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SOLUTION is a project of the CONCERTO initiative co-funded by the European Commission under the 7 th Framework Programme.

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Presentation on theme: "SOLUTION is a project of the CONCERTO initiative co-funded by the European Commission under the 7 th Framework Programme."— Presentation transcript:

1 SOLUTION is a project of the CONCERTO initiative co-funded by the European Commission under the 7 th Framework Programme

2 The project SOLUTION Start :November 2009 End :October 2014 Four participating communities Cernier - Switzerland Hartberg - Austria Hvar - Croatia Lapua - Finland One associated community Preddvor - Slovenia

3 Main goals 1)To demonstrate that communities can achieve energy independence through: –Energy efficiency –Local production of renewable energy 2) To implement effective and replicable demonstration projects 3) To mobilise private and public resources and to disseminate the lessons of the project

4 Results at the end of year 1

5 Overall progress at the end of year 1

6 Development during year 2 in Cernier Survey about household awareness on energy problems Energy expertise of the most promising buildings City parliament accepted the credit for the model refurbishment of the primary school (refurbishment in 2012) Biogas cogeneration (hog manure and green waste) plant is under construction

7 Development during year 2 in Hartberg Energy efficiency in new and refurbished buildings: planning, simulation, hand-out certificates District heating and polygeneration: mapping of potential sites, SWOT analysis High quality CAES (compressed air electricity storage) for PV: Analysis of the capacity of the generating / storage units, exchange of know-how with WP 1.4 leader EPFL.

8 Development during year 2 in Hvar Energy audits of buildings and selection of objects, several private projects under development Biogas from olive oil waste : testing of temporary location Measurments of solar potential on 2 sites and feasability study

9 Development during year 2 in Lapua Residential area: preparation for construction of new residential area and new school An old apartment building is being transformed into a home for the elderly Wind farm: wind measurements, land planning and environmental studies ongoing Development and demonstration of monitoring and remote management system for Solution communities

10 Development in Preddvor Promotion activities within Solution project Optimisation and enlargement of biomass district heating Building of the new low energy kindergarten Local Energy Concept – in elaboration

11 Thanks for your attention

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