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Venu Govindaraju Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering University at Buffalo Pattern Analysis and Machine.

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Presentation on theme: "Venu Govindaraju Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering University at Buffalo Pattern Analysis and Machine."— Presentation transcript:

1 Venu Govindaraju Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering University at Buffalo Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence Applications

2 Research Projects Document Image Analysis and Recognition Interactive RecognitionNSF: 2003-04 Digital LibrariesNSF: 2002-04 Public Health SurveillanceNSF: 2003-04  Unified Biometrics and Sensors Biometric Systems NYSTAR: 2003-0 Fingerprint RecognitionUltra-Scan Inc: 2002-04 Hand GeometryInfinite Group Inc : 2003-04 Cancelable BiometricsCUBRC: 2003-04 Patho-biometricsAFMIC: 2003-04

3 Document Analysis and Recognition Goal: Everything that can be done with symbolically encoded data can also be done with scanned hardcopy documents. Searching document images, presenting them legibly, navigating within and among them.

4 Context Ranked Lexicon PhD Student: Vemulapati Ramanaprasad I Interactive Recognition Models

5 Context Ranked Lexicon

6 Grapheme Models

7 Structural Features, BAG Junction Loops Loop Turns End

8 Continuous Attributes graphe me posorientationangle Down cusp 3.0-90 o Up loop Down arc

9 II Multilingual Digital Libraries  South Asian Languages  Hindi (Devanagari script), Urdu (Arabic Script), Telugu  Covers a billion people!  Script discrimination  Multilingual querying PhD Students: Faisal Farooq, Surya Kompalli

10 Digital Library application Script Analysis Document Truth Grayscale Images Manual Truthing OCR design Semi-Automatic Annotation Multilingual Digital Archives Multi-lingual Query Panel english

11 II Public Health Surveillance Thousands are filed a day. Passed from EMS to Hospital. PCR Purpose: – Medical care/diagnosis – Legal Documentation – Quality Assurance – EMS Abbreviations COPDChronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease CHFCongestive Heart Failure D/SDextrose in Saline PIDPelvic Inflammatory Disease GSWGunshot Wound NKANo known allergies KVOKeep vein open NaCLSodium Chloride PhD Student: Robert Milewski

12 Medical Text Recognition and Data Mining Check box recognition, Numeral recognition Large lexicons, partial recognition, abbreviations Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease”: CRC-OBV-UOARY-DISAE Contextual knowledge, constraints and lexicon reduction

13 Unified Biometrics and Sensors Biometrics are automated methods of identifying a person or verifying the identity of a person based on a physiological or behavioral characteristic.

14 I UB STARS: Unobtrusive Biometric Sense Transmit Assess and Respond Systems Packaged Device Bright (Chem) Cartwright & Sensors (Materials Development) Titus (EE) Analog VLSI (Smart Systems) Biometrics (Pattern Recognition & Analysis) Govindaraju Cartwright (EE) Light Sources (Materials Development & Characterization)

15 II. Fingerprint Analysis and Recognition PhD Students: Tsai-yang Jea, Chaohong Wu

16 Partial matching ? Latent partial fingerprints

17 III Hand Geometry Hand geometry biometrics and fingerprints

18 IV Cancelable Biometrics  Intentional, repeatable distortion of biometric signal based on a chosen transform  One-way non-invertible mapping using another biometric data giving layered security  Transform minutiae points on fingerprints using signature features PhD Student: Sergey Tulyakov

19 V Animal Biometrics Visible Symptoms of FMD – Straying from the herd – Swaying gait, sometimes with high stepping of the feet – Difficulties in walking or getting up – Loss of weight, milk yield

20 Texture Analysis Original image Empty field Animals

21 Other Projects Signature Verification HanSheng Lei (PhD) Srinivas Palla (MS) Devanagari OCR Swapnil Khedekar (MS) Biometric Data Representation Viraj Chavan (MS) Web Security and CAPTCHA Sumit Manocha (MS) Video HWR Sijun Kung (PhD)

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