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Software Engineering 1 Provisional Revision Plan.

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1 Software Engineering 1 Provisional Revision Plan

2 The Refinement Process The right answer does not appear immediately.... Rough  Polished General  Specific detail Human  Machine Vague  Clear : Revision as Refinement

3 Learning Outcomes Elicit user requirements Document user requirements using specific notations Design and develop computer-based solutions Comprehend notation used in object oriented analysis and design Apply theory to practical problems. Ability to model and design software systems using a range of specific notations, in particular UML and object oriented design. Understand key aspects of software design including quality principles.

4 Exam Structure Part 1- case study (compulsory) 50% Part 2 – answer 2 questions out of a possible 4 25% each

5 Case study – you need to be able to... Draw a use case diagram and explain notation used. Fill a use case template for a given use case Identify entity classes, attributes and relationships Draw a robustness diagram for a given use case, indicating the control, interface and entity classes involved. Draw an activity OR a sequence diagram for a given use case.

6 Theory questions: Topics covered Software lifecycle UML and the software lifecycle- UML diagrams of different types Object oriented concepts- objects, classes, inheritance, polymorphism

7 Analysis Requirements gathering and Documentation- use case diagrams and templates Requirements analysis- identifying classes and relationships, class stereotypes – class diagrams, robustness diagrams, sequence diagrams, state machine diagrams Approaches to Software re-use Object specification – different methods: pre and postconditions, pseudocode, decision tables etc.

8 Design Software design- principles of software quality, coupling and cohesion, use of a layered model (package diagram) Detailed software design- clean code, coupling and cohesion, layering, detailed class diagrams Design Patterns User interface design Database design/ data access layer

9 Rough Revision Structure Lecture sessions 1.Overview / lifecycle/UML 2. Requirements gathering and analysis 3. Software design principles and application 4. Database and User interface design Tutorial topics (case study work) 1. Drawing use case diagrams and filling use case templates 2.Drawing class diagrams 3.Drawing Sequence diagrams 4.Drawing activity/state machine diagrams

10 Introductory Topics : Sample Questions 1.Discuss in detail the main activities in the software development lifecycle. 2.Compare and contrast some different lifecycle models. 3.What techniques can be used to gather information about the requirements for a proposed system? 4.How can diagramming techniques be used to record such information? Why use them? 5. What is UML? Which UML diagrams be used at different stages in the software lifecycle? 6.Discuss in detail, using examples, the following object oriented design concepts: – Object – Class – Inheritance – Polymorphism

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