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Quality Enhancement and the SRC project. Current processes rigorous close attention paid to standards, benchmarking and equivalences clearly established.

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Presentation on theme: "Quality Enhancement and the SRC project. Current processes rigorous close attention paid to standards, benchmarking and equivalences clearly established."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quality Enhancement and the SRC project

2 Current processes rigorous close attention paid to standards, benchmarking and equivalences clearly established applied consistently across the University

3 MMU PARM processes mapped by COVARM project

4 Current processes complex not universally owned high dependence on paper long lead times minor changes viewed as cumbersome

5 QE and SRC reduce existing paperwork: –information management system –online programme logs reuse existing information –integrate management information into programe logs –links to benchmarks/PSRB requirements recycle programme elements

6 QE and MMU review of PARM/AME processes better engagement of programme teams with CASQE, CeLT, SLTFs increased involvement of employers and students in QE improved integration and alignment of internal and external quality and standards

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