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CATT What it is and how to use it!. Who we are Steve Ruggiero - Over 5 years of ABAP experience - Started out with SAP as an AutoTester programmer - TravelCenters.

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Presentation on theme: "CATT What it is and how to use it!. Who we are Steve Ruggiero - Over 5 years of ABAP experience - Started out with SAP as an AutoTester programmer - TravelCenters."— Presentation transcript:

1 CATT What it is and how to use it!

2 Who we are Steve Ruggiero - Over 5 years of ABAP experience - Started out with SAP as an AutoTester programmer - TravelCenters Programmer for over 2 years Greg Mitchell - Over 10 years of SAP experience in Training, Configuration and Management - Started as a training developer for Dow Chemical on R/2 - Experience with more than 9 different companies using SAP in US and Europe

3 TravelCenters of America The largest full-service travel center network in the United States Serving professional drivers and motorists alike Over 10,000 employees at 152 centers $2 billion in annual sales Over 650 SAP users with 325 at a time

4 Fleetwood Retail Corp. Fleetwood Retail Corp. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Fleetwood Enterprises, Inc., a fortune 1000 company listed on the New York Stock Exchange, and the leading producer of manufactured housing and recreational vehicles. Fleetwood Retail is the manufactured housing retail sales arm of Fleetwood Enterprises with over 138 home sales centers through out the US Currently, approximately one third of all new single-family units sold are manufactured homes.

5 C omputer A ided T esting T ool What is it?

6 Main Reasons to use CATT - Transaction Testing - Data Loading - Mass Change of Data - Creation of Training Materials Why use it?

7 Can it be used in your R/3?

8 How to use CATT







15 Function Screen Commands RESTABReset table SETVARSet variable SETTABSet table TCD Start transaction TXT Comment line REF Reference to test module CHEVAR Check variable value CHETAB Check table entries CHEERR Check for error FUNCall function module DOLoop start ENDDOLoop end EXITLoop exit; conditional end of a loop IF IF ; conditional execution of functions ENDIFEnd indicator of a conditional (IF) function block

16 VARIABLES - SETVAR - Must start with & - Some Reserved - &M01, 02, 03, 04 (Messages - Transaction Results) - &D01, 02, 03… (Dates) - &LWT (Wait time - seconds) - System self assigned them when we created import variables with in a recorded script - You can create your own if needed How to use CATT

17 Can not use CATT for transactions that contain LEAVE TO TRANSACTION SAP DOES NOT RECOMMEND that CATT be used for PRD environments when used for testing purposes Open your file as TAB Delimited Use SM35 to record the transaction in QAS or PRD to see if any differences from CATT script Use NOTES

18 Thank you for attending! Please remember to complete and return your evaluation form following this session. Session Code: 2404

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