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The Use of Program Profiling for Software Maintenance with Applications to the Year 2000 Problem Thomas Reps, Thomas Ball, Manuvir Das, and James Larus.

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Presentation on theme: "The Use of Program Profiling for Software Maintenance with Applications to the Year 2000 Problem Thomas Reps, Thomas Ball, Manuvir Das, and James Larus."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Use of Program Profiling for Software Maintenance with Applications to the Year 2000 Problem Thomas Reps, Thomas Ball, Manuvir Das, and James Larus Presented by Amy Sliva

2 The Y2K Problem Many computer programs used two digit date representations The year 2000 could be interpreted as 1900  Madness and mayhem would reign Other date related problems as well  Leap year issues DARPA asked Reps to help plan a project to reduce the impact  What technology could help in addition to present commercial products?

3 Use Path Profiling to Help Determine the sites at which date-manipulation code occurs  Dates are hidden in programs  Crucial to the creation of effective tools for correcting Y2K problems Determine whether COTS components or tools have date problems Testing of post-renovation code Can distinguish more behavioral differences than node- or edge-profiling

4 Path Profiling Instrument program to count the number of times different paths are executed  Paths of interest are loop-free, intraprocedural Distribution of paths from an execution is called a path profile or path spectrum Differences between spectra from different runs can identify date-dependent computations  Are different paths executed using pre-2000 and post-2000 date input?

5 Example 1

6 Differences between spectra Path-spectrum-comparison reveals paths from new_spectrum not found in old_spectrum and vice versa Determine the shortest prefix of paths in new_spectrum but not old_spectrum  Portion of a path representing a different computation Gather information on paths executed different numbers of times in the two spectra  A threshold ratio (i.e., 100 to 1) identifies interesting paths

7 Finding the shortest path prefix Use a trie structure on a path spectrum to find shortest prefix The first edge that deviates from the trie is the last edge of the shortest prefix

8 Efficient Path Profiling Ball and Larus algorithm with overheads of 30-40%  Numbering scheme applied to acyclic control-flow graph Ball-Larus labels the graph with two quantities:  Each node W is labeled with the value num_paths_from(W)  Each edge is labeled with a value derived from num_paths_from Each path will end up with a unique number using these two quantities

9 Ball-Larus Algorithm Backward dataflow analysis Nodes labeled with num_paths_from  Exit labeled 1  num_paths_from(W) = num_paths_from(W 1 + … + W k )

10 Ball-Larus Algorithm (cont.) Number edges such that every path from Start to Exit has a unique sum of edge labels in the range [0…num_paths_from(Start) - 1]  For an edge W  W i, v i is the sum of the number of paths to Exit from all successors of W that are to the left of W i

11 Ball-Larus Algorithm (cont.)

12 Example 2

13 Finding Path Prefixes from Ball- Larus labels p is a path in new_spectrum that does not occur in old_spectrum Index structure supporting range queries is built on old_spectrum Sequence of queries is issued to determine if ranges are empty  IsRangeEmpty(S,a,b) = true if S does not contain values in the range [a…b]

14 Finding Path Prefixes from Ball- Larus labels Paths in range [c…c + num_paths_from(W)-1] and prefix pre Start search where W = Start, pre = empty, and c = 0 Searched Start to W and have not found distinguishing edge Query IsRangeEmpty(old_spectrum, c + v i, c + v i + num_paths_from(W i ) - 1)  If true, prefix is pre||(W  W i ) and prefix value = c + v i

15 Implementation and Results Prototype system called D YNA D IFF Instruments executable files User interfaces for displaying and organizing path spectra Tested on Unix cal and ncftp  Correctly identified path for handling leap years in cal  Introduced two-digit Y2K problem into ncftp and were able to identify different pre- and post-2000 behavior

16 Implementation and Results

17 Other Applications of Path Profiling Testing Systems that warn of internal errors Regression testing Testing for inconsistent data

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