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전자 회로 1 Lecture 5 (Diode II) 2009. 04. 임한조 아주대학교 전자공학부 이 강의 노트는 전자공학부 곽노준 교수께서 08.03 에 작성한 것으로 노트제공에 감사드림.

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Presentation on theme: "전자 회로 1 Lecture 5 (Diode II) 2009. 04. 임한조 아주대학교 전자공학부 이 강의 노트는 전자공학부 곽노준 교수께서 08.03 에 작성한 것으로 노트제공에 감사드림."— Presentation transcript:

1 전자 회로 1 Lecture 5 (Diode II) 2009. 04. 임한조 아주대학교 전자공학부 이 강의 노트는 전자공학부 곽노준 교수께서 08.03 에 작성한 것으로 노트제공에 감사드림.

2 April, 2008Nojun Kwak2 Review Open circuit: I D = I S Reverse-bias: I = I S - I D ~= I S Breakdown (large reverse-bias): almost constant V Forward-bias: I = I D – I S ~=I D Current exponentially increases

3 April, 2008Nojun Kwak3 Forward-bias Why n?  n=1 or 2. fabrication dependent Normally i >> Is  Temperature dependence

4 April, 2008Nojun Kwak4 Load line

5 April, 2008Nojun Kwak5 Various diode modeling Exponential model calculator solution Iterative analysis (see Example 3.4) Piecewise linear model

6 April, 2008Nojun Kwak6 Example 3.5 V DD = 5V, R = 1kohm model: V D0 = 0.65V, r D = 20 ohm

7 April, 2008Nojun Kwak7 Constant voltage drop model

8 April, 2008Nojun Kwak8 The Small-Signal Model

9 April, 2008Nojun Kwak9 V-I @ bias: Small perturbation: ( ) Small signal resistance (incremental resistance) Taylor series approximation

10 April, 2008Nojun Kwak10 Zener Diode Mostly used for voltage regulator knee current

11 April, 2008Nojun Kwak11 Example 3.8

12 April, 2008Nojun Kwak12 Applications: Rectifier Circuits Diode circuit See Chap. 3.5 RC circuit with large time constant (low pass filter) Zener diode See Chap. 3.4

13 April, 2008Nojun Kwak13 The half-wave rectifier : Peak inverse voltage PIV < V Z

14 April, 2008Nojun Kwak14 The full-wave rectifier

15 April, 2008Nojun Kwak15 The bridge rectifier

16 April, 2008Nojun Kwak16 The peak rectifier (with LPF: RC circuit) Ideal: no loadWith load If v I < v O : Time constant

17 April, 2008Nojun Kwak17

18 April, 2008Nojun Kwak18 Limiter Circuits Soft limiting

19 April, 2008Nojun Kwak19

20 April, 2008Nojun Kwak20 Clamping Circuits

21 April, 2008Nojun Kwak21 Voltage Doubler

22 April, 2008Nojun Kwak22 신호 검출기로서의 pn 다이오드

23 April, 2008Nojun Kwak23 빛을 전기로, 전기를 빛으로 - 빛의 흡수 - 자연방출 - 유도방출

24 April, 2008Nojun Kwak24 pn 접합 발광 다이오드

25 April, 2008Nojun Kwak25 pn 접합 발광 다이오드의 응용 Left: La Cittadella, a retail and cinema complex in Kawasaki, Japan, contains a 130 foot high tower illuminated by a variety of intelligent LED lighting effects including rainbow patterns and gradual color shifts. The complex's architect is the Jerde Partnership International, Inc, and the LED illumination is by Color Kinetics. (Photo: Masami Soto.) Center: three bridges across the Clyde river in Glasgow have been illuminated with high- intensity LED lighting. Luxeon LEDs from Lumileds and Philips floodlights were used in the installations. (Photo: Philips). Right: the Gazi Technopolis in Athens, Greece, designed by Duilio Passariello of Philips LiDAC Europe. (Photo: Philips.)

26 April, 2008Nojun Kwak26 pn 접합 발광 다이오드의 응용 현대자동차 HCD-8 Concept Tourer Kawasaki's La Cittadella complex also includes a fountain illuminated by constantly changing colored LED lights. (Photo: Masami Soto.)

27 April, 2008Nojun Kwak27 pn 접합 수광 다이오드

28 April, 2008Nojun Kwak28 pn 접합 태양전지 + V −

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