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Car Sales Analysis of monthly sales of light weight vehicles. Laura Pomella Karen Chang Heidi Braunger David Parker Derek Shum Mike Hu.

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Presentation on theme: "Car Sales Analysis of monthly sales of light weight vehicles. Laura Pomella Karen Chang Heidi Braunger David Parker Derek Shum Mike Hu."— Presentation transcript:


2 Car Sales Analysis of monthly sales of light weight vehicles. Laura Pomella Karen Chang Heidi Braunger David Parker Derek Shum Mike Hu

3 Car Sales Overview Slight trend in mean and variance.

4 Car Sales Overview (2) Histogram of Car Sales

5 Trend? Dependent Variable: CARSALES Method: Least Squares Date: 06/01/06 Time: 19:23 Sample: 1976:01 2006:04 Included observations: 364 VariableCoefficientStd. Errort-StatisticProb. TREND0.0127350.00080415.833360.0000 C12.297470.16937872.603490.0000 R-squared0.409168 Mean dependent var14.62159 Adjusted R-squared0.407536 S.D. dependent var2.094847 S.E. of regression1.612439 Akaike info criterion3.798853 Sum squared resid941.1859 Schwarz criterion3.820266 Log likelihood-689.3912 F-statistic250.6953 Durbin-Watson stat0.449535 Prob(F-statistic)0.000000

6 Correlogram of CARSALES Large spike in autocorrelation function at lag one equal to 0.864. Slow decay in ACF suggesting stationary series. Looked to Unit-Root Test for confirmation.

7 Unit-Root Test (2 Lags)

8 Unit-Root Test (3 Lags)

9 Pre-Whitened Series

10 Heteroscedasticity?

11 Histogram of DCARSALES Single-peaked and very kurtotic suggesting conditional heteroscedasticity.

12 Correlogram of DCARSALES

13 Unit-Root Test (1 Lag)

14 First-Differenced Log Did nothing to help with any trend in the variance.


16 ARMA(2,1) Residuals

17 ARMA(2,1) Residuals (2)

18 ARMA(2,1) Residuals (3) Single-peaked, non-normal and very kurtotic suggesting conditional heteroscedasticity.

19 Breusch-Godfrey Test

20 Competing Model - ARMA(2,2)

21 ARMA(2,2) Residuals

22 ARMA(2,2) Residuals (2)

23 ARMA(2,2) Residuals (3) Single-peaked and very kurtotic suggesting conditional heteroscedasticity.

24 Breusch-Godfrey Test – ARMA(2,2)

25 ARCH Test ARCH Test: F-statistic15.90085 Probability0.000081 Obs*R-squared15.30969 Probability0.000091 Test Equation: Dependent Variable: RESID^2 Method: Least Squares Date: 06/01/06 Time: 19:47 Sample(adjusted): 1976:05 2006:04 Included observations: 360 after adjusting endpoints VariableCoefficientStd. Errort-StatisticProb. C0.6840560.1500444.5590230.0000 RESID^2(-1)0.2062200.0517153.9875870.0001 R-squared0.042527 Mean dependent var0.861758 Adjusted R-squared0.039852 S.D. dependent var2.774273 S.E. of regression2.718431 Akaike info criterion4.843526 Sum squared resid2645.572 Schwarz criterion4.865116 Log likelihood-869.8348 F-statistic15.90085 Durbin-Watson stat1.993423 Prob(F-statistic)0.000081

26 GARCH(1,1) with ARMA(2,2)

27 GARCH(1,1) Residuals

28 GARCH(1,1) Residuals (2)

29 GARCH(1,1) Residuals (3) Single-peaked but slightly skewed, non-normal and very kurtotic.

30 GARCH(1,1) Residuals Squared

31 ARCH Test

32 In-Sample Forecast DATEForecastdcarsalesSEFH(t) 5/1/2005 -0.54-0.053540.6218580.386707 6/1/2005 1.18-0.069590.8185470.568173 7/1/2005 2.86-0.006810.9380830.706278 8/1/2005 -3.930.0444271.0162740.811383 9/1/2005 -0.410.0606871.0730350.891373 10/1/2005 -1.640.0553081.1146090.95225 11/1/2005 10.0459071.1451150.99858 12/1/2005 1.450.0408561.1677931.03384 1/1/2006 0.430.0403341.1847781.060674 2/1/2006 -1.030.0416541.1975431.081096 3/1/2006 -0.010.0427931.2071661.096639 4/1/2006 0.150.043181.2144381.108468

33 In-Sample Forecast Plots Forecast and confidence interval for months June 2005 to April 2006.

34 In-Sample Forecast Plots (2)

35 Forecast Through April 2007

36 Forecast Through April 2007 (2)

37 Recolored!

38 G o t C a r ?

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