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People Prof. Anrew Fominykh Prof. Nathan Kleeorin Prof. Alexander Eidelman Prof. Igor Rogachevskii Dr. Boris Krasovitov Head – Professor Tov Elperin Ben-Gurion.

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Presentation on theme: "People Prof. Anrew Fominykh Prof. Nathan Kleeorin Prof. Alexander Eidelman Prof. Igor Rogachevskii Dr. Boris Krasovitov Head – Professor Tov Elperin Ben-Gurion."— Presentation transcript:

1 People Prof. Anrew Fominykh Prof. Nathan Kleeorin Prof. Alexander Eidelman Prof. Igor Rogachevskii Dr. Boris Krasovitov Head – Professor Tov Elperin Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

2 Selected Research Projects Formation of aerosol and gaseous inhomogenities in industrial and atmospheric turbulent flows Formation of large-scale semi-organized structures in turbulent convection Large-scale and small-scale dynamics on turbulent mixing and fluid interfaces Investigation of mechanisms of in-cloud and below- cloud scavenging of atmospheric aerosol and gaseous pollutants Hydrodynamics and transport in stably and unstably stratified atmospheric boundary layers Small-scale clustering of inertial particles in temperature stratified turbulence New Effects and Models Turbulent thermal diffusion Turbulent barodiffusion Small-scale particle clustering and clustering instability Reduction of turbulent diffusion by chemical reactions and phase transitions Generation of large scale vorticity General model of gas absorption of slowly and highly soluble gases by single droplets and clusters

3 Research During the past 10 years 87 papers were published in the most prestigious scientific journals Numerous presentations at the International Scientific Conferences The method of slurry drying rate calculation for engineering applications developed by T. Elperin and B. Krasovitov was included in “Multiphase Flow Handbook”, Ed. by C. T. Crowe, Taylor & Francis, New York, 2006 Teaching activities Completed –8 Ph. D. students –4 M. Sc. Students Continue their studies –4 graduate students In the framework of a special joint program with Ilan Ramon Center in BGU every year 10-12 pupils from the secondary schools (from Netivot, Dimona, Arad, Beer-Sheva etc.) conduct scientific investigations in the Laboratory. Two of these investigations won International Competition “First step towards Nobel Prize” Adas Tsaban (הדס צבןת, נתיבות) – 2009 (Gold medal) Eli Godinetskii (אלי גודינצקי, באר-שבע)- 2010 (Gold medal)

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