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Using Rational Rose Creating an Activity Diagram Dr. Neal CIS 480.

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Presentation on theme: "Using Rational Rose Creating an Activity Diagram Dr. Neal CIS 480."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using Rational Rose Creating an Activity Diagram Dr. Neal CIS 480

2 Creating a Model Create a model for the “rational unified process” This model will have a default structure which helps categorize modeling objects Model is memory resident so SAVE IT

3 Structure of Model File (.mdl)

4 Analysis Process & Artifacts System Capabilities System Requirements System Events System Use Cases System Feasibility Use Case Documents Activity Diagrams Domain Class Diagram Required Features Business Processes Describe Implementation Defines Use Cases Model Process Flow Describe Details Business Things or Entities

5 Location of An Activity Diagram Customer, Agent, Insurance Company are Actors Use Case object for Get Best Quote Folder for all artifacts associated with the special Get Best Quote use case Use Case Diagram for Get Best Quote Folder for all Actors Activity Diagram for Get Best Quote

6 Use Case Text – Get Best Quote The purpose of the Open Access Insurance System is to provide automotive insurance to care owners. Initially, prospective customers fill out an insurance application, which provides information about the customer and his or her vehicle. This information is sent to an agent, who sends it to various insurance companies to get quotes for insurance. When the responses return, the agent then determines the best policy for the type and level of coverage desired, and give the customer a copy of the insurance policy proposal and quote.

7 Business Use Case Description

8 Use Case Diagram

9 Activity Diagram

10 Working with Rose Double clicking object brings up diagram specification or properties depending on the object (like use case) Right clicking a selected item brings up a object specific menu (like folders) Choosing plus or minus boxes on browser expands and contracts folders (for model file structure) Tools palate is to the left of the drawing area (select and then click on drawing space “don’t drag and drop”) All items are objects and have properties All items are nested in the model structure based on their associated object

11 Working with Rose Associations, dependencies and other joining lines have are objects and have properties associated with each end Stereotypes are shortcuts that allow a predefinition of objects in Rose Associations and other objects can have their display controlled per diagram Adding existing items is a drag and drop to new diagrams Display characteristics for each object can be altered per diagram Deleting an object from a diagram doesn’t delete the object from the model

12 Your Assignment Create a Model using the rational unified process as a template Build the activity diagram for TC 4-13 in rational rose Use Print Screen and MS Paint to place your activity diagram in you Word document for submission.

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