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1 Find A Funding Opportunity. 2 Find Opportunity & Download Package ALL applications must be submitted in response to a Funding Opportunity Announcement.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Find A Funding Opportunity. 2 Find Opportunity & Download Package ALL applications must be submitted in response to a Funding Opportunity Announcement."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Find A Funding Opportunity

2 2 Find Opportunity & Download Package ALL applications must be submitted in response to a Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) NIH will simultaneously post FOAs in the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts and Find The NIH Guide is located on the Office of Extramural Research Homepage at:

3 3 Investigator – Initiated Research NIH is committed to investigator-initiated research and we want your unsolicited applications! Since all applications must be submitted in response to an FOA – we’ve created “Parent” FOAs Apply using the Parent electronic application package for your chosen mechanism

4 4 Office of Extramural Research New “Parent” FOA page added for quick reference to unsolicited applications.

5 5 Enter search criteria or Select Advanced Search

6 6 Select the FOA number to open the announcement.

7 7 Find Opportunity & Download FOA Within the announcement – Click the Apply for Grant Electronically button This will take you directly to so you may download the package

8 8 Download FOA From

9 9 Download Application & Instructions Important Tip: Sign up to receive notification of changes to the FOA! Download the application and instructions from this location.

10 10 Select “Save” to save the application package to your local hard drive. You will receive a warning message each time you save until all required data is entered.

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