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Respiration, Circulation and Metabolism

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Presentation on theme: "Respiration, Circulation and Metabolism"— Presentation transcript:

1 Respiration, Circulation and Metabolism
Circulatory system Gills and Oxygen uptake Thermal regulation

2 Scombridae Bigeye tuna Thunnus obesus

3 Deep Scattering Layer:
Diel Vertical Migrators

4 Circulatory System



7 Properties of Water Related to Exchange of Gases
Water contains 1% O2 by volume, whereas air contains 21% O2 by volume Concentration of O2 dissolved in water varies inversely with temperature and salinity Salting out effect High water temperature = Low O2 concentration CO2 is very soluble in water because it undergoes partial disassociation and forms a weak chemical bond with water (H2O + CO2 = H+ + HCO3- = H2CO3)

8 Ventilation and Respiration
Aerobic Respiration O2 + CH2O  CO2 + H2O + ENERGY Ventilation: process of directing oxygenated water through blood capillary beds Diffusion: Passive transport of O2 from water across epithelial cells and into the capillaries containing blood CH2O  Lactate + energy ANAEROBIC RESPIRATION

9 Lamprey Shark Teleost

10 Ventilation: unidirectional flow of water.

11 Gill Lamella Counter current flow between blood and water maximizes exchange between fluids.

12 Counter current systems
If fluids flowed in same direction exchange would be about 50%, regardless the length of the flow systems. With counter current flow exchange is more complete and varies directly with length of the flow systems.


14 Thermal regulation: control of body temperature
Body temperature of animals relative to that of the environment Poikilotherms Homeotherms Source of animal’s body heat Ectotherms Endotherms

15 Mechanisms of thermal regulation in fishes
behavioral physiological (endothermy)

16 Behavioral thermoregulation

17 Physiological thermoregulation (endothermy)
Lamnidae Mako Isurus oxyrinchus

18 Physiological thermoregulation (endothermy)
Alopiidae Thresher shark Alopias superciliosus

19 Physiological thermoregulation (endothermy)
Scombridae Bigeye tuna Thunnus obesus

20 Forms of Endothermy Systemic or whole body endothermy
Lamnidae, Alopiidae, Scombridae Regional endothermy refers to maintaining elevated temperatures only in certain parts of the body: cranial endothermy (“brain heaters”) Istiophoridae, Xiphiidae

21 Cranial endothermy (“brain heaters”): Billfishes (Istiophoridae)

22 Cranial endothermy (“brain heaters”):
Xiphiidae Swordfish Xiphias gladius

23 Systemic (whole body) endothermy
Shared presence of: streamlined body narrow caudal peduncle crescent-shaped caudal fin

24 Atlantic Bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus)
Block et al. 2002 Muscle Temp = 28 – 30 oC / Water temperature = - 20 oC

25 Scombridae Bigeye tuna Thunnus obesus

26 Deep Scattering Layer:
Diel Vertical Migrators

27 Structures and functions involved in systemic endothermy
Distribution of blood vessels Distribution of red muscle (used for sustained swimming, heat generating) Rete mirabile (heat exchanger)

28 Distribution of blood vessels
Ectotherm Endotherm

29 Distribution of red muscle and blood vessels in cross-section
Bluefin tuna Ectotherm Red muscle Mako shark Skipjack tuna


31 Distribution of red muscle and blood vessels in cross-section
Bluefin tuna Ectotherm Red muscle Mako shark Skipjack tuna


33 Heat exchanging retia mirabile of tuna.


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