis tools Trust the teacher to guide research

12 BIG science: Auger --> MINOS Far Detector --> CMS --> --> QuarkNet Cosmic Studies: direct analog to detector based particle physics e-Labs

13 Teachers & students –assemble –calibrate –set-up & run Teaching and Learning with Cosmic Rays

14 Overview: Cosmic Ray Muon Detector Bob Peterson Fermi National Accelerator Lab

15 The QuarkNet Classroom Detector Cosmic Ray Muon Detector (CRMD) –plastic scintillator –homegrown DAQ –GPS timing Teaching and Learning with Cosmic Rays

16 Teaching and Learning with Cosmic Rays CRMD Typical QuarkNet Detector Setup 1. Counters-scintillators, photomultiplier tubes (two shown) 2. QuarkNet DAQ board 3. 5 VDC adapter 4. GPS receiver 5. GPS extension cable 6. RS-232 cable (to link to computer serial port) 7. Optional RS-232 to USB adapter (to link to computer USB port instead of serial port) 8. Lemo or BNC signal cables 9. Daisy-chained power cables

17 DAQ Hardware measures –light pulse timing –ambient temperature –atmospheric pressure Experiments include –Flux studies –Time correlation –Shielding –Particle speed –Particle lifetime –Altitude attenuation Teaching and Learning with Cosmic Rays

18 Teaching and Learning with Cosmic Rays

19 Teaching and Learning with Cosmic Rays Types of counter configuration 1) array --> shower counters distributed 2) stacked --> flux counters spaced on common center Determined by type of CR study Student defined

20 Teaching and Learning with Cosmic Rays NEXT SESSION: Breakout into small teams --> Assemble Cosmic Ray Muon Detectors 4 counters: one team each DAQ/GPS: one team Next: cosmic e-Lab and UPLOAD data

21 Teaching and Learning with Cosmic Rays QuarkNet cosmic e-Lab Teacher Accounts Email the following: Name: Account Name: School: City/Country: Email: To: Bob Peterson -->

22 Teaching and Learning with Cosmic Rays Explore tonight Cosmic e-Lab portal: -->LIBRARY-->STUDYGUIDE

23 There has to be an easier way... cosmic e-Lab <-- tomorrow Teaching and Learning with Cosmic Rays

24 Teaching and Learning with Cosmic Rays

25 Teaching and Learning with Cosmic Rays

26 Cosmic e-Lab Exploration Bob Peterson Fermi National Accelerator Lab

27 DAQ Hardware measures –light pulse timing –ambient temperature –atmospheric pressure Experiments include –Flux studies –Time correlation –Shielding –Particle speed –Particle lifetime –Altitude attenuation Teaching and Learning with Cosmic Rays

28 02F17C70 AE 3E 23 30 00 01 00 01 01BAB196 053657.359 260105 A 10 0 +0365 19262F0A 80 01 00 01 00 01 3B 01 1814BD14 053706.358 260105 A 10 0 +0365 19262F0B 28 01 00 01 00 01 01 2A 1814BD14 053706.358 260105 A 10 0 +0365 19262F0C 01 21 00 01 00 01 00 01 1814BD14 053706.358 260105 A 10 0 +0365 23246B23 A5 34 00 01 00 01 2E 3A 2203DEA2 053710.358 260105 A 10 0 +0366... Raw Data Teaching and Learning with Cosmic Rays 24533966341848883424871634184888342607112.00

29 There has to be an easier way... --> Cosmic e-Lab Lower the threshold to analyzing real data Teaching and Learning with Cosmic Rays

30 But there are more e-Labs on the horizon…… Ligo -- weeks away CMS -- months away Atlas -- year away Other science with large data sets…. SDSS? Mars Rover? weather? ocean? e-Labs

31 Major strength of e-Labs…… First time teachers and students --> GRID Large cluster of machines at Argonne Nat’l Lab GRID gateway at Univ of Chicago e-Labs: same structure & format, “look/feel” e-Labs

32 Teaching and Learning with Cosmic Rays Cosmic e-Lab portal:

33 Teaching and Learning with Cosmic Rays Cosmic Ray e- Lab Tour

34 Teaching and Learning with Cosmic Rays Cosmic Ray e- Lab Tour Login Username: Password:

35 Teaching and Learning with Cosmic Rays Cosmic Ray e- Lab Tour

36 Teaching and Learning with Cosmic Rays Cosmic Ray e- Lab Tour

37 Teaching and Learning with Cosmic Rays Cosmic Ray e- Lab Tour

38 Teaching and Learning with Cosmic Rays Cosmic Ray e- Lab Tour Workflow & Milestones

39 Teaching and Learning with Cosmic Rays Cosmic Ray e- Lab Tour

40 Teaching and Learning with Cosmic Rays Pause: live action demo  Login  Goto: REGISTRATION  Add DAQ#  UPLOAD data: follow me

41 Teaching and Learning with Cosmic Rays Cosmic Ray e- Lab Tour

42 Teaching and Learning with Cosmic Rays Cosmic Ray e- Lab Tour

43 Teaching and Learning with Cosmic Rays ‘nother live action demo  PERFORMANCE study What is this telling us? Why do this study?

44 Teaching and Learning with Cosmic Rays Cosmic Ray e- Lab Tour

45 Teaching and Learning with Cosmic Rays Cosmic Ray e- Lab Tour

46 Teaching and Learning with Cosmic Rays Cosmic Ray e- Lab Tour

47 Teaching and Learning with Cosmic Rays Cosmic Ray e- Lab Tour

48 Teaching and Learning with Cosmic Rays Follow upper right:  My Logbook Cosmic Ray e- Lab Tour

49 Teaching and Learning with Cosmic Rays Cosmic Ray e- Lab Tour

50 Teaching and Learning with Cosmic Rays Cosmic Ray e- Lab Tour

51 Teaching and Learning with Cosmic Rays Cosmic Ray e- Lab Tour

52 Teaching and Learning with Cosmic Rays More live action --> Examples Data Search Shower Analysis Flux Analysis

53 Teaching and Learning with Cosmic Rays Cosmic Ray e- Lab Tour Reproduce analysis: --> click on plot --> run study again --> change parameters

54 Teaching and Learning with Cosmic Rays Team Task: a) Pose a simple CR research question b) Select small CR data set c) Run CR Analysis d) Track your progress using the LOGBOOK e) Write online Poster about study with plot f) Share Tutorial about the QN portal Tutorial Guiding Questions: How did you use the portal? How would you use the CR e-Lab in your classroom? How do you think students will use self-guided research? What makes self-guided research beneficial? Highlight one interesting feature you found in the QN e-Lab.

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