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Neutrino Mass Physics at LHC R. N. Mohapatra University of Maryland NO-VE, 2008, Venice
Two broad new kinds of physics for neutrino mass: (i) Why ? (new scale, new particles,..) (ii) Why two mixing angles are so large ? (new flavor symmetries or GUTs ?)
Small neutrino mass and Seesaw mechanism Why ? Seesaw solution: Add right handed neutrinos to SM with Majorana mass: new Breaks B-L : New scale, new symmetry and new physics beyond SM. After electroweak symmetry breaking leads to seesaw formula:
Seesaw Mechanism After Electroweak Sym Breaking mass matrix is given by which gives (type I seesaw) Minkowski,Gell-Mann, Ramond, Slansky,Yanagida,R.N.M.,Senjanovic,Glashow
Seesaw and B-L symmetry SM Higgs boson represents physics of the electroweak symmetry breaking and its discovery will complete understanding of SM symmetry. Seesaw mechanism tells us that there is a new symmetry breaking scale associated with RH neutrino mass: B-L symmetry. This talk discusses how to search for the Higgs fields associated with this symmetry and improve our understanding of B-L symmetry.
Testing the seesaw idea and B-L symmetry. Important for testing seesaw are two considerations: (i) How big is the seesaw or B-L scale ? (ii) What is the new physics associated with this new scale ? –are there new forces, new Higgs fields, etc ?
Seesaw with no new forces at LHC If there is no new interaction : Only way to test seesaw is to produce N; This can happen only through mixing if is in sub-TeV range and further only if mixing is > ( del Aguila,Aguilar-Savedra, Pittau; Han, Zhang…) – However Tiny and 100 GeV implies and ; can only be large under highly contrived cases: (Kersten, Smirnov) ; Unlikely to test seesaw this way!
Situation changes drastically with new interactions: With new gauge forces coupled to RH neutrinos, seesaw can be tested despite tiny ; A simple possibility is where there is a B-L gauge force coupling to matter as part of an gauge symmetry. RH neutrino mass in this case is associated with the breaking of this new symmetry. This provides new signals for seesaw at LHC.
Two well motivated scenarios: (i) Large Grand unification is an independently well motivated hypothesis which suggests for Yukawa coupings: implying GeV Gauge coupling unification scale High scale seesaw goes well with GUT s; e.g. SO(10). However in this case, few signals of seesaw: One direct test is search for assuming susy ! GUTs have problems too: doublet triplet splitting; vs
Lower scale non-GUT type seesaw: Subject of this talk: (ii) Small Yukawas: Note the dependence of in the seesaw formula compared to linear on for ; so not too small Yukawas can lead to e.g. Implies seesaw or B-L physics scale in few TeV range. In general scale far below GUT scale- Simple example is - low scale left-right model.
SUSY LR attractive for other reasons: Supersymmetric left-right model: (i) Expialns the origin of parity violation: (ii) Solves gauge hierarchy problem (as in MSSM); (iii) Gives automatic R-parity (unlike MSSM) and hence natural neutralino dark matter and naturally stable proton. (iv) Solves susy CP and strong CP problem (unlike MSSM). (v) Helps in understanding a supersymmetry breaking mechanism (unlike MSSM).
SUSYLR DETAILS: Gauge group : Fermion assignment Higgs fields (R.N.M., Senjanovic, 79)
Detailed Higgs content and Sym Breaking Break symmetry and give fermion masses
SUSY essential for lower scale left-right seesaw Without SUSY neutrino mass too large since v_L~GeV. (type I+II seesaw), SUSY implies ; (pure type I seesaw) nu-mass in the eV range even for TeV seesaw.
SUSY breaking constraints and sub-TeV - Higgs An important question in supersymmetry is: how is supersymmetry broken ? Scenarios: (i) Minimal Supergravity: FCNC problem (ii) Gauge mediation (needs many particles, does not have cold dark matter etc.) (iii) Anomaly mediation: (potential to solve both these problems.)(Randall, Sundrum; Giudice, Luty, Murayama, Rattazzi) Consistency of case iii with electric charge conservation requires sub-TeV - Higgs
Two cases with LHC signal (i) Multi-TeV scale WR: In this case, Sub-TeV to TeV scale WR, Z’, which can be searched for in colliders: (ii) Higher scale B-L (or WR): New result: If, one will have in the sub-TeV range and observable. Searching for Higgses can probe B-L scale upto.
LHC signals of TeV mass WR case: (A) Looking for TeV scale at LHC : Signal: Very little background; already used in D0, CDF ; Present limits: 780 GeV (Keung, Senjanovic, 83) (Does not depend on ) LHC reach 4 TeV (Azuelos et al)
(B): New Relaxed Upper bound on light Higgs mass MSSM: Light Higgs mass: GeV For Low scale WR, new contribution from D- term+ 1-loop Zhang,RNM,Ji,An arXiv:0804.0268
TeV and Higher scale Seesaw and Higgs A generic prediction of all these models: doubly charged Higgs and Higgsinos, triplet Higgses (, )in the TeV range – without fine tuning. Different from triplet Higgs of type II seesaw models discussed in Perez,Han, Huang, Wang,Li, Si, Akeroyd,Aoki, Sugiyama; …… Different from usual SUSY models which only have neutral and singly charged Higgs
Doubly charged Higgs: Very different from known Higgs in that it couples only to leptons and not to quarks: Coupling not small. One coupling to left and another to the right sector: Both decay to lepton pairs (from coupling) For left Delta,
Difference from type II models In type II models, it is only the triplet that is present; its coupling f to leptons depends on the =v since So only for eV vev for f is measurable; Pro: it tracks neutrino mass matrices; Measuring different branching ratios gives neutrino mass matrix Con: such small vevs come out naturally only if triplets are superheavy and beyond the reach of LHC. One needs to do a severe fine tuning (~ ) The models I discuss are not fine tuned:
Difference of type II models from type I: Type II: decays: Whereas for type I models we discuss:
Present lower bounds on doubly charged Higgs mass: Drell-Yan pair production main mechanism at hadron colliders: Signal: pp --> or all muon Collider: CDF, D0: GeV HERA > 141 GeV Low energy: Muonium-anti-muonium osc. (PSI) For, M++ >250 GeV. g-2 of muon: 100 GeV order.
Production process: Drell-Yan via exchange; Signal: peak in like sign lepton invariant mass plot for double charged case; trilepton + missing E in case.
LHC prospects: Gunion, Loomis and Petit; Akyroid, Aoki; Azuelos et al., Mukhopadhyaya,Han,Wang,Si; Huitu,Malaampi,Raidal; Dutta.. Main Bg ZZ production: LHC Mass Reach ~TeV with 300 fb^-1.
Doubly charged Higgs reach: Muonium-anti-muonium can provide better probe for some models: If SUSY is broken by anomalies: and also M < 10 TeV. Lower limit on PRISM expt. Reach:
Doubly charged Higgs at Collider collider at 1 TeV cm E can probe doubly charged Higgs upto 900 GeV mass. (Mukhopadhyay, S. Rai) The relevant processes:
Singly charged signal Properties of singly charged different from MSSM singly charged couples only to leptons- has L=2 Present bound on mass comes from wrong kind of muon decay: and nuTeV expt looking for
Bounds on NuTeV bound (Formaggio et al, 2001) Mass bound in 100 GeV range for reasonable values of f-couplings. New proposal NUSONG expt (Conrad et al. 2007) will improve this limit by a factor of 4.
AT LHC LHC signal: pp + missing E K. Wang et al.
Why are naturally light even for high scale seesaw ? (i) If LR scale is less than few TeV, clearly these Higgs can have in the sub-TeV mass. (ii) For higher scale seesaw accidental global symmetry leads to sub-TeV as long as or less. (iii) If SUSY is broken by anomaly mediation, these fields with sub-TeV to TeV masses become essential to avoid electric charge non-conservation. Strongest case for light.
Basic point is the constraint of supersymmetry: SM Minimum corresponds to: Conserves electric charge. Higgs mass prop to and hence Higgs mass arbitrary. Bring in Supersymmetry: and hence an upper limit on Higgs mass <130 GeV. For SUSYLR seesaw models, SUSY constrains the Higgs potential so much that Necessary consequence is light below 10 TeV. Otherwise, electric charge broken by vacuum.
Light Higgs for High seesaw scale Naïve logic: Higgs mass is of the order of symmetry breaking scale; breaks down when there are accidental symmetries. SUSYLR superpotential: Has U(6,c) global symmetry which breaks down to U(5,c) (in the absence of higher dim term.) eleven massless complex Higgs bosons: 3 absorbed in gauge sym. breaking from SU(2)xU(1) to U(1). Eight left are two doubly charged Higgs bosons and two SM triplets;
How do get masses ? The nonrenormalizable term Where could be the new physics scale above WR scale or Planck scale. Breaks this enhanced global symmetry and give mass to fields. Mass is of order: ; implying for Delta mass sub- TeV. (Aulakh, Melfo, Senjanovic; Chacko, RNM, 97) Observation of probes seesaw scale far below GUT scale.
Anomaly mediation and light So for the case of MSSM+AMSB, slepton mass squares negative-vacuum breaks electric charge: Squark and slepton masses in AMSB:
Slepton masses in SUSYLR +AMSB Where f is the Yukawa coupling and g is the generic gauge coupling: slepton masses become positive if SUSYLR cures the tachyonic slepton problem of AMSB without fine tuning assumptions: (Setzer, Spinner, RNM, Phys. Rev. D and arXiv:0802.1208- JHEP )
Limit on Higgs mass, couplings from detailed study: For AMSB cure to work, we must have (i) (ii) ;also triplets. This implies Prism proposal:
Bunched Sparticle spectrum
Summary and Conclusion: Minimal SUSY seesaw in conjunction with a way to understand SUSY breaking (AMSB) predicts the existence of sub-TeV They can be observable in LHC as well as in muonium-anti-muonium oscillation experiments. In particular it predicts: Search for Delta Higgses can probe seesaw below
Summary and Conclusion: (i) < few TeVs or (ii) > GeV ; (iii) If SUSY is broken by anomaly mediation, then GeV (iii) In these models, there are 100 GeV to TeV scale SU(2)-triplet and doubly charged Higgs fields. (iv) Case (i)- Upward shift of light Higgs mass
Range of Double charged Higgs masses Upper limit for AMSB to work: Lower limit on muonium-anti-muonium oscillation amplitude for this model (PSI) Higher precision search for important. TeV scale WR models have many collider tests: e.g. Higher Higgs mass, like sign dilepton events and of course sub-TeV scale doubly charged Higgs
Dark matter issue: Neutralino unstable ! But gravitino though unstable due to R-P breaking but still quite long lived to be dark matter: Decay diagram: Longer than the age of the universe ! (Ibarra, et al)
Displaced vertices: Neutralino decays but with a nano to pico sec. lifetime; hence leads to displaced vertices: (Zhang, Nussinov, et al. to appear)
Constraints on WR in SUSYLR : Theory details Higgs superfields break SU(2)_R V=V_F+V_D+V_S (V_F,V_D >0) Look for minimum of the potential
What is the smallest value of the D-term ? When is =0 Since in general If RP conserved i.e. V is minimum when V_D vanishes and that occurs when: since But this breaks electric charge !
Charge conservation -> RP violation So only choice left to get a charge conserving minimum is when It breaks R-parity and Lepton number but not Baryon number. So proton stability is guaranteed. Corollary: Seesaw scale has an upper limit of a few TeV. (Kuchimanchi, RNM, 95)
Why GeV ? As the seesaw scale increases, higher dim terms in superpotential become important : restore R-parity and give a stable charge conserving vacuum: Typically, they are (if no new physics till Planck- otherwise replace by new Phys scale) + Lower limit on WR when above terms are of order weak scale i.e. >
How do they get masses ? The second nonrenormalizable term breaks this enhanced global symmetry and give mass to fields. Mass is of order: ; LEP bound then implies GeV implying v_R (Aulakh, Melfo, Senjanovic; Chacko, RNM, 97)
Range of Double charged Higgs masses Upper limit for AMSB to work: Lower limit on muonium-anti-muonium oscillation amplitude for this model (PSI) Higher precision search for important.
LHC signals of low scale seesaw (i) TeV scale : Signal: Very little background; already used in D0, CDF ; Present limits: 780 GeV (Keung, Senjanovic, 83) (ii) I will focus on Higgs boson tests
Signals for TeV scale WR’s etc. First issue: Is there a dark matter ? Yes. It is the gravitino; it is unstable due to R-P breaking but still quite long lived. Decay diagram: Longer than the age of the universe !
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